Wednesday, October 8, 2014

2 months and counting...

Deacon is now 2 months old and 11 lbs 14 ozs, so he is finally growing strong! He is a pretty good baby and he sleeps through the night most nights which is very wonderful for his mother! He is starting to coo and smile and we love it! He is always looking up in the sky, it's funny...he is always looking at the fans or the lights and loves music. Mostly only when his dad sings to him though ;)
Time is flying by! 
This picture was the first picture I got on camera of him half smiling ;) 
 He has a cute dimple I was trying to capture.
Some of these pictures he looks like his father and some he looks more like Cavin's baby pictures.  
This picture melts my heart! This was one morning when all the kids woke up early before school. They love to see him and were so excited to wish him a good morning! These are the moments that make everything all worth it!

September Fun!

September was a busy month! We had a lot going on and we had some fun times with family. 
Cavin started his 4th season of soccer and returned to the same team with Coach Steve and Coach Tory. He moved onto the big fields and is now with the Black Bulls and wants to be #10 like his dad was all growing up. He sure loves it!
Ragnar had his 37th birthday. The man is still so young at heart....I am pretty sure no matter how old he gets that will be the case ;)
My sister came to stay with us while my parents went on a cruise and we enjoyed having her. She was very helpful around the house and she read Channing lots of books and played many games. It was fun to have her around. 
Natalie accompanied Ella and I to Ella's first Women's Broadcast of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Ella sang prelude music with her A Days class and she loved being there. We went to an Italian Restaurant called Christopher's first and had a nice evening!
I can't believe she is old enough to come with me now!
We also got to spend an hour and a half with this awesome lady who kindly took a layover through Houston on her way to Russia to meet our little Deacon and see everyone! We love Daphne! 
We had a quick lunch! 
Looks like a lot of food, but that was a really small table for 6 people to eat on! 
Aunt Daphne meeting Deacon for the first time! So sweet!(Ella with the photo bomb!) 
She ended up having to leave out of a different terminal, so the kids loved riding the train around the airport! 
It was a very short but sweet visit and we really appreciated her taking the time!