Monday, April 26, 2010

Aunt Naomi

We have had a lot of company this last month, and this last week we had the pleasure of having Ragnar's sister Naomi come to stay with us. Due to the volcanic ash instead of only being here a couple days, she was here almost a week. It was nice to see her and the kids were sad to see her go. She had just run the S.L.C. marathon, but still obliged me and we went running a few times. We shopped, watched a movie, played games, play do, went to dinner, and my favorite was miniature golf. Although I don't have any pictures, we had fun under a black light golf course. At first Cavin was terrified, then the softy got comfortable and loved it. Naomi is a fun Aunt for the kids, and they loved being silly with her.


Play do jewelry

and more....

Check out these amazing glasses Naomi has :)
Thanks so much for coming and visiting. We look forward to next time.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

We Love Aunt Natalie

This weekend my sweet sister Natalie came to hang out with us while Ragnar was in Utah. My kids love their aunt Natalie! We had a picnic with Grandma and their cousins John, Madi, and Aunt Steph, and then Natalie hung out with us. She went and got the kids a new toy and sunglasses and then took us to dinner. What a great Aunt! Then we had a dance party, played games, and when the kids went to bed, we watched a movie. We love that she lives so close and we love having her around!
Ella's "wacky to wacky" tower as she calls it

Blocks, we sure love Cavins birthday present!

Pretty pretty princess game, they love to play!

Our dance party!

And finally...the cute glasses the kids got. They are silly and they love Aunt Natalie. Thanks for hanging out with us sis!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I can't BELIEVE my boy is TWO!!

I can't believe my sweet boy is two years old! Crazy! I feel like I just had him. He had a fun birthday yesterday, but some of the fun things we had planned he decided to sleep through! Your birthday isn't that fun when you take a 5 hour nap! We had his 2 year appointment today and he is 33 1/2 pounds and 35 1/2 inches. He has always been one solid kid, and we love him. He has always been the peacemaker in our family and is so loving. He always says thank you mama or thank you dada after everything. He is super ticklish, loves cars, balls, and balloons. He gets scared pretty easily, but loves to run back and forth in our house and says "on your mark, get set, go!" all the time. He makes the funniest facial expressions and we sure have loved all two years of him. Here is a little recap of his special day....

Breakfast donuts are a tradition in our home!

He helped me make the cake...or ate the leftovers :)

His cute cousin John had to help him get the candle out.

He loves Cars everything!

An interesting attempt at a tire cake?!?!?

Grandpas airplane fun.

Fun blocks from his cousins John and Madi.

He loves his new basketball hoop from Oma and Opa (we got one he could grow into)

Here is our little "chill pill" on his bean bag from grandma and grandpa. We sure do love you Cavin!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Visit From A Friend

This past week my good friend Ashley and her son Ian came to spend their spring break with us. We were so glad they came, and we had so much fun having company.
We got really ambitious one night and went to see "The Last Song" at 10:00 p.m.. I felt like we were teenagers again with a teen flick and being out so late. Partway through the movie we heard what sounded like a muffled gun shot and we got pretty nervous. There was only 20 minutes left of the movie though, so after the 6 ladies in the theatre got up to talk to see what they thought it was, we all sunk pretty low in our seats and finished the movie. Surely if it was something they would have warned us and told us to leave the theatre right!? After that I leaned over to Ashley and said...welcome to the ghetto....I mean Houston :)

Ian and Cavin had a fun time together. They are only about 6 weeks apart in age and although they have completely different personalities, they had fun. It just took a little warming up from Cavin. Cavin is a little too sensitive for his own good, and Ian has lots of energy and likes to have fun!

Sweet kid!

The kids loved to hang out and watch movies and talk!

We went to the Houston Zoo and the kids did great. They all stayed in their strollers and looked at the animals. Ella kept saying she loved the sea lions and Cavin would say he loves the Lions and then proceed to "ROOOOAAARRR"

They were excited about the giraffes because when we went to the DC zoo there weren't any!

This is Ian who loves to play. Here he is tackling Ella. She loved it for the most part. Cavin not so much. If Ian even looked at him funny, he would cry. Poor kid is such a calm kid he can't even have fun!

A quiet activity that they both enjoy!

Playing with trains.

These three really did have fun playing together and I loved having Ashley to come spend her precious time with us. Thanks so much for coming guys, we sure wish we were still neighbors!