Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Movin On...

Today my brother Corey and his family left on their way to Michigan. They are moving there to finish his Radiation Oncology residency and are excited about the great opportunities that it will provide. I am so sad to see their family go as they have been in Houston for the past 8 years and we have always been able to have them around. We are excited about their new adventure and wish them the very best. Here is one of the kids last outings with them. We went over to our pool and splashed around. They sure are going to miss their cousins John and Madison.

Here they are, Cavin, Madison, Ella, John ...and then Ragnar

Riding the alligator

The grandkids in Houston...with grandma and Channing

This is how Channing enjoyed the pool....in the heat under the shade.

Ella sure loves playing with Madison

Hello guys!

John loved the diving board and went down several times.

Here is our sweet John....who is always kind enough to play with Cavin. We are sure grateful that they loved playing with our kids and that even though they were older they still entertained our children. We are grateful for the memories we have with them and so look forward to meeting their new cousins due to arrive in October. Thanks for everything!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A "Blessed" Day!

Today we had the opportunity to bless our sweet daughter Channing Ava. Ragnar did a wonderful job and the day was a special one. We are so grateful that our Heavenly Father trusted us with this precious little girl and that we get to spend forever with her. She was a champ all day and didn't even make a peep. She is such a good girl...somebody knock on wood....I hope she stays this way!

These are our three little kiddos. Ella, Cavin, and Channing

Her brother and sister adore her and were so excited for Channing's special day. As soon as Channing woke up, Ella screamed "Surprise" it's your special day!

I just couldn't leave out this picture of Cavin. He is getting so much better at smiling when we say to say cheese, and this one is definitely a good cheeser!

This is how Channing spent most of the day! Sleeping beauty

Here with Grandma and Grandpa Speers

Our two handsome boys!

Here is my side of the family...My family, my parents, sister Natalie, and brother Corey and his family.

Ragnar's side of the family...his cousin Laurie and her husband Cade and their 3 boys.

One of our first family photos :)
We are so grateful that our little family gets the blessing of being together forever. We sure wish Ragnar's parents were here with us, but we are so grateful for their service as missionaries in the temple and look forward to seeing them soon. We also missed our siblings who weren't here, but know they would have been here if they could have. We have such a wonderful family support system and it is days like this when I remember that FAMILY is really what this life is really all about!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011

This weekend we spent some time with my family. On Saturday my brother Corey ran in the Houston mud run and did great, he was way ahead of the crowd. It was so fun to watch. The kids came home and created their own obstacle courses. I totally am going to do the next one.

Here he is in one of the first obstacles.

Way to get over the wall!

We hung out with my parents at their home afterward and enjoyed each others company. On Monday we spent Memorial Day with my family as well. First we went to a duck pond and fed the ducks and then had a picnic at the park. Man it was hot! Afterward we had water fun and we barbequed! It is nice to have some family close to spend the holidays with and we sure enjoy hanging out at grandmas house!

We found a turtle crossing the street at the park!

Cavin and daddy feeding the ducks...they both were a little scared because Cavin got snapped at last time.

Here is Ella watching and deciding what to do.

This is how Channing spends most of her time.

Our balancing ballerina girl!

Channing was such a good girl and just enjoyed relaxing!

Here is fun in the water!

We sure love our cousins and are so sad they are moving away!