Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Getting Big!

My kids are getting so big, and for their Oma and Opas sake since they are far away, I wanted to post a couple pictures of how big they are getting and how big Cavin looks in his little man suit! So cute!

The many faces of Cavin

Ella in all her glory! Always dancing in a picture!

We sure do love these two!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Chuck E Cheese

This weekend is one of the first weekends since October that Ragnar has been home all weekend since the Rockets season started. We wanted to do something with the kids instead of just relax at home since our weekends before the little one comes are getting fewer and fewer. the request of our children we went to good ole Chuck E Cheese!! They have been there once for a party and have been asking to go back ever since. So...we did...and they screamed with excitement the whole way there and were SO excited while we were there.

Cara-sol Fun!

Chucky the Mouse in all his glory!

I think Ragnar had as much or more fun than kids! Wow a kid at heart!

Where Ella will be next hoo!!!!

We really do love to spend time with our kids, they are at such a fun age, so we had a nice weekend playing!

Friday, March 25, 2011

My Silly Kiddos!

As my last month of pregnancy has approached, I have contemplated a lot about our new addition. I again find myself wondering if I could possibly love this little girl as much as I do my other two children, and if there is enough of me to go around to give the love and support that they need. I remember thinking that before I had Cavin as well, and so I am consoled in the fact that I love Cavin just as much as Ella and that it didn't take long for me before I couldn't imagine my life without him. I am so grateful to have another child coming, and I assume similar fears will also dissolve once she is here.
I love these two kiddos and man they make me smile!

This is just my typical Cavin ;)

I love to make them laugh.

I can't believe we will have 3 little ones so soon! We are truly blessed!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Birthday Time!

It is birthday time again, and I can't believe I am now 28! I feel so old! 30 is going to be a killer! I couldn't find the camera when Ragnar was home in the morning, so you get a picture of the lovely edible arrangement he sent me while he was at work. I am not a real flowers kind of girl, so I always said it would be fun to get one of these and here it is. Ragnar had to work my birthday day and evening, so he took the morning off and we went to IHOP which was interesting. It is Spring Break so it was totally packed and the tables were like 2 feet from each other and lucky for us we got seated next to a like 40 year old creepy single guy and his mom who proceeded to talk to us the entire meal. It was lovely~ or something! Oh well, it was nice to get out and it is a funny memory now. That evening my brother Corey was kind enough to come take me to dinner and I was so grateful for that, I will be sad when he and his family move.....

My birthday is now gone and so is half of March..time is moving quickly now and I haven't blogged in a few weeks, because not much has been going on, Ragnar has been working constantly and I am hanging with the kids, anticipating another child entering our family. I am getting excited and am super nervous all at the same time. Her room is ready and her clothes are washed, and although I am not quite ready for her, I sure do wish I had just a minute to take a deep breath or lay on my stomach or not constantly feel my back hurting. Overall though, I am super lucky that I get to have the chance to carry another child and although uncomfortable, I am healthy and for that I am so grateful. Hopefully I will have more exciting pictures to blog next time :)