Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cinderella Extremes!

I am so excited that it is starting to warm up at least a little here. Ella has become obsessed with Cinderella and always says "watch Rella". I can't wait until we can go outside and play and we can do something other than watch Cinderella and color. We are thinking about taking her to Disney on Ice-Princess wishes, I think she would love it. We will let you know if we go!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm A Big Girl Now!!

Well, we did it, we made it through the first night of Ella in her big girl bed!! She did great!!! We put her in her bed and she went to sleep and didn't get out until we came to get her in the morning. It was wonderful!! I hope that she didn't trick us and she really will do great! I can't believe my little girl is big enough to be in a big girl bed! Ahh! Anyway, one night down, many to go!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Our Valentine's!!!

Valentine's Day is now over and we had a fun one. Well, we actually celebrated on Tuesday, Ragnar's day off. We went to the temple, then we went to National Treasure 2 and then to Chilis. It was a fun day and we got to end it with American Idol, that's the best part :) We had fun playing with Ella and daddy brought us pretty flowers. The pink one was for Ella :) We love Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Silly Fun!!

You know you've been inside too long when even your 21 month old has to find things to do! She has a new thing of waking up every morning and going in my closet and getting my bras! I guess she wants to be a big girl already!! I'm sure most of you don't want to see my underware, but I thought she was so funny. She just runs into the closet and comes out with them over her shoulders!!

Then later that day when I came back downstairs she had run into the pantry and gotten some crackers and sat in the corner with the rug as her blanket! Ella loves that corner of the kitchen and anytime I go upstairs for a minute she runs over there and sits until I get back! She is silly, but oh so cute!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Ragnar and I took Ella to her first movie yesterday. I'm always afraid to take kids to the movies, because who knows how they will do. In Utah especially there are always kids interupting the movie, so I didn't and don't ever want to be the parents of one. We went to a 4:30 showing and hardly anyone was there, so she loved it. Enchanted is partly animated and she loved the characters and even more, she loved the "treats"! We could hardly tear her eyes from the screen. It was a fun afternoon!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Scrapbooking Fun!

Not much has been going on in the life of Ella and I. We are home bound most of the time because of all the snow. We have been keeping busy scrapbooking though.... Or should I say putting pictures on a pretty plain page. I am trying to get all the pictures together before we are swarmed with new ones when the baby comes. We have finished moving most of the office downstairs and are NOT very excited about moving Ella to "the big girl bed" in a couple of weeks. We hope she has a little while to get used to it before her little brother comes. Things are going well at work for Ragnar and he is taking a few nights to ref soccer games for fun and for a little extra funding. We are just hangin out and Ella's new favorite word is "BRRRRRR" which is basically how I describe this season for her!