Thursday, May 26, 2011

All Done!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Christmas in May!!!!

Look what Santa brought me! Almost done!


Jefferson Elementary had an awards assembly on Monday and both boys brought home letters inviting me to attend, stating that they were going to receive an award. Natalie, Nathan and I went to school and were so excited to see the boys get their awards. Harker received a Board Excellence Award from the school district for scoring advanced on his state testing last year. Hyrum was presented the President's Award for Academic Excellence (yes, it was even "signed" by President!). Way to go boys, only one day of school left!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bucket Handle Tear

I went back to the orthopedic doctor today to get the results of my MRI. Well, I have a bucket handle tear on my lateral meniscus and part of it has flapped over and has locked up my knee. Sounds fun huh? Anyway, I have to go in to have arthroscopy outpatient surgery in a couple of weeks. Fun for me!

Better Than TV!

Brad tore out the old driveway while I was out of town and now the new one is going in while he is out of town. Go figure! Half is in and the other half comes tomorrow. Natalie and Nathan had a fun day watching from the windows. It was better than TV!

Friday, May 20, 2011

11 Years Today!

Happy Anniversary Brad! I Love you!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

4th Grade Science Project

Harker's Science Experiment is done (Thursday night) and it is not due until Monday. Yeah! One less thing to do this weekend. Harker did a great job and did most of it all by himself. He received a timely (yes, at times it helps to have a mom who is up on the curriculum!) science experiment book from the Easter Bunny and knew exactly what he wanted to do long ago. The chemical reaction volcano is always a popular pick so Harker signed up early. Hyrum, Natalie and Nathan were in awe the whole time.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Where to begin? I have been out of it for a while as I hurt my knee a couple of days after the last post. I wish I could say that it was from doing something like practicing ninja kicks or snowboarding, but alas, I was just getting up off the couch. I had been sitting sideways on the couch, with one foot up under my bum. I jumped up putting all my weight on the twisted knee (I don't recommend trying it) and I heard some awful noises and felt the worst kind of pain and fell back down. Talk about some nasty pain, I couldn't move. Thankfully I had my cell phone in my pocket and called for Brad. I could not put any weight on my leg and it was swollen from my knee to my toes. I got in to see the doctor the next day. He took a look and said, "I hope it is not as bad as it looks", bandaged it up, gave me a prescription for pain meds and made an appointment with the orthopedic doctor for me the next day.
The orthopedic doctor stuck a huge needle into my knee and drained fluid and inserted some pain meds so he could manipulate my leg. They took an x-ray, ordered an MRI, and gave me a leg brace. The first week I was pretty much in a wheelchair, then I could use crutches and now I just limp. I had my MRI yesterday. It was painful. I can not straighten my leg and they pinned it down almost straight for about 20 minutes. Anyway, my follow-up with the doctor is Tuesday and hopefully we know more. In the meantime it stinks to be slowed down and limited but my kids have been a big help and Brad is the best. We have both had plenty of time this year to take care of each other and although we would not have chosen the events, they have definitely been learning experiences and our marriage has grown even stronger.

Speaking of stronger, everyone keeps asking about Brad. Brad is doing very well. He just completed his cardiac rehab(think gym at the hospital) and he is in great shape. He has lost 25 pounds and lots of inches. His doctor says he is stronger than before and has a great prognosis. He is a very faithful, happy person. He just finished his year teaching seminary and has now been called as the ward clerk. He was just called this last Sunday and it made for a long day. I went to Church at 7am and Brad didn't get home until 4pm. We're going to have to get a babysitter two times a month now for ward council!

Natalie spent the night with Grandma last night and the boys are at school so Nathan and I are getting a taste of what it is going to be like next year when Natalie goes to Kindergarten. This is Nathan resting on my bed with his dad's ipad. He loves to watch netflix and is good about changing the shows himself (at 2 yrs old!).
Nathan is being potty trained this week. I planned to do it a couple of weeks ago but potty training from a wheelchair was not very appealing. Anyway, he is doing great. He only had two accidents the first day. He has gone both nights dry and on day two he starting going by himself. He is so funny though because he is so excited about wearing such cool underwear that he likes to change them all the time.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mom, can I have your phone number?

Natalie and I were just sitting around chatting when she stopped and asked if she could have my phone number. I gave it to her and then she repeated it a couple of times and said, "Thanks, I need it cause when I grow up I will want to call you up and talk."