Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Nathan Lost His First Tooth!

I took Nathan to the Dentist last week and she informed me that my four year old already has two of his six year molars! Then today he lost his first tooth! All of my other kids were in Kindergarten or First Grade when they lost their first. Nathan was so worried when we first told him his tooth was loose. He said repeatedly that he did not want it pulled, that he wanted it to just "fall out". Poor kid didn't stand a chance with his father around. Brad got it on the second try and Nathan was too stunned to cry. I heard him tell Natalie, "You're right Natalie, I didn't feel a thing!" Nathan will get his first visit from the Tooth Fairy tonight and he is certain that he will get "one whole dollar!"

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring Break Day Two- ABQ Zoo

It had been a while since we had been to the zoo so while we were in ABQ we dropped in. It was a perfect weather day and it was not crowded. I was excited as it was the first time as a family at the zoo without a stroller or a diaper bag! We all walked together and enjoyed the sights. The kids were so animated and excited.

I enjoyed taking pictures with my new camera Dorothy gave me for my birthday. Doesn't it look as if this gorilla could just reach out and grab Natalie?

There were peacocks and peafowl everywhere. Nathan thought there was just one that kept following us around.

All of my monkeys!

Natalie hanging with the Giraffes

Nathan thought the elephants were so cool.

I loved watching the polar bears the most.

Hotel Spring Break

The best part of the hotel was that I "Pricelined" our three star hotel for $45. The second best part was that the swimming pool was great! We went two different times and had the pool, hot tub, and sauna all to ourselves! All four of my fishes were in fishy heaven!

Spring Break Fun

We took off to Albuquerque for a couple of days during Spring Break. We took Natalie and Nathan to the dentist and then went to see our good friend Chuck. It had been a long time since we had been to visit and we all had a blast.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Mission Reminiscing

General Conference really got me reminiscing about my mission. Brad scanned some of my pictures so that I would have them in my blog book. I loved serving in Poland and I have such good memories of those wonderful 18 months.

Monday, April 1, 2013


Harker was in charge of the activity for FHE this evening. He decided the kids needed to make a pyramid.