Saturday, May 26, 2012

Aunt Katie's Here!

Nathan loves when Aunt Katie come to visit! He has someone to swing with, play hide and seek with, turn him upside down and jump on the trampoline with. Heaven.

I'm Ready!

The kids only have a half day of school left and I am ready for them. Natalie is stoked and ready to go. Harker and Hyrum asked if they could have a couple of days off .  I said no. They expected as much.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Twelve Years Ago Today!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

This Week, A Few Pictures

We went to quite a few garage sales on Saturday. We found some good stuff that we needed and a few things we just plan wanted. Nathan wanted this costume and I just happened to have enough nickels. The cutest part was that you could see his character underwear through the shear material.

Harker spent all day Tuesday at the district's 5th grade track day. Nathan and I dropped by for a couple of hours. Poor Harker was so excited and nervous all day for his event and then at the last minute they cancelled his event for bad weather.

I took Hyrum in for his 9 year old check up. Nathan was acting crazy waiting for the doctor to come in.

Hyrum was so funny. He did NOT want the doctor to "look" at him. He was really uncomfortable having to take off his clothes. He kept the cover-up all the way up to his nose!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Phoenix Trip

My in-laws own and run a tax office and just about every year they are itching to get away after tax season. This year they invited us. We went to Phoenix for fun, shopping, and ideas for the house they are building. We also went  down to Thatcher to visit family. Brad's brother Joe and his family were also with us for most of the trip. We had a great time and are so thankful to them for the trip.

Nathan thought he was on top of the world.

IKEA is sooo cool! I don't know if I liked it more because they watched our little kids while we looked around or because I got really cool king size duvet covers on clearance for 19.99! Nathan still talks about the ball pit in their play room as one of his favorite parts of the trip!

We went to an indoor amusement park for kids.

The LEGO store was a big hit with the kids especially because Grandma spoiled them big time!

We went to a Zoo of sorts. They had lots of animals and rides. My favorite part there was their restaurant. Not only did you get to eat while watching sharks swim around, they served Kansas City Style BBQ and it was goooood!

We got to feed apples to the birds!

They told us you only have 15 minutes before the birds start to make a mess. They gave us a two minute warning to leave the encloser!

The kids loved the petting zoo. Hyrum was the most freaked out. The animals could sense it and kept harassing him. It was so funny for me. I was the bad parent who kept laughing and taking pictures instead of helping him. My favorite parts were when the animals would start trying to eat his shirt or jump up on him. His reactions were so funny. He would totally be worked up but would say stuff like, "Oh no, Oh no no, MOM! Um mom..this is crazy, are you filming this? Are you getting this on video...MOMM!!!"

Natalie was totally a natural. She was a mommy and kept trying to make sure the little ones got food too. She walked around like she owned the place and when I was looking for her to leave, I found her seated in the middle of the place next to the petting zoo supervisor in deep conversation about  the care and condition of the animals.

Priceline hooked us up at a great hotel in Scottsdale. We enjoyed a great room, a great pool (complete with spa, kiddie pool and live entertainment) and a hot breakfast all for $45! Nathan thought it was the coolest thing to have his own pool!

Natalie was a water baby and a social butterfly at the pool.

Brad, Nathan, Natalie, Eric and I broke away from the group at one point to visit the Rainforest Cafe. They were so amazed by the place and it was so fun to watch their excitement. We also discovered that the JC Penny Outlet was there too. I got some amazing deals there and hold a special place in my heart for the store!

We had breakfast at a really cool restaurant in Thatcher.