Saturday, September 8, 2012

Trying New Things

So my friend Mitzi can do everything! She always encourages me to learn new things and insists that "even I" can do most things. She is crafty, creative, and a great cook. So....this weekend I decided to try something for myself and see how it turned out. Ella had an old nightstand that was chipping and needed to be repainted. I decided to try and sand it down and spray paint it. So here was my first attempt at a little handy work! the beginning stages of sanding.
And After!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


This past week we spent half of Labor Day with some friends at Galveston beach. Ragnar has lived here 4 years and has never been. Our friends had a very convenient set up with lots of shade and we got to just come and play. Ella and Cavin were obsessed with collecting seashells and making sand castles. Channing just wanted to sit in her lawn chair and eat...silly girl. We had a nice time, but once a year, or in Ragnars case, every four is good for us.
They dug a huge "pool" and the younger kids played in it.
This picture makes me laugh for several reasons, but Channing's hair looks like it's on fire in the back due to the sun :) haha
Cavin and Ragnar on the way out to the waves