Friday, February 25, 2011

Austin Fun!

This week the kids and I spent a few days in Austin, Texas to go and celebrate my best friend Stacey's birthday. With kids ages 4,3,2, & 1 and both of us being pregnant, we just hung out and enjoyed each others company. My kids really enjoy being at their house and playing with their friends and I enjoy having Stacey to talk to.

Here they are Cavin (2), Madilynn (1), Gabriella (3), and Ella (4)

Here was Stacey on her birthday with her lovely cake we made her. Don't you love the Ariel candle addition!

I wish Ben could have been around to celebrate too. Our darn husbands work too much-I guess we shouldn't complain, just be grateful!

The girls coloring and playing together.

Ella and Cavin were so excited to just have a big backyard to play in. We really need to find a house!

Here is Madi chillin

And Cavin..... it's tough to be the only boy!

Tea party anyone?
We had a good time and were grateful Stacey put up with us for a few days. We are so glad that we have great friends to share our lives with. I hope you had a great birthday Stacey! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Simple Pleasures...

Things have been pretty slow around the house the past couple weeks. I was sick for a week or so with a bad cold and it was unusually cold for Texas, so the kids were great about finding their own entertainment for a while. It's amazing the imaginations that children have. I love to watch them create and imagine.

This was their space ship

Can you see Ella peeking through the hole???
I have been so grateful for my kids. They really are pretty good kids and I am lucky to have them. They really are at such a fun age, they listen, they are potty trained, they still take long naps, and I have so much to be grateful for. Their simplicity has made me more and more anxious to add a little gal to the crew. I know we will love her just as much, and I pray she is just as good of a kid as her brother and sister have been. I can't believe I am in the last trimester now. I am glad I have made it this far, and am so grateful that I have the chance to be home each day and watch my babies (or not so much babies anymore) grow. On a last little note, I am absolutely devastated to send Ella to kindergarten next year. I just want her home with me!!! I guess I still have 7 months to digest the thought! :(