Monday, March 17, 2014

Spring Break 2014

I just love Spring Break. It's so nice to be able to have the kids home for a week and do whatever we want to do. I always love that Spring Break in Texas has always fallen on my birthday week so we got to spend time with family and celebrate. Monday and Tuesday we had play dates at the park and went to a "Fairy Enchanted Forest Festival" at the library and enjoyed being outside. On Wednesday we left for our "stay-cation" to my parents house for 3 days. We were able to go with my parents and sister Natalie to the "Lego" movie and Cavin and Ella seemed to love it. I however wouldn't mind if I never saw it again ;) We then went to Los Cucos for a birthday dinner and it was yummy! Thursday we took the kids to the Livestock/Carnival part of rodeo and we enjoy doing that each year.

We got to take the shuttle bus over after we parked and the kids were pretty excited about that ride :)
The kids' favorite thing is the "Farmers Market" where they get to pretend they are farmers and plant a seed, milk a cow, collect eggs from a chicken...etc and at the end they earn money and turn it in at the "store" for a treat.
Ella planting her tomato seed and watering it.
The girls with their baskets they are filling.
Ella and Cavin milking the "cow"
Everything is more fun with Aunt Natalie!
Next we went to the "Pig Races" and the kids love these. We cheered our favorite pig on!
 Grandma and Channing with her cheesy grin :)
Anyone look like they are ready for lunch??!!??
Next we went to the Carnival and rode a few rides. I gave each child 10 tickets and they could spend them how they chose. Ella has a tendency to think she can win and always is hopeful so even after much warning she spent all her tickets on a carnival balloon game hoping to win a stuffed animal and she lost and was sad she had no tickets for the rides...hopefully one day she will learn.
Cavin and Channing went on a couple rides and I LOVE this picture because it describes Cavin's personality toward his sisters. He is so sweet and just loves to make sure they are happy.
First the tractor and now the motorcycle!
Channing spent the remainder of  the day on my dad's shoulders as Cavin was too pooped to walk and wasn't feeling well. By the end my dad's hair was nice and groomed from her hands running through it ;)

After the Rodeo and the LONG drive home through the traffic, we came home and my dad started up the fire pit and we had hotdogs and smores.
 The kids played bubbles and balls while waiting for dinner!
Roasting marshmallows for our "smores"
Ella and my dad got marshmallow everywhere! YUM!
Cavin has a pretty good marshmallow face too!
Since we didn't already have enough treats, we celebrated my birthday and opened presents.
Friday we took the kids for a picnic in the park and it was a beautiful day. There were bees around us at lunchtime and Channing and Cavin were not too fond of our picnic friends.
That evening my mom, Natalie, and I went back to the Rodeo for the rest of the livestock show and the concert to see Keith Urban. It took us almost 2 hours in traffic to get there and 2 hours to get home. Although it was fun, sitting in the car kinda put a damper on it! 
We still enjoyed a night out...a very late night out!
Saturday I got to go out with some friends to the Cheesecake factory and celebrate my birthday which was a lot of fun, wish I remembered to take a picture. My best friend Stacey wanted to make sure I had my breakfast birthday donuts since it was gonna be Sunday, so she brought me some :)
Aren't they cute!
On my actual birthday, Sunday, my parents came to our house and ate and we had more cheesecake! 
It was a fun week and I am lucky to have a wonderful family to spend holidays with. I know we won't always be able to live close, so I am so grateful that my kids get to know their grandparents and have someone to spend days off of school with. As you can see Ragnar was not in any of the pictures, the Rockets season is winding down and he is busy at work. I am even more grateful to have parents close to step in when Ragnar is gone. Ragnar was kind enough to hang with the kids on Friday night and Saturday night while I played and I am grateful for everyone's kindness in making it a fun birthday and a great week with the kids!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Destination Imagination

This year Ella was chosen by her school to be a part of the club Destination Imagination. This is the first year Eagle Springs Elementary participated and Ella was excited to be chosen as 1 of the 9 kids from grades K-2. They have been practicing since November for their competition on March 1, 2014. The kids were given a theme "circus" and had to decide what type of circus they were going to perform and how to make the props, costumes, dialogue, ect. They were guided by Ella's first grade teacher Mrs. Petzold and the second grade teacher Mrs. Moreau. They met after school each week and put together this cute little performance. It was simple, but Ella loved being a part of the group and she was so excited to go each week.
The kids decided they wanted their team name to be "Smarties". One of the kids moms made the girls a "Smartie" headband to wear! Here she is on her way to perform!
Here she is at Humble High School which I went to as a teenager. It was a little strange to have her there!
Here they are gathering as a team!
The kids weren't supposed to have any help from the teachers, so the kids painted the clown faces on and helped with costumes.
Here they are practicing. They decided on a book circus, so they did different genres of books, Ella's book was Fairy Tales.
There were lots of much older students competing, so it was fun to see our cute little ones getting excited and showing what little creative minds can think of. 
 They did great! Their performance was simple and only about 6 min long, but at that age everyone got a medal for participating and they were happy enough about that! I am glad she was able to participate! She was grateful her Aunt Natalie and Grandma Speers could come watch and unfortunately Cavin had a soccer game at the same time, so we got it on video for the others! Way to go Ella!

Trampoline Fun!

Ragnar loves to take what I consider "random" pictures and he wanted me to blog about the kids having fun on the trampoline! So here are the little crazies!
Channing "the girl on fire". Her hair was going crazy!!! Hahaha!
I won't even tell you HOW many interesting pictures he took, but apparently they thought it was pretty funny!

Spring Soccer 2014

I didn't know it was possible to pass on such a passion for a sport through our "gene" pool, but apparently much to Ragnar's delight, Cavin has picked up his love for soccer. He walks, talks, and breathes soccer! He could not wait til the next season started. He was excited that 7 of the 11 players on his team returned to the team and he is loving it! The weather has been "spring-ish" and so a lot of practices have been cancelled due to rain, but he is busy outside in the backyard practicing on the soccer goal his Oma and Opa bought him for Christmas!
I couldn't get a decent picture because he kept asking if it was time to go ;). This year he is the Orange Broncos and he wanted to upgrade from being 8 the last two seasons to being 9??!!
He is doing SO much better than last year and is getting really good at the concept of the game. He knows when it's a corner kick and his control of the ball is getting much better. It's fun to watch him!
And this is what his sisters do while he is playing...collect "flowers"....also known as weeds! Channing throws in an occasional, go Cavin go!!

Monster Trucks!

Cavin and Ragnar went to the Monster Jam Rally at the beginning of February and Cavin was really looking forward to it. He went last year with Ragnar and still talks about it being one of his favorite father/son dates. This year he got to go with his good friend Ty and his dad. They were pretty excited.
Ready for dinner and their adventure!
 I am always surprised that Cavin likes to go as he hates loud noises and pretty much everywhere we go he covers his ears. These earphones definitely helped though!
His favorite car last year and this year was "Grave Digger", although in the millions of pictures Ragnar took, I couldn't figure out which one actually was grave digger ;)
Here is Cavin with Ty and his dad! Popcorn makes every show better!
Having fun with friends! Ragnar said they were both completely asleep on the drive home! Too much excitement at 5!