March was a very busy month for our little family!! We had several visitors, photo shoots, outside activities galore, basketball games, hit new milestones... well... just look at the pictures and see for yourself :)
Asher and his Papa are such buddies. When he comes into town they disappear together the entire time. Quite cute.
We love watching Jordan's Vivint league games.
Asher's "6 month" (he was really 7 months old) photo shoot.
ALWAYS playing with Rusty! We believe that Rusty was the reason that Asher learned to crawl forwards instead of always backwards.
Asher is walking around the house like crazy. He prefers to hold on to our hands, but if those aren't available he holds on walls, couches, chairs, etc. I will catch him standing unassisted all the time... my life just got that much more difficult!
If ever I can't find him where he was sat to play, he is inevitably standing by the back door watching the dog. I imagine them talking to each other through the glass :)
My younger sister Sydney was just accepted into BYU Provo. We were lucky to have her visit for a week while she was here finalizing things to begin school in the Fall.
SOOOOO many trips to the park. There are so many great ones around here.
Grandma LaVerne joined us for a week. We wore her out with all of our trips to parks.
A visit from Gmama. We love her.
It seems that we make a trip to Target every day since we are packing up for the summer. Cannot believe that it is that time of year again!!
Always reading a book. If I were to read in the car, and especially while sitting backwards, I can only imagine how carsick I'd be, haha.
We are moving to Little Rock, Arkansas for the summer. If we didn't get the chance to tell you goodbye, GOODBYE, we love you and will see you in September!!