Friday, July 31, 2009

Natalie is Three!

Today our little princess turned three! We had fun at Big Cheese and then had a party at home complete with cake, ice cream, pin the bow-tie on the bear and a pinata.

Hyrum and Aunt Audrey tearing it up at ski-ball.


Aunt Katie and Nathan waiting for pizza.

A big princess cake for a little princess!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Birthday Girl

My little girl will turn three tomorrow! I am so excited for her. She is going to have a princess party again and will have the rare opportunity to have both sets of grandparents at her party. This is one of my favorite pictures of her taken at 18 months.

Mortgage Insurance

Today I went down to the school district's central office and got my ducks in a row to sub this year if needs be. The worst part was having to pay for fingerprints and a background check. I thought by having a current license I could escape this requirement but no such luck. New Mexico pays a NM licensed teacher $105 a day to sub. I don't plan on subbing very much because of my little ones but it sure could come in handy and will help me sleep better at night knowing that if I had to, I could wake up and go to work and pay the bills.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Little Freaky

Harker's feet have grown like crazy lately and it is all I can do to keep shoes on the boy. Yesterday I bought him some back to school shoes and I could not get over the size. Then the kicker. I showed them to Katie and she laughed and put them on. She put them on!!! My little boy turned 8 last month and my sister put his new shoes on and ran around the house. It was too much for me and I chased her down the hall ranting at her to take them off. Didn't I just buy those cute little white shoes with the ankle support so he could learn to walk?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer School

This picture serves two purposes. First, to let you peak into the summer lives of my boys. Most days they attend Mommy's Summer School for an hour and a half. This year has been a little more fun as one of their friends comes too. His mom watches Nathan for that time so we can get down to business. The second is that you can see my new dining room table and chairs. Yeah! We bought the whole set for $150.00 at a garage sale and Brad reupholstered the seats! So happy! In other news, Harker passed his swim class and will be starting the next level next week. Yeah Harker! He has learned to dive which is something I was always too chicken to do. Also, as you have probably deduced from previous postings, Aunt Katie is here. She has been a big help and I am getting spoiled (I got to go to Wal-Mart today with just one kiddo! AND have lunch out alone with Brad)!!!! But alas, she does not come without a price. She monopolizes the remote, takes bites out of my ice cream bars (and then puts them back) and since my room is the only one with an air conditioner and TV, I find myself sandwiched in between her and Brad in my bed at night for TV time!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Baby Door

Natalie pushed out part of the storm door and Nathan has seized the opportunity to escape whenever possible.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Two Princesses in a Princess Bed

Does it really matter what you read as long as you're together?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

New Swing Set!!

Brad designed and built Harker a swing set for his birthday. After a few trips to Home Depot it is finished. Harker loves it and so do a few other people!