Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Swim Lessons

This summer I decided to put the kids in swim lessons for a couple weeks everyday to help them improve their swimming. I feel like learning to swim is a life skill that is necessary and I wanted them to really learn! Ella knows how to swim but I wanted her to perfect her breathing and strokes. Cavin is pretty oblivious and he gets around by paddling but he goes under the water and thinks he has unlimited time before he has to come back up. He is the one who definitely needed the help! We took them to a pool close to us and I felt like the facility did a pretty good job teaching and the kids loved it.
They are in love with their goggles and for some reason anytime we are near water they want them on!
Cavin was nervous about lessons at first. He was afraid he would drown. I assured him at swim lessons they wouldn't let him drown. My favorite thing about Cavin is although he is scared of several things, it does not usually stop him for going forward and trying. Thankfully he didn't drown and I could keep my promise!
 Teaching him all sorts of things above water before they go in.
 His favorite part was at the end of each class they would let them go off the diving board.
He is doing pretty well, but he needs some practice still. I felt like it was well worth the money though.
Ella waiting her turn. Her class was a little bigger.
First success across the short length of the pool.
 She loves backstroke best even if she goes pretty crooked!
 Her instructor was pretty good at helping her learn the strokes.
They advanced to swimming the long length of the pool and she was pretty tired after each time! They had a good couple weeks and were really excited to go each morning and it was a great start to the summer!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sweet and Sassy Girls Day!

Stacey and I have been friends for years and both of our oldest girls were born in May so we thought it would be fun to take them out for a fun mother daughter date to Sweet and Sassy for their birthdays! After all the craziness of life about a month after their birthdays we made it happen. The girls were super excited and Ella, even after only having been here once for a party, loves that place. The girls got their nails done, makeup, hair done, and got to walk the run way. 
Just finished nails and some makeup, now on to hair!
The finished product before the glitter was added ;)
 She even got glitter hearts on her face...
Walking the runway!
Aren't they pretty girls! They loved it and Stacey and I were happy to chat while they got all dolled up! I was even more glad it was Ella and not me :) Still learning the life of priss and glam....
Afterward we went to Sam Moon and got the girls a necklace and then went to BJ's for lunch. 
We had fun and I'm glad the girls are friends, it makes it much easier for Stacey and I to keep "playing" as well. Can't beat having a best friend around. I hope our kids will always know the importance of a loyal friend!


In honor of the last day of school and the world cup this month, we decided to take the kids to a Houston Dynamo soccer game last Friday night. Most people know the boys in our family are in love with (or should I say obsessed) with soccer. Cavin has loved every minute of talking about, playing, or watching soccer and thus the girls and I enjoy a game or two as well. 
It was warm but for Houston in June it was fairly pleasant outside especially when the sun went down and there was a light breeze. 
Channing mostly walked around since we were in the front row of our section and made sure the mascot was far away.
We had a fun family night and we are so excited about the World Cup which has started and been playing non-stop in our home! Go Germany and USA!!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Visit from the Crew

We were lucky enough to have Ragnar's parents from Germany, and two sisters who live in Utah and one of their sons come to Texas for Ella's baptism. We were so grateful they took the time to support Ella in her decision and take time away from work and school. We enjoyed our time playing and catching up with one another. Here are a couple pictures from the weekend.
Cavin and Jonas played Tipp Kick which was Ragnar's favorite game growing up!
We tried to teach everyone a new game...it was somewhat successful ;)
We played Ladder Golf
We jumped on the trampoline....
Oma gave Channing a makeover! She got to wear mascara and lipstick and was in heaven with her "clip on" earrings that she loved wearing!
On May 26, 2014, Memorial Day it was Ragnar's father's birthday! We had our traditional breakfast donut! Then we went to IHOP to eat some more! We then went to the pool which was CRAZY crowded and then my parents and sister came to join us for a BBQ to celebrate Hellmut's birthday!
 Dads catching up!
Aunt Natalie observing the chaos!
Ella was "helping" Daphne cut the watermelon...um not so much...
 Happy 67th! We are so glad we got to celebrate it with him!
After dinner....wii time....
They've got some good moves!
Didn't get a picture of Daphne dancing with Ella, but she's got some pretty impressive moves and taught her an EFY dance that Ella is still dancing to!
The weekend went really quick and Tuesday came and it was sad to see everyone go. Ragnar's family doesn't do so well with goodbyes....the tears start flowing... Here he is with his mother.
 Father and son.
 Nothing like your parents!
Sister love....
 Only 2 of the 4 sisters. We missed the other two in Europe.
 And don't forget Jonas. The other kids were already at school, but had a great time playing with their cousin!
We were so grateful they came and it is always great to see everyone. Daphne was able to stay a few extra days, so we hung out and went to an Astros baseball game Thursday night.
As long as the little green mascot above...not sure his name, was far away Channing had fun..if he came anywhere near us...oh dear you would have thought she was dying!
We love our Aunt Daphne!
 We didn't stay for too long with it being a school night and having the kids with us. Although it was a pretty nice night out for Houston, you would have thought the kids were dying of heat the way they gulped up water at every drinking fountain!
Go Astros!
It was a really fun week and I am glad that we got to be around family and that they were able to come. We sure do have a wonderful family on both sides and we feel very lucky!