It feels paradoxical, but my father's death has strengthened my faith of things beyond us. I sometimes wonder if that is the reason that he died...a death so that his daughter could understand better the purpose in life. Yet, I do not think the answer is so simple.
She came to see me, bright and vibrant, dressed up for her visit with me as so many her age do. Scratch that....there aren't many her age, and most can not bring themselves to the doctor. She looked "much younger than her stated age." SCRATCH THAT. She didn't look her age at all. Try 65 rather than over 90. Thankfully, she doesn't really need me. She was sent for a lab abnormality which we agreed to watch rather than aggressively pursue. When we had confirmed that all was well, that the abnormality had not progressed, we had time to visit.
I have pictures on my office walls. Pictures that I have taken of butterflies and flowers. She had noticed at last visit, and had brought a card that resembled some of my pictures. She suggested that I should make cards as well. I do, sometimes, but in the emotional exhaustion following Dad's death, I have fallen woefully behind in that process. I told her "I used to do that, but this spring has had a lot of stressors."
"Oh, Sweetie, that's right. Your father died. How is your mother? Is she getting along?"
I was a little surprised, not remembering us talking about my father dying. I do reveal some of my personal life, but usually limit those revelations to things of limited importance like the dogs. With her question, we talked about my mother. We talked about how proud I was that my mother had recently come to visit, traveling alone. This earthly angel confirmed how frightening those first trips in widow-hood can be, after living and aging with a mate that one finds is suddenly gone. She told me the key to staying young, "Always pick friends 20-30 years younger than you are. Otherwise, you will find your friends keep on dying on you." She related a recent celebration some friends of hers had given her -- celebrating her life's commitment to music. In my ever-so brief encounters with this angel on earth, I understood why her friends had wanted to celebrate.
As I spoke with this sweet lady with twinkling eyes, I had a sense of a greater presence. I did something I normally wouldn't do. I asked a question solely for my benefit. "When your husband died, did you ever feel that he was still with you?"
She paused, looking at me with eyes that transiently lost their sparkle. I was concerned that I had asked something that was causing her pain. As she looked at me, the twinkle returned and she whispered, "Oh, Sweetie! You know people aren't supposed to talk about that, but OF COURSE!" She went on to describe how one day, two months after her husband's death, she awoke to see him watching her sleep. She said that he looked like he was physically in the room with her, although she knew that he wasn't. She knew, at that point, that it was all going to be well. As she talked, I could see her entire face relax with the memory that telling brings. Even though many years have passed, she has continues to feel his presence at odd times. Because of that, she isn't afraid of dying, and knows that it will happen. In the mean time, life isn't quite so sad, and she knows that she still has a purpose here.
I haven't had the courage to ask my mother if she sees or feels Dad. I know she still grieves his death, although since he has died, she has talked to me of dying. I still grieve my father's death, even though some days, I feel his presence in a way that I never felt when he was alive.
I saw poem at the hospital this week:
What Cancer Cannot Do
Author: Unknown
Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot shut out memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot reduce eternal life.
It cannot quench the Spirit.
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot shut out memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot reduce eternal life.
It cannot quench the Spirit.
One can scratch out Cancer and put Death at the top of that poem.
There are angels among us, both angels of the world beyond and angels here on this earth. I was lucky enough to meet both this week.
There are angels among us, both angels of the world beyond and angels here on this earth. I was lucky enough to meet both this week.