On the way to work today, I did not switch on the radio as usual, I need to focus on my journey. I was 5 minutes behind schedule (to get on time to punch card by 8 am) but I continue to talk to myself that I am on my way to get to work on time. I add to the routine self-talk – I am on my way to work the best I can for today, and I am on my way to practice the best presentation to MD today (the presentation is schedule tomorrow morning). While talking to myself, my mind flashbacked to one prominent figure that I believe has given me some insight into the world of research. I seldom talk about this person, because I have my late MD to look up too. I recently found that he is the current National Project Leader for the solar energy research for this country. Very impressive. He was the first person that I report to back in 2002, but eventually I was moved to another section reporting to the current boss (it was 7 years already). What made me think of him? One important thing that I remembered when I first report to him was that he did not mind me working anywhere else besides office as long as I deliver the best and high quality work. He even hinted that being in the solar group will give me advantage as there is no one else in this country is an expert in a very low voltage application (well.. I will be working on dc voltage of 240V only) and I already half way thru that process (I started as an intern with the group for 3 months and accomplished quite extensive work on schematic and application for the panels). He mentioned that the desire to harness the solar energy to something useful has drive him to do things that other people is reluctant to do. Many times that his proposals were rejected by the Board as those people do not see direct benefit for the company. He got seconded to one of the government agencies and slowly his work was supported by various parties. Patience, discipline and determination brought him to where he is now. Soft spoken and very nice man to learn from. I remembered how he coached us how to play car racing game after work, during my internship period. I wish I can have another mentor like him to help me speed up the whole process of being an expert.
Yesterday, we went to Alamanda for quick grocery shopping and on the way to the mall, we spoke about the our new client who has a consultant firm. A good networking for him, and hope to get more work after this. The perfume business is going good; I need some time to reach for the mass but not enough time for the moment without jeopardizing my technical work. We talked about the timing for me to apply for the expert. It was a long way to go, maybe not this year, not after I got my MEE scroll from the univ. I will work up to my early retirement at 45 yrs old, Insyaallah and by that time, I should be earning at least ten thousands per month and groomed at least another 2 successors for the similar field. DH suggested the other way, get into own business after 5-6 yrs of working for the mother company for better income. I don’t know, I am not keen for that anyway.
I will be positive in achieveing my mission. For now, I need to finish up the reports and prepare for tomorrow’s presentation. Btw, I reached office at 7:58 am, I am on time :o)