birthday dah lama lepas jue, dah basi da.. baru nk update ke.. huhu
kali ni birthday celebration jue plg best since years back =) sampai kan rasa sedih sgt bila clock was about to strike to 0000, 18th july.
ok day before my birthday lagi mr.bear dah take me out to dinner with his housemate n ridhwan. makan besar kat restoran kat bangi =) ingatkan cukup lah tu kan.. as i was working on my birthday. mayo mayo lady's choice =) tak sangka ada lagi birthday party for me manage by amir n my baby rhiana and the gang.
lepas habis kerja at 12pm on the day, mr,bear ajak gi makan, tp still unplanned, either nak g the curve or times square, sebab dia dah janji nak belanja shopping baju gi kelas kat times square :p finally both of us (ditemani mr.wan) decided to go to TS. yay dapat borong baju gi kelas banyak2 =) sebelum borong baju, makan besar lagi kat johny's, my request. kenyannnnggg... lepas tu baru la gi shopping baju. ok x sampai 20 minit, jue dah borong 5 pasang baju + 2 helai shawl, mr. bear's treat. lalala.. bear plak mcm tak lepas je dgn hp dia, msg sape ntah. i smell something fishy already but i just let it be. xnak spoil ;p ok bear pon ajak gi karok kat superstar. ala superstar dah boring.. tapi takpe ikot je la..
on the way gi wangsa walk, bear ask to call huda, jue pon call la ajak huda gi karok sama2, but a little bit frustrated huda demam (katanya huda).. takpe lah, dah cukup kot 3 orang, boleh nyanyi puas-puas. lalala.. finally arriving wangsa walk. masuk je entrance, i saw someone who i think i recognize him well. 'eh, marcus la, dia ada kerja ke kat sini..'.. lalu bola mata tertumpu ke kotak 4 segi di tangan marcus. birthday cake. aaaaaa.. kantoiiiiii.. hahahahaha.. lepas tu nampak la rhiana dgn kit skali. lepas tu sama-sama beriringan ke superstar karaoke.. beberapa minit lepas tu, datang la huda dgn reza nya, sgt terkejutttt! kata demam.. hihi.. lepas tu nyanyi 2 jam setengah sampai lebam. rhiana bising kenapa x buat kat redbox. lagi murah :o.. dapat birthday cake dari rhiana, written 'happy birthday baby ju' and birthday present pelik dari kit, taken from his own collection, kit pelik :p even they're just new to know, i feel the warm of them. not even heartache. i didn't even ask this huge thing to happen, but i got it, lucky me.. oh i really really love them ♥
my birthday day went through a lot of agendas. thanks to everyone.. tak kira kat facebook lagi.. i received hundreds of birthday wishes. really appreciate it, but my broadband speed at uia macam giler, can't even say my word to them. felt so stressed. that's the reason i went back to damansara.
sampai ke semalam, i still receive my birthday gifts, along and abg nan and of course little aryan, treat me dinner at delicious. yummy lazagne. yummy carbonara. yummy salad. yummy raspberry. yummy in everything. i love =) thanks thanks thanks.
barn buddy pon x lupa nak bagi jue hadiah. ngaaaa.. nak tgk? :p
so taktau nk cakap ape, banyak sgt birthday present. di kala begini, jue teringat 2 years back. kawan2 jue yg lepas buat birthday surprise jgk. jue tak lupa. walaupun dah tak kawan lagi, jue takkan lupa, mereka pernah buat jue gembira, walaupun seketika cuma. kepada kamu semua, andai terbaca ni, maafkan jue selama ini kerana jue bukan insan yg sempurna. ketahuilah, jue dah lupakan semua itu. jue hanya akan simpan yg indah tentang kita. dari kejauhan, jue sentiasa doakan yg terbaik utk korang semua. insyaallah..
ok jue. time's up. nak siap2 balik uia plak, kelas kelas kelas =)