Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our Michelin Man!!!

Cavin is 4 months old now and growing so fast. I feel like he has been a part of the family forever though, and we have loved watching him grow! He had his 4 month check up yesterday and he did not disappoint. He was 20 lbs and 12 oz's, and 26.5 inches long. He is one solid kid! I asked the Dr. what percentile his weight was in and she said, well......he's off the charts! So, no wonder my arms are always sore! I guess that also explains why he only fits in 12 month clothes! He hardly eats though and he sleeps so well, so I think between my cream and his speed his is getting good calories. We love our little Michelin man!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bedtime with Dad!

Every morning I go running and Ragnar watches the kids for a little while before he goes to work. I love having the hour to myself and appreciate that he understands it is relaxing for me to go! Well, I came home the other morning and this was what I saw! The kids just hanging out with dad in the bed talking! I thought it was adorable, so I took a picture of my three musketeers! They sure love dad!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Water Fun!

Ella making goggles out of her water cups!

Ella playing with Tanner!

Running through the sprinkler!

Cavin chewing on his always!

Our little tongue man! He loves to stick it out!

Ella loves to play in the water and so yesterday we invited her best friend Tanner over and we played! She had fun filling her buckets and just getting wet (we sure do miss having Thomas around to play with too!) Summer has been pretty slow around here, so we take pleasure in the small things. Cavin always is just chilling watching his sister play! We have fun just being together!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Willow Park Zoo!

A few weeks ago we went to the little zoo here in Logan. Let's just say I forgot to blog about it, because it was extremely lame! I think you can walk through the whole zoo in about 10 minutes. There are different types of birds, a deer, and a monkey. Wow, amazing huh! Ella had more fun running through the zoo then looking at the animals. Anyway, she had fun at our picnic before and our time at the park going down the slide afterward. Even though the zoo wasn't too fun, we had a fun night together!

Monday, August 11, 2008

We love Shrek!!

Funny story.... So every Sunday night we like to watch a Disney movie together! This week Ella picked Shrek. Well, as Shrek came on she yells, " Look it's Daddy!!" We were laughing for a while, we always knew dad looked like a much handsomer version of Shrek (we are just glad he doesn't have his ears!)! Everyone always says people usually have a twin somewhere :)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Our Celebration!

Cavin in his sisters sunglasses :)

Us enjoying the day with the kids!

As you know, yesterday was our anniversary and we had a wonderful day. We started out by going to do sealings at the temple. We left the kids at our wonderful neighbors the MacNairs and had a nice time getting away for a minute! We love to do sealings every anniversary to remind us about the promises we made to each other. When we came home we relaxed, took a nap and then later went to dinner at Hamilton's and spent the evening relaxing, listening to a rainstorm, and watching So you think you can Dance, which we love (congrats Joshua!)! Rags bought me an Ipod to go running with and I am very excited about it. Thanks Rags! Anyway, it was nice to just be able to spend a day together!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Four Years Ago...

Four years ago, on August 7th, Ragnar and I were married in the Houston, TX temple. It seems strange to think that it has already been four years. So much has happened in our lives and we have grown up so much since then. When I think back on the story of how we came to be, I am grateful for Heavenly Father always knowing what is best for us. Just to reflect I want to leave you with our engagement story.....
Ragnar and I knew each other for a couple years before we ever started dating. We hung out almost everyday, at first for him to share of his undying love for my best friend. After that desire came and went, we still were together everyday. I went through other boyfriends and experiences and yet everyday if he hadn't called by 5:00 p.m. I would call him or vice versa. It was just something we always did, he was my best friend. His senior year of college was coming to a close and he had booked his one way ticket home to Germany. Not thinking much of it because I hadn't felt much more than friends about him, things took a drastic turn. He asked if we could date just until he left so that he would have no regrets. I basically said it was a waste of time, but I was willing to see if our friendship had anything more, because I knew if it didn't he would be gone and the chances of me ever seeing him again were small. Well, we did date and it went far better than I had imagined, in fact from the first date until we were engaged it was only about 2 months. I realized that he was my best friend, and so much more and I couldn't see him get on a plane and never see him again, so we decided to get married and here we are now. We were apart the whole engagement and I loved all the things we learned about each other from the millions of minutes we spent on the phone. Sometimes Heavenly Father opens your life to different possibilities and I am glad he made me aware that Ragnar was something too good see walk out of my life. Thanks for being patient for those years Rags and Happy Anniversary!!!