Monday, June 30, 2008

Two Weeks!

Nathan is two weeks old! He is such a sweet little boy and I am so thankful to have him.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Leaving the House Again

The pain meds are all gone and I can almost lie on my stomach again. The worst is over and I am more than happy to be able to sit up in bed to nurse without using Brad's arm to pull me up (he started doing it in his sleep!) It is nice not being allowed to do laundry or vacuum but I do hate not being able to pick up Natalie. Feeling better, no longer having the ward providing meals (bless them all), and having postponed a trip to the grocery store, we decided to make our first public family appearance since the baby today. Nathan slept and the rest of us enjoyed the food. I do not remember Applebee's ever tasting sooo good!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Today we all ventured outside to watch Harker practice riding his new bike. Yesterday he had a rough start with a flat tire and a lot of falls. We decided he needed a cheering section so we planted ourselves under a shady tree and hoped for the best. Harker did great! He was so proud of himself, it is amazing how much confidence a little success can give you. Brad did great too, I am happy to have had an excuse to sit on the sidelines and watch. I am so happy we still have a few years before the whole driving thing!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

My Nathan

Friday, June 20, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

19 3/4in.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

8lbs 4oz!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Welcome Nathan Bradley Mangum

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

1 Hour To Go!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, June 16, 2008

All My Bags Are Packed, I'm Ready To Go!

Why a picture of my toe? It means I am ready! Mom treated me to my second pedicure ever today. It was such a delight! The man doing it took pity on me and gave the deluxe treatment. A new baby and cute toes are sure to do more than the morphine (although I will still accept it gladly!). My bags are finally packed and I am more or less ready to go in the morning. It is still all a little surreal! We have a few names in our back pockets but everything is still game at this point. Say a little prayer for me and hopefully I will have very good news very soon!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

I was lucky enough to have Dad here for Father's Day today! I love you Dad!

Mom said that he is only a father because of her!

Me and my daddy!

Hyrum and Grandpa worn out after a long day of church, birthday party and Father's Day BBQ.

Happy Birthday Harker!

Harker turned 7 years old today! He had a great time and loved having Grandma and Grandpa to share in the fun. He loved all his presents especially his new bike and his Indiana Jones DS game.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Um...Rachael, Are You Nesting?

So Brad comes in the door after 9p.m. last night after a long day at work and the first thing he says to me after he comes upstairs is.. "Um...Rachael, are you nesting?" My first reaction was one of pride. Yes! he noticed all my hard work. Yes, this is further confirmation (as if my belly isn't enough) that I am at the end!
"Look in the closet!" I tell him, undaunted that he doesn't noticed I vacuumed the collection of dust bunnies and rearranged all the shoes (by the way, he has more than me!). "I even cleaned under the bed!" So pathetic I think to myself, I am like a child seeking the praise of a parent. I suppose the regression happens naturally after having gone 13 hours without having spoken to an adult.

Thinking back on the conversation this morning I wonder if he was just trying to make me feel good. Or, was it an indication I have let the house go?? Is it normal for a man to know the term "Nesting" and actually use it? Then again, is it normal for a very large pregnant woman to be laying on the floor with two vacuums? And... is nesting just a term used to describe paranoid pregnant women who finally realize the baby really is going to come soon and if something is not done soon, said pregnant woman will have to live with her surroundings for months on end because she will be in zombe mode and husband will have enough of a hard time with the day to day. Or, is it the guilt of knowing that if pregnant woman doesn't get up on that chair and dust the fan her tiny newborn will have to breathe in more than necessary?

The day before I had just had my last prenatal visit! Isn't that weird? I have never been able to say that before. Funny thing, having it all scheduled. People even give me strange faces when they ask when the baby is coming and I can give them an exact day. They smile, but I know they are thinking, "You hope!" People have even starting asking me how dilated I am. It throws them for another loop. That is another dis pleasant I have avoided. The Doctor doesn't even care if the baby is breech or if I am strep positive. He just advised me to take it easy and be nice to myself the next few days. Sorry Doc, I tried, kind of.

I do have to clean the bathrooms before my mom and dad come this weekend. I know they wouldn't mind, but I can not subject them to the smell of urine my "potty trained" boys seem to produce after only a couple of days. At least not when they first get here! After that, I plan on taking it easy! HA! That is, after I go out to eat and shop and do all the things I won't be able to do for a while, and celebrate Father's Day and Harker's birthday and get my stuff ready for the hospital. O'well, there's always the three days in the hospital. Sometimes I guess it just takes major surgery and very unpleasant pain to make you stay still. I read in a parenting magazine lately about a woman who when asked what she does to get alone time with her husband replied by saying that she jokes with her husband that she has to have a C-section every couple of years to get some alone time with him!

Anyway, enough of this, I have sheets to wash! I must add that I have lots of help with my "nesting". My kids have done so much! They are more than ready for Grandma and Grandpa to come and save them from their mother!

Monday, June 9, 2008


We picked our first strawberries from our little patch today! They were so big and sweet and the boys thought it was grand!

Friday, June 6, 2008

I Love You!

Natalie has started saying "I Love You!" on her own. Before this week she would say it back to me but now she will say it when moved upon. It is so cute and just melts me. Today I put her down for her nap and left her room and as I was leaving she said those sweet words and then continued to sing them till she feel asleep. She is getting really good at reading my emotions. She is quick to say "sorry" if she knows that she has done something wrong and will even apoligize for the boys if she can tell they've upset me. Sometimes she will even apoligize first and then act. She also likes to call the boys for me. I can tell her to go get the boys for lunch and she will go to the stairs or the front door and yell "BOYS, BOYS, BOOOOYYYSS!"

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Funny Hyrum

Hyrum found one of his long lost wallets in a closet today and after inspecting its contents he came to me exclaiming, "Who's the rich one now sista?!"

Monday, June 2, 2008

Big Brother Help

Natalie always wants to get on the top bunk like her brothers. Sometimes I put her up there and watch her as she squeals and rolls around in her "I'm a big kid too bliss." One day I was in the shower when Hyrum started yelling for me. The urgency in his voice had me jump out, suds and all, to find Natalie was stuck on the second rung, shaking and crying. Today as I was cleaning my room I was struck with the thought that Natalie sure had been having a lot of fun in the boys room for quite some time. When I inquired of Hyrum what Natalie was doing he informed me, "Oh, she's having the time of her life with Harker on the top bunk. Don't worry, Harker helped her." Sure enough, Mr. Muscles himself had made his little sister's day. After a good talkin' to, I let them play until Natalie's nap time. She was NOT happy to leave her post for a nap!
SIDE NOTE: Harker is still up on the top bunk. He has been fascinated with the Guinness Book of Worlds Records lately. All the way to Church yesterday he asked me what kinds of records exists and wondered aloud which record he could brake to get in the book. He just informed me he will be spending quiet time today up there as he wants to break the record for staying on a top bunk.