Monday, August 30, 2010

lambat sgt laaa...

hari ni jue baru dapat tiket from my dad, wan. dlm parcel pos express tu, ada 1 resit ASB copy, rupa2 nya kat blakang resit tu ada tulisan wan, he just grab this ASB copy, thrash one kt pos ofis tu. to write to me. so sweet la my daddy =)

so, balik kampung dgn bas ekspres, mutiara, ahad, 5hb september 2010. yayyyy! actually jue gedik sgt nk balik dgn kereta with alia, but umi tak bagi. alaaaaaaa... takpe la, bas pon bas la, janji smpai n boleh raya yayyy!! =)

7hb dah janji dgn angah nk gi shopping raya. angah siap amek cuti lg. giler x saba nyer. sabar jue sabar..

as cuti dah dekat, i have tons of work to do. benci.

hm.. i can't hardly wait..

and seriously, i damn miss this little kiddo =(

Thursday, August 26, 2010

eyza qaisara

little miss hello kitty dah ade name =)
♥ eyza qaisara
sbena nye cik ju x suka sgt name eyza. grr
dah abes argue ngn abg ipar dah
its a combination of eznan & mazaya sbena nye
aiyo! haha.. tkpe la, i'l call her sara
like it =)
i miss them! i mean aryan n sara :(
can't wait to go back lah. waaa... 5hb, cpat la..

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

duit duit

hari ni nak melayang lagi duit simpanan jue.. grrr.. beijing oh beijing.. keranamu beijing.. demimu beijing.. pergilah kau duit, aku nak beijing jeh. yg penting, this is the last money to pay yay! bye2 duit, hello beijing..

hellooooo, nk gi beijing pon nk duit, come to mummy lah duit. duit lain plak, come come. jgn marah mummy ye. mummy cari kamu balik. insyaAllah..

duk baik-baik ye duit. mummy will replace u somehow. love u so much ♥
mcm treat anak plak.

selamat berpuasa semua! puasa saya dah rongak dah, jgn jeles2 :p

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

saya suka...

morning! selamat berpuasa all!

saja bosan memerah otak di pagi hari..

semua orang ada interest kan.. hari ni rasa nk list down apa yg jue suka :p

nak baca, baca lah, kalau xnk, boleh jgk. boleh blah. eh gurau jeh. huhu

suka je. xde yg tak suka. yang x suka tu, simpan je laaa.. or maybe next time.

juhairah yang suka..
- suka layan lagu pop. celine dion, mariah carey, britney.. skarang sgt suka delta goodrem.
- suka denga lagu. r&b pon best jgk. tp pop is the best.
- suka tegur orang sekeliling, biasanya bila saya jalan sorang2. *gila tak?
- suka cakap bukan2
- suka kacau bear saya
- suka call bear saya
- basically, suka bear, in any figure. lol
- suka tgk pompuan cantik. *seriousss
- suka shopping mcm orang yang dpt duit yg turun dr langit gamaknya
- lately suka warna merah & hitam, tapi pink sentiasa di hati
- suka makan pedas, tapi tak tahan pedas. *pulaaakkkk
- suka sgt lagu toni braxton, yesterday, dgn taylor swift, two is better than one. denga 1000 kali pon ok lg
- suka jadi part of interior designer
- suka makan ayam yg di masak. *sahaja
- suka memandu *pasti
- suka swimming *sangat2
- suka mandi *ini tipu
- suka makan kat kedai mahal and fastfood for sure
- currently sgt suka makan mcd. grrr
- suka beli barang mahal. duh..
- suka cari extra money dgn bekerja sambilan
- suka commit well utk sesuatu perkara yg dibuat *ok ini poyo dan tipu
- suka bergaduh. *dah tak dah kot
- suka let bygone be bygone
- suka lupakan kisah silam x kira yg best atau x best *maksudnya jue ni pelupa
- suka teddy bears
- suka sorang2 *betul
- suka denga bunyi pantai, bunyi hutan. boleh bayang cmne bunyi hutan? bunyi daun2 rimbun kena tiup angin tuuuu. best kan? =)
- u are so yesterday, never thought u loose my love this wayyyy.. lyric lagu yesterday, toni braxton la.
- suka sgt kereta brand volkswagen, tp tau sendiri x mampu to afford
- suka berangan *sumpah yg ni sgt gila
- suka tolong orang.
- suka orang susahkan, even diri sendiri susah =(
- suka observe interior design of a place. konon nya interior design student. *mcm orang gila
- suka bila orang ckp, 'i thought ur 20 or 19'. *i look young?! yay!
- suka control. *seriousssss benci
- suka atur bear *sampai bear pening
- suka suka
- suka travel *i wish i had more money
- suka jumpa orang baru
- suka spend masa dgn bear je
- suka habiskan duit *miskin
- suka topup handphone *tapi dah x kerap mcm dlu dah
- suka jadi anak kelantan
- suka jadi anak umi dan wan =)
- suka buka tingkap kt bilik sampai penuh kumbang mati kt bilik ni
- sukakan kebersihan *lalala
- suka bau perfume
- suka pretend like nothing happen, padahal dlm hati Tuhan je yg tau
- suka buat muka innocent *dia jadi sendiri la. benci

dah la. dah penat. nk sambung tido. nak gi mimpi dlu, jue suka apa lg yeh.

- suka giler justin bieber. ngaaaaa... lariiii!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

work is still a work

so after the lady's choice, this is my current job. HSBC raya redemption at midvalley. woah. this is the most challenging job as i need to approach almost chinese customer. HSBC loh. what could we expect right. mostly chinese lah. yg paling x tahan, 'oh i thought ur chinese.' as in the very first place pon, my colleague thought as it is, they even speak chinese cing cong cing cong with me. how could i faham lah guys! u ahhhh :p

work in weekend from 10 am to 10 pm was really tiring. i have 2 weeks left before balik rayaaaa, and beijingggg ;) yesterday, i mean ahad lah, i went to work by train, putra lrt and the only komuter to midvalley (sabtu tu bear yang fetch me home). the journey to work went well, but not the journey after work. i was followed by black foreigner. it's not that he likes me though, but something happen at kl central, maybe he wants to torture me somehow. bad guy lah he is. luckily nothing happen. malas nak citer. yang penting saya selamat ni ni ni tgh update blog lagi ni :p

working 10-10 is really tiring! next week i promise i'l drive to midvalley. saving my time and even most my safety. tgk la hari ni saya ponteng studio tau tau. this is my first time. x crit pon hari ni :(.. promise hari isnin depan nk tunjuk progress yg superb kat madam zalifah. acupuncture center, office project, promise u madam, yes i will! yg penting, jumaat ni cuti, no studio lagi, yayyyyyy!!!! 

ok enough. enjoy ur day everyone =)

evolution of love

last friday, i met my hubby, and that's not our last time meeting since he fetch me after working last saturday. but this is the story of friday lah, just bear with me. huhu. ok. that friday, we went to alpha angle, wangsa maju. looking for loko loko's present. while we pass by 'miss t' outlet, i saw those cute teddy bears. buy 1 free 1 for rm39.90. hihi. guess what, he bought me the bears. woah. feels like a new couple of lovers! mcm baru first time klua dating. lol. thanks b, love u to bits.

btw, no more 'bear' calling. that's so childish, as now we're very mature, i mean both of us. but he's still my bear, my papa bear. hihi. somehow 'b' is very simple to call. 'b' still for the bEAR la kan ;p

green for amir and pink for jue ♥

Thursday, August 19, 2010

terasa nak update.

takde apa nk bold kan kat sini, cuma terasa nk update je. bangun pagi nak gi kelas, tp malas nye nk turun katil.

jom gi klas.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

jam 1911

x sampai lg 1 and half hour, jue will depart to KL. but the feeling of home is like totally absorb my negative sense. rasa macam energetic balik. wahh! =) suke giler bila balik, and aryan was like really2 knows me well. pagi2 dah denga dia nangis tgh mandi dgn bibik. i went there and he's quite 'eh cik jue ada..!!' haha.. i wish he can talk. bila la yan ni nak cakappppp  ;p

baby pon dah balik rumah. she's so pretty la. jari panjang, hidung mancung. nama je tkde lagi. dad die ckp nk bagi minggu depan, denda pon denda la.. kehkeh. ade ke patot. dah x saba nk panggil baby name ape ni.. kat gelang tgn die register ngn nama dhiya qaisara, sbab xde nama tetap lg. tp name tu pon sedap je =)

lucky me dah repair my lappy. overall costed for rm450. melayang duitttt.. thanks umi.. x payah blanje kakak baju raya lah. shift je la since umi dah bayar lappy kakak. hm.. will buy another piece of baju raya on my own too. pergh.. baru je berangan nk mintak umi sponsor  lagi baju raya. tkpe lah. since dah ada 1 helai baju kan. will decide later. lagi selai baju cotton pon umi dah hantar tailor. and that 1 for sure umi's treat. grrr ;p brp brp ;p

ok nak siap barang2 utk blk. keep wondering, nak bear amek atau amek cab je from greenwood? macam nk amek cab je? ke? hm. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Home sweet home

Finally.. Yay!! I'm home! Dah jumpa whole family including the new born babygirl.. She's sooo cuteeee... Tp sedih nyer, baby kena tahan kt wad sbab kuning.. Td gi tgk baby kt perdana specialist, kota bharu, kelantan. Dpt pegang baby :).. Hm.. Actually smlm jue rasa mcm the end of day since my lappy jatuh tergolek and when checked, no display on the lid. Lampu screen x nyala. Mayde coz of the crash.. I cried until sleeping and x bgn to break fast. Bgn2, trus siap2 to greenwood all by myself. Kept thinkimg on how to do with the lappy. Sayang kot.. Dah la in the middle of my bz time. Submission and projects here and there.. Research by research.. That's the feel of end of world ok. Mcm tau2 je jue nk blk klantan n suddenly lappy rosal. Great la kan. So td dah g anta kedai uncle tmpat jue beli die. Uncle ckp plg mahal pon costed rm450. If not the price, to replace a new fuse just cost rm180. Thank god.. Jue dh budget rm1000 plus2 dah. Esk dh dpt amek laptop. Yay! Ok mmg penat update blog guna fon. Lecehh. Oh i want lappy.. Get well soon lappy.. Jom buka puasa!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

jue dan stress

ok hari ni mmg jue x boleh nak handle stress. semalam, seharian keluar gi site, lepas tu, balik bilik, mcm biasa, internet mcm haram jadah. totally loss ok.. byk research terbengkalai, tambah dengan penat x sudah. langsung tersimpan stress yg byk kat situ ye. tido mmg x cukup la kan.. tadi, tak bangun sahur, mmg x makan apa lepas buka semalam. air pon x minum. tadi, pagi2 dah bangun terkejut, mood xde langsung. siap2 gi PJ utk survey session for sunsilk. lol. penat. dlm discussion room pon jue x brape nk participate. xde mood lah.. tp best dpt cash je. dah dpt cash igt nk simpan. tuptup, konon nya nk distress, ajak kateb berbuka kat wangsa walk. negative cashflow from daily earning. tahniah jue. ingatkan dah distress, rupanya x. stress x hilang. damn. bila pkey keje bertimbun, design lintang pukang. stress kembali bertandang. aiyooo.. lastly, gi jumpe mr.bear kat bangi. miracle. stress hilang! now tgh ber'consult' design n space planning dgn bear. my talented bear. jom swift course b. heee... pasni dah nk sahur. yay! sahur dgn my hubby =)

ok hari ni saya rasa saya dah terbeli sepasang kurung moden hari raya. saya suka! (mentang2 hari ni nak balik klate..) :p

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

little miss hello kitty in the house!

my first niece after the only one nephew, aryan. 
this is aryan's little sister lah. 
alhamdulillah.. along selamat deliver baby =)
lepas ni dapat la beli hello kitty stuffs ye along =)
nama apa la plak adik yan ni ye.. jangan la aryana plis along n abg nan :p

Monday, August 9, 2010

anniversary celebration =)

it's our anniversary =)
and we're officially 8 years together on 17th july
basically 9 years

friday: 6th august
location: tony romas, midvalley

bear's favorite food should be western. but somehow, sape x suke kan? saya pon suka! =) ok mula2 ada 3 short list place, italiannies, tony romas or tgi. last2, tony romas jgk. actually, we decided to go to place we've never been to. and that's our first time to been there. betul2 ho liaoo. puas hati makan sampai xleh gerak. grrrr...

the gift from my papa bear =) ok this is the first time i was present a ring. 9 years, but this is the first. bear cakap, 'takut la nk bagi cincin.. mcm dah nak kawin..'.. hee.. sweet boyfriend he is kan? dapat je ring ni, bear bawak gi lazo to resize it. skejap je dapat pakai. have to wait for another 2 weeks. i miss the ring lah ♥.. and currently i miss my mr.sweet.bear. sweet kan die =)

my dear amir, after all hard and good times we've been through, i learn a lot from everything we had. u teach me a lot to please people, to handle such 1001 attitude people, to learn from mistake. i had so many things happen in my life mostly with u all the time by my side. it's a life baby. we've grown up together. and that's the best gift i'l value until the end of time. and that's it. our love story. i love u. i know it's a typical say. but i love u though =)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

it's a life of a loner

saya sekarang berada di rumahhh =) best je rasa ddk rumah compared to duduk kat bilik, even jue xde masalah pon dengan roommate baru.. cuma jue mmg ada masalah besar dgn maxis broadband skarang ni.. xtau la kenapa, coverage kt bilik mmg sgt teruk. stress giler.. i'm no longer a productive person at my room. tido pon awal tau tauu.. blog pon jarang nk update (slama ni aku rajin update blog ke..?).....

nak balik rumah skarang ni bukan senang.. nak kena ajak kawan2 yg available je nk teman.. hari tu jue ajak arina, suke sgt dia teman.. thanks tau ina.. susahkan ina je.. pastu tido lmbat.. pastu pagi2 dah nk kena bangun gi keje, jue antakan, pastu ina lewat masuk ofis... sorrrryyyy sgt.. tp jue appreciate sgt ina teman jue.. kalau xde ina, mmg x merasa la jue blk rumah :(

smlm terasa nk balik lg, dah ajak ramai orang, tp semua x available, ada kelas la, demam la.. time2 cmni, rasa down jgk sebab x punya kawan yg mmg rapat di sisi. time tu la, hopelessly.. jue belek2 phonebook kt hp, klua name alyn.. alynnnn! die ni mmg suke senyap. alyn ni roommate jue masa kat matrix, n kitorang mmg rapat, tp slalu x altogether. yg best nye, bila jmpe, ktrg byk share cerita n plan utk masa depan n berkongsi pendapat. ok back to the story, jue pon call la alyn,, alyn dlm class.. jue ajak dia, x sangka alyn nk ikot.. thank u lyn, sbab teman jue blk.. =) smpai jer rumah, ktrg gi swim mcm pool tu ktrg je yg punya.. kehkeh.. lepas tu naik, terus g makan sedap2 kt garden kt ou. cantik sgt tempat tu.. kat sana, borak mcm x ingat dunia smpai staff garden tu dtg bwk resit. grrrrrrr.. lepas tu lepak je la kat rumah. suddenly blackout utk 30 saat. terkejut berukkk.. dlm hati terus rasa syukur sbab alyn ada utk teman. cuba kalau jue sorang2 kt rumah. x ke naya. tp nasib baik blackout 30 saat je..

time2 jue susah.. mesti akan ada someone there for me.. i feel so thankful. thank u Allah for loving me.. protecting me from tough circumstances..

presenting... meet my new baby.. bulan n bintang.. =)