Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Since the boys love anything with wheels we did a car/truck room, They love their new big boy beds and their flags w/ their names on them ( thanks pottery barn). Their bedding my mom got for them at home goods, they are actually a sleeping bag which is awesome cause there is no bed to make and they just ZIP right in. Oh and yes sometimes we go in at night and their snuggled up in the same bed.

Friday, August 8, 2008


So on Monday I have to go back to work! I am dreading it because I love being at stay at home MOM ( even those my boys are maniacs). BUT, working means I can provided for my family and we can spend 200 bucks at costco to feed, and diaper the Beastly boys! When I was a little girl I used to dread when my DAD left for work and he used to sing me this little song, " Gotta Go to work to get some money....to buy some TOYS" I loved it and better understood why my DAd had to work. I am going to start to sing it to my boys on Monday morning before i leave. I hope they have fond memories of that special little tune like i do.