Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A trip to Baton Rouge!

This past weekend we went to visit Daphne in Baton Rouge. We love going to see her and were excited to see her new house! The last time we went she had gotten a dog, and the kids had a difficult time as they are very scared of dogs. I prayed and prayed that they would be able to manage better this time, and to my relief, they did much better!

It took us almost 6 hours to get there as there was an accident that closed the roads, but when we got there, we hung out, went for a walk, and watched the movie "Wonder" with the kids.
The next morning, we went to a new children's museum, called "Knock Knock."
The kids had a good time. Cavin was excited to fish!
Our experienced shopper!
Ella will find art, wherever she is!
We found Daphne's turtle!
This monkey puzzle was fun to do! 
Channing was cooking for Daphne!
Deacon is always on the move!
We had a fun time, and Channing came home and wouldn't leave poor Cortex alone. She was really brave and warmed up to him. We had hamburgers and made homemade icecream which was great.
We also went to the observatory in the evening which was a little anticlimactic!
Deacon enjoyed looking at the planets.

We got to go outside and look through a telescope to see a star, but then it got too overcast.
We also practiced using my TYME iron on our hair ;) If only it wasn't so humid!
The crew with Cortex. I'm glad the kids did better and we were able to co-exist in the same room together. It made for a much more pleasant visit. Cavin's allergies were bothering him more toward the end, and sadly there isn't much we can do about that, but we are glad we got to make a visit.

A little update..

I have been a little behind on the blog as it's been over a month since I've posted. Here is a little of what we have been up to.

We had our first "snow day" out of school that I can remember on January 16th. They cancelled school for a couple days because of ice on the roads. The kids were really excited to see snow.
It is very rare that this would happen in Houston. We flood and then 6 months later have unusual snow. The kids played in it until their fingers froze.
We clearly do not have the proper equipment to play in the snow.
We got to turn on the fireplace which only happens a couple times a year. They loved the snow, but didn't love having to stay home from school for several days as now they have to make up the days later in the year.

Crew and Deacon got to have a play date with grandpa and grandma at Altitude, a trampoline park. They enjoyed that.
Crew always has the silliest poses for pictures!

February 8th the Winter Olympics 2018 began. We love the Olympics and the chance to watch incredible athletes. I let the kids invite a few friends over and we celebrated watching the opening ceremony.
We made our usual Gold medal treats.
 As well as our torches.
The kids made these flags weeks ago and love to put them up each time.

The weekend following was very busy. 
Ella participated in her first solo and ensemble with Timberwood Middle School.
She started with an ensemble with some of her classmates.
She did a great job. Then she performed her solo. She scored a 1 on both which is the highest score so she was very excited.

Cavin also had his YMCA basketball tournament. He missed the first game due to his cousins baptism, but then he made it to the championship game where he played hard!
He got lots of rebounds and he was known as the rebound king this season. Unfortunately, they lost by 7 points.

Also that weekend, we got to witness Coleton get baptized.
I was very grateful that Cavin chose to be at his cousins baptism as he said it was more important that the first basketball game and he said it only happens once. I was proud of him for putting family first.
I am glad that Coleton decided to be baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and so grateful we got to be there with them. 

The next day, Cai was blessed. It was fun to be there to witness two of their special events in Chris' family.
The kids sure love their cousins and that makes me happy!