Saturday, May 31, 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Yet Another Great Deal!

One of the only things left for me to acquire for our unnamed bundle of joy (besides tons of diapers and wipes) was an exersaucer. I have been checking at garage sales all season and found a ton but I could only find old, overpriced ones (I am cheap remember!). Well, today was my lucky day. The huge Catholic Church across from ours had their annual sale and I hit the exersaucer jackpot! I bought a mint condition Baby Einstein one for $5!!!!! It sales at Babies R Us for 79.99! Thank you to the parents of the private school goer who donated it, I love you. Also, thank you to the price marker who had no idea of its value, I love you too!

Just Like Daddy!

Brad was sitting at the computer last night and Natalie wanted to be just like him. She went and got her laptop and after noticing that dad had a drink, she went and found her sippy cup. Thankfully, Brad was not in a diaper!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back To His Roots!

I gave the boys their summer haircuts yesterday, extra short so I won't have to worry about it for a while. I decided mid cut to leave a little on the top for Hyrum to get a reaction from Brad when he got home from work. Hyrum was oblivious for quite a while until he caught a glimpse in a mirror. "Mom, what did you do? You have got to fix this right now! I look like a skunk!" Brad did a double take alright and then it grew on him as he said, "Let's leave it for a little while." I took him to WalMart with me last night and we got not one weird look, I guess crazy is the new normal. I should probably cut it off before he has to give his talk on Sunday in Primary. We'll see.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Just Wondering

Ok, so we still don't have a name picked out, although we have had fun trying (anyone for Ricky Bobby?) but I am having fun thinking about what kind of temperament and personality we will be blessed with this time around (please... can I have one good newborn sleeper?) I have been reminiscing a lot lately and have even started to wonder what this little guy will look like. I am sure he will be yellow for the first few weeks as we have yet to escape the jaundice thing. He will probably have blue eyes as we all do, but much is still up in the air. Harker was a blond baldy who didn't need a haircut until he was almost two. Hyrum was born with thick dark hair that grew like a mow hawk and he needed a trim by four months. Natalie had dark hair that was thin on top and thick around the edges like an old man losing his hair. We'll see soon enough!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Simple Pleasures

The day has come! We have been waiting for our WalMart all Winter! Hyrum, Natalie and I went to the grand opening today and we had the best time you could ever have at a WalMart! Not only is this the biggest WalMart I have ever seen (this picture is not even showing half), it is sooo close to our home. Now we can enjoy discount shopping 24/7 without having to waste time and gas money driving across town! Hyrum was in heaven today as he could hardly walk a few feet without being handed a free sample, a toy, a coupon, Candy, cake, the list goes on and on (I have a whole purse full of stuff to prove it!). Hyrum was so excited that he took a free bag of dog food and it took him a couple of aisles before he realized we don't even have a dog!

Eight Years!

Brad and I celebrated our anniversary yesterday. We had a great day! Brad worked from home and that was a treat. We had a babysitter come in the afternoon and Brad went with me to my prenatal appointment. We rounded out the day with dinner at Outback, some shopping (nothing like buying nursing bras on your anniversary!), and dessert at DQ.

Poison Ivy!

Part of the graduation festivities included a BBQ at a lake. The kids had a blast throwing rocks in the lake and exploring. Harker wanted to take home a souvenir so he brought home something special. We are all for hands on learning.

Dr. Matt!

This last week was enough to exhaust any pregnant woman! I am proud to say that I made it through the festivities and had a great time. My little brother is a doctor! Congrats Matt! It was nice to spend time with the family and also see my big doctor bro up on the stage helping to make it all official.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Micro Soccer

Hyrum started Micro Soccer (pre-Kindergarten) recently. It is our family's first attempt at organized sports. If the weather would cooperate it would be even better. So far they have only played one of the four practices. They were rained out twice and had to clear the field because of lightning the other time. They gave him a t-shirt and a ball and he thinks he is hot stuff now. He practices a lot in the backyard and likes to take the ball when we go on walks, geocashing etc. Harker likes to give him pointers (boss him around) but when I ask if he wants to join a team he still declines (I told them one team and he is holding out for swimming this summer).

Monday, May 5, 2008

Petting Zoo

Today I took Natalie and Hyrum to the petting zoo. It was our first time this season and Natalie's first real experience there. She had soooo much fun. Every time she would see an animal she would get so excited, say, "me see!" and make me pick her up to look over the fence. If she knew the sound the animal made she would make the sound over and over while jumping up and down. My favorite was when she saw the chickens. She flapped her arms and tried to walk like one of them. If she didn't know the sound the animal made the default sound was "me-ow." Her favorite part by far was feeding the baby goats with a baby bottle. She took forever because she would only give each goat a couple of sips before she would jerk it from its mouth and move on to the next one. The girl's a tease! She was not the least bit scared and would shove them out of the way if she wanted to move or if one started to jump on her. She was the most sympathetic to the smallest ones that were whimpering for food and she thought it was funny that the biggest one was always trying to eat my shoe laces.


Saturday afternoon we spent some time geocashing as a family. The kids call it "treasure hunting." They also love that it means lots of time outside exploring nature. Lately we have been doing the city park series and it has proven to be quite fun. My favorite ones are the magnetic micro cashes. They are so tiny, some of them can be found under the metal park benches.

Camp Out and Sleepover

Brad took the boys on the annual Father and Sons' Camp Out on Friday. It was fun for the boys and a nice break for me. I tried to get Brad to take Natalie but it was a no go. Hyrum packed himself some of the cookies I had made that day and told me he would think of me with every bite he took. Harker cried when he had to say goodbye to Natalie. They didn't take many pictures but I like this one, boys being boys. I guess Brad didn't want to let Natalie feel left out so the next night he sponsored a sleepover in the living room with all three kids. They played, watched Night At The Museum, and slept huddled together on the living room floor. When I came down the stairs in the morning I found Natalie curled up asleep against Brad. It was so cute!