Friday, May 29, 2009

Hospital Visit!

Before the surgery in the cute pajamas!

Still waiting, so we took a stroll!

Our sweet baby after he woke up!

Yesterday Cavin, Ragnar, and I spent the day at Texas Children's Hospital! Cavin had to have a surgery to repair his hyperspadis issue. He did really well for a boy who loves to eat and couldn't eat all day! He had to have a breathing tube, an epidural, morphine...the whole shebang! All the nurses were fighting over who got to take care of "the cute baby" as they called him :) He did very well and we were in and out the same day! We are so grateful that he is healthy and fine and that he is a part of our family! Thanks for being so brave Cav!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Houston Zoo!

Don't you love her smile :)

Monkey Statue

Grandpa Speers and the kids!

Ella's favorite

This weekend, as you know, was Memorial Day weekend! We had a great weekend and it was so nice to have Ragnar home. I think the whole time we have been married he has worked holidays, so it is so nice that now he can spend them with us! We watched movies, played games, played in the pool, had BBQ's and went to the Houston zoo! Grandpa Speers came with us and we had a nice time in the hot sun! Here are some pictures of the animal fun!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Short Visit

Yesterday my Grandma Wall flew in for a few hours to visit us. She wanted to catch a trip to Cancun, Mexico with my parents for my cousin's wedding, so she flew through Houston and met up with them. It was fun to have her overnight and to see her. We sure wish we lived closer to her. I hope that they all have a fun visit! Congrats Amy and Mark, we wish we could be there, Happy Birthday Aunt Sheri, and Happy Birthday next week Grandma! We love you!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's Time!

Not much has been going on around here, but it's been over a week and I like to try and post weekly for my family to be able to keep up with us.
We are loving American Idol and are sad it will soon be over! (Go Danny and Kris!) We are also so excited about the summer and BBQ's and pools and being able to be out in the warm sun. Ella got cute new swimsuits for her birthday and we are ready to use them and get a summer tan!
Ragnar is still working a lot with the playoffs going on, but we are not complaining. The Rockets likely only have a couple more games and then the season will be over and he is loving his job!
I have been trying to revamp my workouts and do some new things to get in shape and I am looking forward to something other than just running all the time. I also decided to pick up a little job with State Farm insurance company a couple times a month to help them out. Actually the job kinda came to me when I was in and they asked if I would be interested in helping them. I figure with my mom being willing to help with the kids, the more money we save, the faster we get to have our own place and stop bugging my parents, so I said yes! I am a little anxious about being away from the kids because I don't like to make other people responsible for my kids, but I think it will be good and for the most part it is just a couple half days every other week.
Well that's whats going on here, we hope you had a nice week!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ella's Birthday Part Two- TinkerBell Party!

Aunt Chira made this adorable shirt!


The Tinkerbell cake!

Grandpa Speers and Ella being silly!

Her new Easel and sunglasses!!

Singing with American Idol!

Pose in her new Tinkerbell Pajama's

Well, Ella is officially 3 years old! I can't believe how fast the time has gone! Now don't get me wrong, some days I thought she would never make it to a year, but three years later we are so glad she is ours! We had a Tinkerbell day for her. She loves Tinkerbell and calls herself that and to her I am silvermist...Tink's best friend :) kinda sweet! We played games and made a fort and watched a show together. Then, we made her cake and we went to the dollar store so she could pick out three things for her third birthday! Later in the day we had a Tinkerbell party and ate cake and opened presents and played Bingo! We topped it off with her favorite (a little influenced by me!) American Idol with her new Microphone! She is so fun and we have loved all three years of her!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Ella's Birthday Part One--Swim Party!

She loves the water and Madi is loving spraying her!

Cavin minding his business in "his" pool!

John, Madi, and Ella playing!

The Scurvy Dog Pirate Ship!


May 5th is Ella's 3rd birthday! We are so excited, but since we knew Tuesday wouldn't work with her cousins, we decided to do a little swim party on Saturday! We were supposed to go to the zoo, but we decided given the "swine flu" we would stick a little more to ourselves....So....we spent an hour blowing up this pirate ship pool with a electric pump and then we set up two pools and had some water balloons! We had a fun time and she loves her cousins John and Madi. She is lucky to live closer to them now. We played in the water and Ragnar ended up getting me in! Then we had a couple cupcakes and presents afterward. Ella got a cute purse from John and Madi and she now carries it everywhere saying she is leaving to the store! Thanks for the gift and Happy Birthday tomorrow Ella, we love you!
(more to be posted tomorrow!)