Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Channing started Pre-school!

I have never really been a big fan of preschool. I think it's great for some children and families, but I want my kiddos home! I only get 5 years until they are in school and I want every second! I did a simple Joy School with Ella and Cavin, but let's be wasn't that "Joyful". Ella and Cavin have always done really well with academics and knew how to read going into Kindergarten. I know you can't compare your children, but Channing is very different from the other two. She is very logical, but doesn't have a great start on her letters or have as much interest in learning. I try and go over them with her, but they don't seem to be sticking! 
My friend told me about a lady who does a preschool out of her home each year. She has a full curriculum and only allows 6 kids each year that are going into kindergarten next year. I looked into it and felt like it would be perfect for Channing. It is still very small and simple, only 2 days a week, yet she has field trips and evaluations and I think it will be great for her. She is so outgoing and chatty at home, but won't say a word to other people. I am hoping that she can catch on to her letters and sounds and be able to really feel comfortable communicating with her teacher and peers. 
I got to take her friend Cheyanne on the first day! They could hardly wait to get in the car!
She wanted to pick her outfit and hairdo! On the way there she said her tummy felt funny. I think it was the first time she has been nervous.
Here is her preschool room and her teacher Miss Lindsay! She has been talking about her all summer since we signed up in February! I have heard great things about her and she is a member of our church, so I know she will be teaching similar values that I would! Even more fun for Channing, her class ended up being all girls! She has two of her friends, Cheyanne and Ellie and then 3 new friends she can get to know, Peyton, Kaitlin, and Jayne! I'm so excited for her! So far she has LOVED the first two days!

Weekend Fun!!!

This past weekend we had a great time! We got to do a couple fun events that the kids seem to enjoy! First we had the Eagle Springs Elementary Fundraiser at the school. It was a Color Fun Run! It was very simple, after all it was a fundraiser, but the kids were able to raise some money for the 4th grade field trip to Austin that Ella will attend this year!
We walked to the school since it's only a half mile away and this was our view! I love it! Ella and Cavin wanted to lead the way, they are such good friends! 
We ran a few laps around the school and then we had the color fight!
I stayed far enough away with Deacon, but the kids had a blast.
 Nice and messy!
 A nice bath was in order!
I'm glad we got to promote some fitness and have a fun time together!

The next day we got to go to the Houston Dynamo soccer game. We left Deacon home with a sitter as the game started really late. It was a fun game and Ragnar was able to get us great seats!
Thankfully we didn't get hit by the ball!
The kids held their attention and it was fun to be so close to the players.
They gave the kids these signs which they played with the whole time!
Fun night together! It was weird with out our little blue eyed baby, but it is much easier to enjoy yourself!

We ended the weekend with a busy Sunday with church responsibilities, but the kids found fun things to do!
These legos are back from Ragnar's childhood days in Germany! His mom brought them here and the kids love them!