Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cavin crawling

Cavin is getting too quick for us. Here is a little video of him chasing a balloon. We better watch out now, so he doesn't roll down the stairs. Enjoy!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Look what we found in my moms freezer! Our wedding cake! I guess that's what happens when you move far away and forget about it! Don't worry we didn't eat it, almost 4 1/2 years later...yum!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fun With The Cousins

Picnic time

Ella and Madi are becoming great cousins

Swinging with Cavin and John

Feeding the ducks

Cavin loves to ride on this

Cavin is such a happy kid!

Ellas eyes were closed in every picture

Saturday night Ella, Rags and I went to go feed the ducks at a little pond I like to run to. She had fun, but the ducks weren't really loving it since there were only two! brothers kids John and Madi came over on Monday and we took them to a different park with ducks and they were loving it. Even Madi who was scared of ducks said by the end, she said she wasn't scared anymore. John really loved that there was a bigger bird there that ate 3 live fish! We had a nice picnic and played and it was a nice few days and the weather has been great!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Ella absolutely loves to read scriptures or what she calls "Scripures". Unfortunately she is usually the one who reminds us before bed that it is time to read scripures. I think that sometimes kids help us to develop the characteristics that we really need and remind of some of the simple things in life that sometimes we overlook! Anyway, she is such a fun kid and is always talking. Here is a picture of her and her cousin Caden reading together!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Let's Do it Again!

Not much is happening around here, we are just enjoying the cooler weather (note I say cooler for all my frozen friends). Ella has been entertaining me and keeping me busy with wanting to play games. She also made this lovely display on my mirror with a gummy hamburger and when I walked in she said "look mom, buttons and they stick!" She thought she was pretty funny! Ella has also been really into Lego's lately and she and her dad have been having fun making towers. She always knocks them down and as with everything says "let's do it again!" We have also been going to the park and enjoying the simple things in life.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Where to Begin....

Ella's first princess dress up party!

Cavin always peeks to see who is coming in

Ellas cousin Caden!

Ella and Cavin are so cute together holding hands

Uh oh our boy in pink!!

Grandpa Speers picking up seashells with Ella

The Rainforest Cafe

So much has happened since we left Utah a month ago and came to Texas. It's a little overwhelming to try and blog about it all, and we have a million pictures because we have been surrounded by family taking them! We have been so busy with trying to adjust and getting through with Marisa's wedding, Christmas, and the New Year and so trying to get into a routine has been difficult. I am hoping that now that things have slowed down, that we will be able to. As of now, we are fine. We have food, water, shelter, and a loving family. I am praying that the rest of the necessities in life will come shortly. The house still hasn't sold, no job yet, and still so many unknowns. We do have the hope we are commanded to have. We sure do miss our friends in Logan. Anyway, on a lighter note....we do love being close to Grandparents. We have had all the cousins together and Ella has loved John, Madi, and Caden. We went to Galveston to explore what was left after the hurricane, We went to Cheeburger Cheeburger, The Rainforest Cafe, I got to see Ben and Stacey, and Cameron, Ella went to her first dress up party, Cavin got his first two bottom teeth, he is now scooting along and starting to babble more and more, Ella doesn't stop talking to "Grandma Speers" and we are so lucky to have them as the joy in our lives.