Terpanggil untuk menulis hari ni. My own experiment on human touch. Hug Therapy. I have been hugging, cuddling and sometime smothering my offspring countless times everyday. Tengok je diaorg buat expression comel, sure nk peluk. The kids shown me drawings org lidi pun aku bagi BIG HUG to them. Never failed. Except masa buat nakal-lah
Throughout last year, everything was rough from work, family (both sides) to financial matters. Near the end of December, we had quite a long break from routine with a holiday (local destination) but somehow we had more quarrel during the break that makes me realize. What is wrong with both of us? Early this year, DH encountered severe bout of sickness (turning over new year kot) but the burden was on me. Kakak baru masuk real school (Standard 1) with lots of detailed things to pay attention to, the house was in a mess (since we traveled non-stop throughout December) and I did not get enough time to rest and put everything in order (no helper as he is constantly not very well). Stressed out with out-of-order home and work, I put on the gruesome notes on public domain that made DH furious. Then only we talked and talked. Out of nowhere, I told DH the real thing that worries me started when we were in the USA (bittersweet memories in Madison – the anger, the incompleteness and helpless feeling of being left behind professionally) and unexpectedly he knew and felt it too but over the years it was hard to talk things through when both of us are constantly striving at work and trying to provide the kids the best that we could.
The next morning, I knew exactly what I wanted to do – I want to hug my DH! So, the ‘I Love You’ hug was added to the usual routine of salam-hand and cheek kisses before going to work. Now I did not say ‘Bye’ or ‘Err’ or ‘Emm’ anymore but the 3-word, 8-letters every morning before work, and he will do the same. The kids like to see us and sometime they imitate us doing the same thing with each other. In public, where we can’t actually show affectionate gestures, I will (and still trying as often as I could) to add ‘Assalamualaikum’ before we part ways. Rightly after salam-hand and cheek kisses as usual, that is.
That is my ‘Hug Therapy’. I felt happier now, up to a point that when DH was angry towards the kids (for whatever valid reason as always when they mess up the living room), I can now feel that he is not mad at me but only the kids. And we are much better now connecting with each other. I guess after 7 years (going into our 8th this year) of marriage, it is timely that we find ourselves in each other again, especially when the last few years we have been very busy building our career and caring for the family.
To my friends, who are reading this entry, do you have a special gestures that make you happier day by day? Share-lah ek.
This entry is specially meant for my DH, whom I adore and cherish all my life. *hugs and kisses*