Saturday, August 27, 2011

For the Love of Running...

You all know how much I love running, and this weekend 5 girls and I ran in a Lake Houston 5 K together. It is the hottest day on record at 107 degrees, but we had fun regardless. My friend Emily and I ran the whole way together and finished 4th and 5th with a time of 22:56, so that was fun. We had a good race, and it makes me want to really get in better shape!

Natalie, America, Me, Kelci, and Emily

After race sweating!

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten

The dreaded day for me has finally arrived. Ella started her first day of Kindergarten today. She woke up so excited to go, and so for her I am happy. She is so ready. As for me, I am trying to decide why I have been dreading this day so much. After some thought, I think there are a few reasons. One, I worry if I taught her enough...if she can stand up for herself or remember to wash her hands, say please and thank you or put the straw in her juice-box....just silly things. Two, a phase that I have come to really love of my life is ending. I now will have to be somewhere and have a schedule, and not be able to go where and when I want to. Third, I feel like her sweet pure spirit will be exposed to so much filth. There are so many things you try so hard to protect your children from, and now I won't be with her constantly supervising what she says, does, sees, or hears. Finally, that sweet little girl of mine will be spending more time with someone else and I will miss her AND SHE IS GROWING UP :( so sad. I am glad she is independent though and wants to be on her own and try new things. I am so excited to see what kind of wonderful girl she will become.

In Germany on the first day of school you get to make your child a "schultuete" to bring. It is filled with candy and such. I wanted to be true to Ella's half German side and make one for her :)

Starting the day out with playdo...not bad :)

This is Ella's teacher, Mrs. Harper. She seems great. I hope she learns a lot from her.

I'm counting down the last hour until I can go pick her up. I can't wait to hear about her day. Although I was super sad today, I did not cry (I think with my lack of's kinda hard to) Cavin only asked when she was coming home once and he has been paying a lot of attention to Channing. Maybe they will become as good of friends as he and Ella are.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Marisa and Liam Fun!!!

This summer my sister Marisa and her son Liam spent 7 weeks in Texas with my parents. Having the luxury of only living 35 minutes away we got to see her a few times a week. The kids loved playing with her son Liam. The cute little guy turned one while he was here and learned how to was fun to watch, he is the happiest, smile-st kid. We are sure going to miss our cousin and now that John and Madison have moved and Liam is gone, the kids aren't sure what to do! I also had the pleasure of hanging out with my sister Marisa. I love how we can just look at something and be thinking the same thing. Now don't get me wrong, we are very different, but I sure do love having her here and SO hope that Ethan can hurry and finish school and they can move back to Texas! Thanks for playing with us Marisa and Liam!

All my kids and Liam :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Girls Day Out!

A couple weekends ago my sisters, Natalie, Marisa, my mom and I went for a girlsday out. Ragnar and Ethan were kind enough to watch the kids while we went out for a minute together. We all went to get a pedicure and then out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. It was yummy. Afterward we just shopped in the Woodlands and just enjoyed each others company. It is so weird to me how old we are getting, but it is so nice to be able to still talk and occasionally be able to all get together.

After that, this weekend while Marisa, Ethan, my mom and dad were on a cruise, Natalie and Ella and I went out for her girls day out before school starts. She wanted to get her haircut, her nails painted, and get ice cream. She got blue cotten candy with m&ms....yuck! She had fun and is so excited to go to kindergarten to "make new friends, and have recess :)" I'm sure going to miss her!

Here is her hair cut before and after. She wanted to cut 5 inches because she is 5! :)

Growing up so fast!

and I just couldn't leave out our last little girl...she enjoyed her girls day out in dream land :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Seven Year Anniversary!

I can't believe it's already been seven years since Ragnar and I were married. So much has happened it 7 years! We have had five moves, three children, four jobs.....and the list goes on. We have had so many wonderful experiences and a few challenging ones. We have grown so much, and I am truly grateful that I didn't allow him to utilize his one way ticket back to Germany and our status as best friends moved on to husband and wife. I have felt very lucky to have someone challenge me and help me reach my potential. He is such a fun guy to share my journey in this life with, and I am grateful for his love and continual kindness. Happy Seventh Anniversary to us!

My how we keep changing :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Houston Dynamo Soccer

Saturday evening we went over to The University of Houston's "Robertson's" Stadium to watch some (MLS) soccer. Cavin and Ella have been observing Ragnar watch soccer on Saturdays their whole lives and with the women's world cup we were keeping up with, they really wanted to see a "real" game as they call it. So since Ragnar always has connections at work, that was not a problem. We took the kids to the game, had pretty good seats, and they enjoyed the first half. The Dynamo scored twice so confetti flew down right above our heads and they were in heaven trying to catch it! However, the second half they got bored and the sun went down so it was dark and Cavin was so concerned that he needed to be in bed because it was dark! We have ruined him! ... He wanted to go home, so we left a little early. On the way out Ella said "Don't worry guys, we can watch the rest on sports center in the morning."....I sure am glad I love sports a lot, because Ragnar has definitely warped our kids into knowing....morning is sports center time!

We were pretty close :) Just hope the ball didn't come too close!

The confetti falling down!!! Yay!!!

It was nice and hot!!!