Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hug Therapy

Terpanggil untuk menulis hari ni. My own experiment on human touch. Hug Therapy. I have been hugging, cuddling and sometime smothering my offspring countless times everyday. Tengok je diaorg buat expression comel, sure nk peluk. The kids shown me drawings org lidi pun aku bagi BIG HUG to them. Never failed. Except masa buat nakal-lah kan. Somehow, I don’t know why, the most un-huggable person by me in my home is my other half, my Darling Husband. Pelik kan. Hehe. The usual morning greetings will be salam, cium tangan and cheek-kisses before pegi keje. The kids will follow but most of the time they only allow forehead kisses or top-of-the-head kiss esp the eldest, Nabilah.


Throughout last year, everything was rough from work, family (both sides) to financial matters. Near the end of December, we had quite a long break from routine with a holiday (local destination) but somehow we had more quarrel during the break that makes me realize. What is wrong with both of us? Early this year, DH encountered severe bout of sickness (turning over new year kot) but the burden was on me. Kakak baru masuk real school (Standard 1) with lots of detailed things to pay attention to, the house was in a mess (since we traveled non-stop throughout December) and I did not get enough time to rest and put everything in order (no helper as he is constantly not very well). Stressed out with out-of-order home and work, I put on the gruesome notes on public domain that made DH furious. Then only we talked and talked. Out of nowhere, I told DH the real thing that worries me started when we were in the USA (bittersweet memories in Madison – the anger, the incompleteness and helpless feeling of being left behind professionally) and unexpectedly he knew and felt it too but over the years it was hard to talk things through when both of us are constantly striving at work and trying to provide the kids the best that we could.


The next morning, I knew exactly what I wanted to do – I want to hug my DH! So, the ‘I Love You’ hug was added to the usual routine of salam-hand and cheek kisses before going to work. Now I did not say ‘Bye’ or ‘Err’ or ‘Emm’ anymore but the 3-word, 8-letters every morning before work, and he will do the same. The kids like to see us and sometime they imitate us doing the same thing with each other. In public, where we can’t actually show affectionate gestures, I will (and still trying as often as I could) to add ‘Assalamualaikum’ before we part ways. Rightly after salam-hand and cheek kisses as usual, that is.


That is my ‘Hug Therapy’. I felt happier now, up to a point that when DH was angry towards the kids (for whatever valid reason as always when they mess up the living room), I can now feel that he is not mad at me but only the kids. And we are much better now connecting with each other. I guess after 7 years (going into our 8th this year) of marriage, it is timely that we find ourselves in each other again, especially when the last few years we have been very busy building our career and caring for the family.


To my friends, who are reading this entry, do you have a special gestures that make you happier day by day? Share-lah ek.


This entry is specially meant for my DH, whom I adore and cherish all my life. *hugs and kisses*


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Year End Party

Last Friday, I went to the girls’ school for their Year-End Party. Mujurlah lunch time Friday panjang.. and no meeting on that day. Party theme was Butterflies Princess and Superheroes. Si kecik dapat surat on Monday je beria-ia suruh belikan baju butterfly, and I said ok. Pening gak nak beli kat mana – mujurlah kawan2 FB ku banyak membantu. 1Utama, MidValley, Jusco Balakong and IOI Mall. Ingatkan nk beli lambat2, rupanya the next day balik dari sekolah si kecik dah tanya mana wings and antenna butterfly tu.. alamak, terpaksalah on Wednesday, aku skipped lunch terus ke IOI Mall – dapatkan 2 set butterfly wings, antenna and wand. Skirt butterfly dh habis (diborong Yamaha School of Music for their concert.. kot ye pun tinggalkan le 2 pasang kat aku.. huhu).. harga ok lah, less than RM40 for all. Kedai tu sememangnye specialty shop utk party dresses, princess gowns, costumes etc.. aku plak yg rambang mata, cantik2 belaka sume gaun kembang tu.. hehehe.. On the Party day, anak2 ku dgn ajaib nye bangun awal dan pergi mandi tanpa kena suruh etc.. heaven.. hahaha.. aku monitor je dari jauh.. bawah set butterflies naik Avanza, hujan lebat pulak tu.. mujurlah aku tak buang lagi plastic wings, terus masuk dalam paper bag Coach yg besar giler tu.. then, aku gi keje (lambatlah hari tu.. hujan lebat plus ada eksiden kat fast lane.. hampehh)..


Party starts at 1130, tp aku pulak pukul 1130 tu lah diaorg kata testing schedule clash lah apa lah.. geram tul.. sempat lah buat damage control setengah jam, tengok jam dh pukul 1215.. harus bawak kete laju2 gi school, sampai je tengok diaorg dah nk habih makan nasik.. tp still pakai wings, antenna and wand tu lah.. so, apa lagi klik-klik je lah mana yg ada..


Rupanya Year-End Party ni ada prize giving ceremony jugak.. performances from the kids awal2 dah selesai, then makan time, lepas tu baru bagi hadiah.. mana lah aku tahu.. apa pun nasib baik aku angkat kaki gak pegi party ni sbb selalu kalau dah lewat aku stay kat office je, tak keluar.. anyway, seronok lah tengok anak2 aku makan nasi tomato ngan ayam sampai habis licin dalam tray biru (teringat dulu2 macam kat SSP pulak.. hahaha).. then, bila dah kemas semua, teacher pun announce prizes to K3 students (dpt jam loceng ngan classroom pictures).. then bermacam2 lah prizes utk best itu lah best ini lah.. aku tk harap pun nabilah tu dapat hadiah, asalkan dia happy cukup lah.. adik dia pun sama (najihah is in K2).. so unlike me, yg dulu nye mesti suruh anak aku compete bagai nk rak esp time exam.. haha.. tgh sibuk2 dgr teacher announce, tiba2 nama Syafiqah naik (kat rumah panggil Nabilah).. she got prizes for Best Science Reader and Best Circle Time Teacher.. sungguh tergezut time tu.. dah le aku duduk kat tepi pintu, sibuk ambik gambo, macam tk percaya je.. alhamdulillah.. tak sangka betul.. so dia dapat 2 tabung (1 from teacher, 1 from bff Sufi), 1 jam loceng (supaya bangun pagi awal2) and 1 buku nota (for being good teacher).. then, teacher bagi dia buat performance semula (baca poem yg aku taipkan dan print out color) supaya aku bley ambik video dia baca depan audiences (her friends and teachers).. at the same time, Najihah dpt salah satu tabung yang kakak dia menang, and load of goodies bags (sbb sekali dgn birthday party jugak).. at the end of the party, aku pun angkut lah kedua-dua kanak2 low fat milk tu balik rumah utk naptime.. tak sampai hati nk suruh duduk daycare, and after all habis party tinggal 2 jam je masa kerja.. so half day je lah..


One of the best parties I have ever attended.. although aku lambat sampai but seeing the kids happy being with their friends really made my day.. nanti aku post gambar2 butterflies princesses tu ye.. hehehe..

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Another 'lemau' post from me.. itu pun sbb aku tengok blog aku tk dihapdate selama 3 bulan kat blog Neny.. haha.. sangatlah lemau aku nih..

So, what's up with me? a lot of things. tak sempat lah nk update kat sini. mostly update status kat FB je.. tak pun kat twitter.. since nk menulis blog sgt slow esp kalau time busy yang amat. padahal boleh je if aku email the content.. rasanya pertengahan tahun ni, mmg selalu update thru email..

Anyway, major update - my DH got new job nearby (sebelah pagar office aku je.. hehe), he completed his studies (yay!), I haven't finish mine (huhu!), my mom is a lot ceria these days (alhamdulillah), I had a working trip to Seattle (Sleepless? not at all.. haha), Nabilah had her first dance concert (Dhoom dhoom? Loved it!) and Najihah is getting better at piano (as well as her sister-lah). So that will cover all major story lines in my life for the past three months.

Now back to work. DH signed up for further study in UPM, both kids are enjoying piano class more, the eldest is now in Ballet Primary class and she is graduating from kindy soon to Integrasi school in Bangi (where both schools - kebangsaan and agama at one place) and myself resume to busy schedule as ever.

One major achievement for me - lessen my credit card debt, partly because DH paid full using his term loan, and somehow I manage to curb my impulse buying using Credit Card and converted to Debit Card loyal user. Woohoo!

This next time. Seattle story coming up, insyaallah..

Friday, June 25, 2010

After soooo long...

Slps baca entry di beberapa blog baru esp Casa Arina, terpanggil plak nak update blog aku.. last entry was April 26, 2010.. lama giler, 3 months++ back.. ni dah masuk tahap blogger lemau dah nih.. macam-macam hal dah berlaku, tak surelah aku nk tulis yang mana satu hari ini.. banyak sangat dah aku buat dalam masa 3 bulan yang lepas.. termasuk lah ambik exam professional dan present paper kat satu conference masa bulan May..


Tapi satu mende yang aku nk share sekarang ialah pasal pandangan orang yang baru je kenal kita.. emm.. memang sakit jiwa lah kan.. kisah benar ni sbb selama ni tak pernah lah org tegur aku tak banyak cakap dalam meeting.. dah le yang tegur tu boss besar.. aku pun ‘ooookayyyy..’ then bagilah alasan kenapa aku tak byk cakap masa meeting yang first and cakap sket2 je masa second meeting.. btw, cerita ni berkisar pasal technical meeting yang mana mende yang dibincangkan adalah di luar bidang kuasa aku.. aku bukannnye superwoman lah.. semua mende tahu.. mmg lah report tu dah ada kat aku 2 minggu, tapi dalam masa 2 minggu tu lah aku kena siapkan keje2 lain yang lebih penting, pas tu dapat pulak assignment yang kena baca banyak buku.. tetiba dah sampai hari meeting.. then the first meeting pulak, aku join bidang terjun je sbb time tu aku ada kat ofis and boss panggil pulak.. damn it, dalam hati je lah.. ok, berbalik dgn kisah kena tegur kurang bercakap dalam meeting.. aku sebenonye kurang suka nak argue dgn orang yang banyak cakap tp cakap kosong je i.e. berlagak pandai lah.. sbb tu lah aku malas nk layan sangat.. tunggu lah klu aku dapat title nnti boleh lah aku blasah org yg berlagak pandai tu habis-habisan.. heheheh..


So, kesimpulannnye mmg jadi pengajaran lah buat aku sendiri.. sblm meeting kena baca report dan paham kan intipati report tuh.. kalau tak berkenan dgn subjek tu baik communicate dgn org yg pandai (bukan berlagak pandai) supaya dalam meeting ada mende yg boleh aku cakap kan dan nampak cam pandai sket..walhal tak pandai pun.. itu lah kisah yang aku nk share.. aku dah pun siapkan compilation proposal tu plus the introduction yg sume org macam tk kisah nk buat pun.. sejam je aku buat, ekspess giler.. letih dah nih..


Lain kali aku cite lagi okeh!! Have a nice weekend everyone!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dilema hari ini..

Ok, entry hari ini memang dilemma aku buat masa ini. Cerita berkisar ttg overseas trips. Ada 3 trips yang jarak antaranya cuma sebulan dua je. First, Montreal Canada yang mana aku dh pegi 2 tahun lepas utk training dan kali ni training yg ala-ala conference gitu (but training nye lagi specialised lah) – bagus untuk research project aku sekarang. Second, conference di Italy untuk paper yang aku mmg dh lama peram sbb nk dapatkan data yg paling bagus – yg tak bestnya conference ni kalau aku nk pegi, kena bertolak pada Hari Raya ke-2!! Hari raya tu ye.. hari raya puasa.. huhuhu.. Third, IEC workshop di Seattle Washington – yang ni aku tk mintak pon, tapi di nominate sbb utk young engineers 20ish and 30ish yrs old (young sangatlah aku ni.. hehehe), sebulan selepas Italy punye trip (kalau aku pegi lah).. IEC workshop ni kalau aku pegi mmg sakit lah jugak sbb aku wakil Standards Malaysia (ada sorang lagi dari Petronas) and paham-paham je lah kalau dh jadi wakil tu kepala otak aku kenalah diasah cukup-cukup masa workshop nnti aka brain overloaded.. 1Malaysia lah kan.. the good thing will be secara tak langsung aku di’recognise’ jadik expert lah – although belum expert lagi (mengikut definisi aku.. hahaha).


So, ini lah dilemma aku.. nk tinggalkan budak2 ni dgn ayah nye je time Raya Puasa sedih pulak, tapi inilah tahun akhir aku pegang lab kilat ni sblm boss besar itu suruh aku handover supaya aku buat byk lagi research project. If handover, privilege goes to the one yg handle lab untuk gunakan data for publication. Then aku nye impian nk melawat National Lightning Detection Network kat Tucson, Arizona USA tu pun terlepas gitu je sbb memanjang conference ILDC tu dibuat kat LA sampailah sekarang. So, cam ne aku nk decide? Pegi ke tak pegi? Kalau pegi, yang mana satu nk pilih? Italy ke Canada? Seattle tok leh tolak kalau dapat.. tinggal 2 ni je yg tak tahu nak pilih mana satu.. haish…


*brain overloaded early in the morning* LOL



Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blair's wannabe..

I am officially addicted to Gossip Girl Blair Waldorf’s fashion style. Polished look and preppy style. With a little bit of luck, Seattle here I come, and these are things I wanna scour when I get there – be it online or offline. Hehe.

(1) Blair’s gold bangle that she wears during the ‘game’

(2) Spanx

(3) Medela breastpumps

(4) Coach bag

Haha.. berangan lebey dah nih.. I am missing the States, hopefully got ‘Green Light’. Oh by the way, Italy maybe in the list too since this is my final year working directly with the lab management and all the data that I can control. Cagliari and Seattle. Maybe New Orleans to add some spice during the trip, literally. Nice combinations *smile wink wink*


Tuesday, March 23, 2010


My friend, Neny is traveling around Europe (I think?) with her family and she did very good job writing about it in her blog. Similar to Azma, who stayed in Dubai since last year and she has been a wonderful friend describing her journey to Holy places at Saudi Arabia. How I missed the fun of traveling, just like the old days when I was in UK for couple of years and my short stint in the US. Am I bored with my job now? Day in, day out. Write papers and following orders that I don’t fancy but I have to. I received my monthly subscription of Reader’s Digest today and the Editor wrote about her story of taking a year-off after being laid off to travel around the world. Yes, around the world. With some money of course, gaining experiences on the road. For the past 5 years after I came back from USA, I vividly remembered only 4 holiday trips (3 of them are paid trips as conference paper presenter) that I went to: Singapore (2008), Penang (2009), Penang and Langkawi (2010). Each trips only take me 2-3 days off the work and some were combined with work (Bakun trip is not considered a holiday, mind you). DH and I love to travel and see other places. That was the main reason that we cannot stay back home (whether in Johor or Terengganu) because there is not much of things to do there. We settled in Nilai, the suburb but fairly close to the city center and the airport. I will retire coming age of 45 years old, but life is so short. What if today is my last day, and there is no tomorrow. I can just pray and hope for the best to come from Allah, for longevity and happiness with my family. Realising this, we have decided that coming end of May, we will take a week off from work and travel to Redang Island, whether the bosses like it or not.


I am trying hard to upload our Langkawi pictures to this blog. Although dah basi, still I am (and want to) coping up with my traveling photos.