Sunday, January 18, 2015

Dorothy Maynerich Mangum

Dorothy's birthday was on the 17th and since she does not like to have her picture taken, I posted this one on Facebook. I wanted to include it in my blog journal so it would not get lost.

New Calling

I have been called to serve as the first counselor in the Relief Society. I have not been able to attend RS for years because of callings in Primary and Young Women. I am excited to learn, grow and serve.

Friday, January 16, 2015

MESA Club Project

Harker, Hyrum, and their friend Eric are building a robotic arm for their engineering club at school. They will take it to a competition in Albuquerque in a month. They are sure working hard!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Tax Time!

The in-laws are busy with taxes, we went by today to help fill vending machines.  Hyrum and Harker even have their own machine this year to make some mission money.

Natalie's Style

Saturday, August 16, 2014

A New School Year!

I didn't take pictures of my kids on the first day of school. I felt only slightly guilty about it as I saw all of the cute, nicely dressed kids with their new backpacks on their parents' Facebook pages. Really, picture day should be the first day of school, the students are dressed better on the first than all others. Anyway, Harker is in 8th grade. Hyrum is in 6th, at the middle school now with his brother. Natalie is in 3rd, and Nathan is in 1st. I am teaching 5th this year again and I am happy to say that I survived this first week back. I definitely earned every penny. Everyday got better and I am starting to remember why I love teaching. I have a room full of students that I am already growing attached to, and I love being at the school with two of my kiddos. Eric, my nephew, is in the room next to mine and  I love to see him smile and wave at me as he goes by. A highlight of mine is walking my students down the hall and hearing a "HI MOM!" come from a classroom.