Sunday, April 26, 2015

Channing is 4!!

This last week our little girl turned 4! She was so excited and ended up being the birthday diva I figured she would be ;) Everyone or anything revolved around her "because it's my birthday". Towards the end of the day we had to adjust that theory a little as she started getting bossy and cranky. Overall I think she had a great day and I hope she felt loved and special!
She started her day off with our traditional donut!
She opened one of her presents really early because I wanted her to be able to wear it to her tea party with her friends.
She got her Sophia dress and amulet that she has been begging us for. At 10:00 I let her invite 4 friends over for a tea party play date. They came dressed up and were adorable. 4 is so far one of my favorite ages with my kids.
Cheyanne came dressed as Pocahontas and I was proud of her. She is not one to dress up so I was grateful she indulged Channing's birthday wish.
Jane is a cute curly hair Elsa :)
Channing was so excited as her friends showed up!
Kenzie was dressed up as Cinderella.
We started by decorated our princess crowns.
Then we went to a balloon game! 
Then it was time for making jewelry!
.....The tea party! Deacon got to be their prince and join in.
Next was presents!
Here are all the sweet girls who made Channing's day special. I didn't get a picture of just Mallory and Channing because that girl can craft! She hardly left the table ;)
After her party we rested before her family party began and her Aunts and Grandma and cousins came.
She got to play with her sweet cousin Charlotte who we are so happy moved here this week!
Everyone was drenched with sweat from the trampoline!
Pizza party!
 Such sweaty kiddos!
I am so glad they will have cousins close to enjoy celebrations with.
Present fun!
Pink cupcakes!!
We sure love this little orange headed girl. She adds a lot of "flavor" to our family. She loves Sophia the first, Frozen, puzzles, playdoh, coloring/painting, and being the best boss ever! She loves to help me clean and never lets me do something without offering to "help". She is very logical and can already talk back pretty successfully. She does not like to be dirty, but loves to make sure everything is in its proper order. She will not go to bed without flossing (lesson for her mother ;)) She loves to sing and sing and sing and talk and talk and talk. Her poor brother is ready for a different roommate as she hates when he falls asleep before her so she yells his name to try and wake him up and wakes him up in the morning when she does...which is early for our early riser. She doesn't love naps which is new for me since all my kids napped until kindergarten. She still will do it pretty often but definitely doesn't need as much sleep as her siblings. When we go somewhere she will often ask me why someone is doing something that doesn't make sense...half the time I wonder myself. She does not like her hair to be called is orange. She is a sassy little thing, but fairly obedient and we sure do love her. She keeps things interesting. We are so glad for the 4 years we have had a chance to be her parents and watch her grow.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Frog and Toad

At Eagle Springs Elementary each grade, except Kindergarten, has a musical and the first grade musical is called Frog and Toad. Cavin was excited to do his part with his class.
Cavin is in Ms. Carpenters class so he sang "Down the Hill" and he was his cute goofy self.
We love our little guy and are so proud of him for working hard!

Disney's Frozen on Ice

We purchased Disney's Frozen on Ice tickets a while ago and we were excited the day finally came to use them. My mom was a gem and came and watched Deacon while we went with the other 3 other kids. It was a great help because the show didn't even start til after his bedtime and it was pouring rain when we left the stadium.
Channing was by far the most excited and she talked through the whole thing (as usual ;))
Cute kiddos!
The show began!!
We had such a great time and there were so many pictures. The kids loved running to the car after in the rain. They were champs and ran fast and it was a fun addition to the memory. We missed having Deacon with us and the kids kept saying it felt weird without him. It did, we love our little guy. We love Frozen and all of Disney even more.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Cavin's 7th Birthday!

For months and months all Cavin has said he wants for his birthday was to have his cousin John, who he idolizes, come for his birthday. I kept saying over and over yeah, that would be fun, but what do you want instead, thinking that could never happen. Well I mentioned his obsession to my brother and much to my surprise some of his Spring Break coincided with Cavin's birthday and a flight was booked! Cavin was SOOOOO excited! We had an extended celebration for a few days since his cousin was here and his birthday was on Sunday and we don't really do a whole lot besides church on Sunday.
Here is Cavin with his buddy. He is only 7 years older ;)
Saturday we went to Cavin's soccer game and he did great and scored 3 goals and had a fun time. Then after the game we went to Culvers to eat, then we went off to bowling since it was raining so we couldn't go miniature golfing.
Cavin was excited to be there and the bowling alley was remodeled so it looked great.
 Here are the kiddos having fun!
Silly faces!
We had a fun time bowling. We went off to Bahama bucks later but I forgot my phone for a picture. Unfortunately on Sunday morning John woke up with the stomach bug so Cavin's actual birthday was kind of a wash for his cousin, but thankfully the bug was short lived and he felt better soon. The rest of us tried to enjoy it without him, but Cavin was sad he couldn't play much.
 He happily waited for his cake to cook....
Then licked the bowl clean.
This how Cavin feels about birthdays!
 We opened presents and he got the things on his list so he was pretty excited.
 He got some minecraft legos. He loves Minecraft and is trying to get into legos since all his cousins are, but he still was way more interested in the marble race and was happy to let his master cousin build the set.
Marble race!
He chose a red velvet cake!
Our happy little seven year old!
Cavin is still a quiet natured boy. He is not the normal rough houser. He doesn't like to wrestle or play tough. He likes to do anything related to soccer, especially play it. He loves minecraft, reading magic tree house books, numbers, watching sports with his father and memorizing statistics (the other day he was talking to Ragnar about a game we went to and he remembered the exact score and most of the statistics related to it even though it was a couple months ago), he loves to do crafts and draw pictures, he loves to play the wii, he gets super sweaty but only from his head so he is always dripping after school. His favorite food is still macaroni and cheese but he wanted my taquitos I make for his birthday dinner. He loves the color green and turtles and beanie boos. Most of all, he adores his brother Deacon. He still has the adorable laugh we all love and a smirk that will make anyone smile. We sure love our boy!