Friday, May 28, 2010

The craziest week EVER!

So this week has come and gone by so quickly. It may not be a super busy week for some people, but for me, who lives a rather simple life.....this week was crazy. My brother Chris flew in for my other brother Coreys graduation and here he is doing a sandwhich of John and Ella.
We were glad to have him around, he is always so fun. Then it was a big dinner at Texas Land and Cattle for Corey's graduation on Monday night. My grandma Walls birthday was on Tuesday so we had a lunchin for her that morning.

Here she is 85 years young! We loved that she was able to come celebrate with us!

After celebrating her birthday and Coreys graduation, we actually went to graduation. My brother Corey graduated from Baylor medical school with an m.d./p.h.d and will do one year of residency here at the Methodist hospital in Houston and then the next four years in Michigan. He is excited, and we are super proud of the many years he has worked to accomplish that schooling.

Here is his cute family!
All of us together again.

This is how Ella spent graduation :)

My brothers and sisters had a great time getting together.

The next night Ragnar took me to the Taylor Swift concert. He bought me tickets in December and it was a great show. They were filming a music video so everything was extra cool :)

Thanks hun for the night!

Then Thursday night was Marisa's baby shower. She is due on July 1st and so I decided to throw her a shower while she was in town. It was fun and I think she got some nice things to get started.

It was a fun week and so much more happened, but those are most of the notable things, I don't have time to post much more, but there is an idea of what's happening here. Now it is off to pack and we leave for Hawaii in the morning.......YAY!!!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

A Lifetime of SPORTS!

Life as we know it is sports! It seems that we live and breathe them. While, I do absolutely LOVE them, I think we may need to subject our children to the arts or something educational (not saying you can't learn things from sporting events :). Despite that thought process, since Ragnar works for the Houston Rockets, we are able to enjoy other perks of that association. We were given free tickets to the Houston Astros game and were able to take the kids to enjoy some baseball. Now, since our paycheck comes from a different sports team, and we had on a different logo, we got a few looks and comments of people wondering if we indeed knew we were at a baseball game not a basketball game! It is already super hot here, but we tried to enjoy it until the sun went down. Let's be honest though, the Astros aren't really making the season worth our time.
Here we are.....sweat and all!
Cavin, much like his Opa Hellmut is obsessed with finding trains and therefore loved this train at Minute Maid park.
He loves his shades and hat and the huge baseball behind him!

Yes this is an Astros game! whoops!

We had a nice night out. You will have to forgive me if the space of time that lapses until the next post is longer than usual. My brother, sister, and grandma come in town for my other brother Corey's graduation from his m.d./p.h.d, then we celebrate my grandmas birthday, then the next day is the Taylor Swift concert, my sister Marisa's baby shower, then we leave the same day they do to Hawaii for a week. I know, I know, I am not complaining, they are all fun things, but it will be busy busy busy, and I'm not really used to that. I will keep you posted........until then..........

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ella is FOUR!!!

My little girl turned four and I can't believe it. Time has flown by. I felt like her first year of life lasted longer than the last three! She is such a fun girl. I am so lucky that she still takes a long nap everyday, and loves to play by herself. She is a pretty obedient girl and is pretty logical. She loves to dance, and pretend. Her best friend is Laya, of course no one else can see her :) She makes me smile and she is a great big sister.
For her birthday we had the traditional birthday donuts, then we had a teaparty, went on a picnic, took a nap, watched a movie, and then had her family Cinderella birthday party. She got so many fun things. She is spoiled!

A teaparty with Cavin, who probably needs a brother!

This is her castle cake....she loves to wear her silly sunglasses.

Then on Saturday she had her friends come over for her friends party. She was very excited. Paige, Jaemi, Tayla came and then Summer and Kylee were there (only for a short time so no pictures of the twins). They had a good time being cute princesses at her Cinderella party!

We played games and danced and decorated. She is pretty competitive so she has a grumpy face because she lost the game. Still working on that one :)
We sure love her and are glad we have gotten to spend four wonderful years with her!

Monday, May 3, 2010

SeaWorld 2010

This past weekend Ragnar and I were able to leave the kids with my parents and take a couple days to ourselves. Basketball season doesn't allow a lot of time together, so for my birthday Ragnar said when the off season began we could have a weekend away. It was great. We drove down to San Antonio, TX and spent the night there. We went to the Riverwalk and shopped, and then on Saturday morning we went to Seaworld. It was nice weather and we enjoyed the shows and the rides. Although, I couldn't get Ragnar to join me on the Great White Shark ride, maybe next time!

This was a new show called Azul with acrobats and such, it was neat!

Of course, good ole Shamu!

Keep dreamin babe!

My love of pigs still stands :) Thanks Rags for the nice weekend and thank you mom and dad for watching the kids. We are so glad we live close to family!