Friday, November 8, 2013

Halloween Day 2013

This year the week of Halloween was so wet!! It had been raining all day so we were pretty sure that we wouldn't be able to go trick or treating. Then, a couple hours before time for trick or treating the rain stopped and we got to go. The kids were pretty excited!
Here is our little Dorothy. She had Toto in her basket ;)
Here is Ella as Ella the Rose Fairy from her favorite "Rainbow Magic" books. She is CONSTANTLY reading them and there are tons of them in the series.
Beautiful girl!!
Our SpiderMan here to save us!
Here are the cuties ready to go trick or treating!!
My sister Natalie and my mom came and spent the afternoon with us and endured the trick or treating fun! Thanks!
We walked around the neighborhood with our neighbor Katie who is Ella's friend. They had a good time...and as you can see in the back of the picture...Cavin was enjoying himself too ;)
Channing LOVED trick or treating. She kept saying we have to keep going, time to trick or treat.
And here is Ella dancing and celebrating her bucket of candy! A happy Halloween it was!

October Fun!

We had a nice Halloween this year. We spent the Saturday before Halloween celebrating with Ragnar at the Toyota Center. The kids were excited to trick or treat the suites at the Toyota Center and then even more excited to be able to hand out candy afterwards to the other kids.
This year Ella and Cavin really wanted to choose what they were and didn't want to do a family theme, so Cavin was SpiderMan, Ella was Ella the Rose Fairy (from the Rainbow Magic books that she is obsessed with), and Channing is Dorothy :)

Monday night for Family Home Evening we carved/decorated pumpkins.
Channing just painted her pumpkin and Ella and Cavin wanted to carve AND paint theirs.
Of course I got the lovely job of cleaning out the pumpkins :/
Paint was getting off went the shirt!
Can you guess who this is? ;)
Here are our silly pumpkins....we are no professionals..but the kids have fun. Ella's is the blue one with the eyelashes, Cavin's is the jackolantern and Channing's the painted one behind. So fun!