Friday, September 25, 2009

that's how i ♥ kb

as always! huhu.. lame betol x ngedate. jue smakin malas nk update blog. dlu xdpt internet 24 jam, smangat nk on9 je keje. kat studio pon xleh lepas ngn lappy. skarang dah gne broadband siap, tp makin malas. ape ini. huhu.. mungkin sbab mcm2 dah jd kan.. as i did realize blogging is not my everything. padahal byk sgt jue nk ckp.. almost every single issues that comes across my mind, happen to me, mesti terlintas, eh nk post kt blog la. ah crap!

actually i'm into tumblr now. one of a vary blog site. cool site! i'm in love with it. but when it comes to it, ah susah nye nk gne benda alah ni. nak faham pon susah jgk. how how? lia.. help meee.. haha.. coolest blog ever. but i'm a dumb dumb. lol.

so it's almost 2 weeks at kampung! 24jam frozen n berfacebook dlm blk. gile best! raya pon jue tdo lepas jumpe sdare mare. dasyat ok! pastu kwn2 dtg, glabah siap2.. cover la sket jue. raya ke-2 gi raye umah kwn2. kumpul duit raya. wah jue dpt duit raye oh. lalala.. but raya taun ni cam unexpected je. beraya ngn kwn2 lg byk. sronok sgt2! supposely raya jd xbest sgt sbab xdpt raya ngn mohd amir zaini. haih.. tp tkpe la.. yg penting main ngn aryan fahim plg best. hmmm... i'm soooo soooo into aryan fahim. he's like an angel.. my one and only nephew. ;)

ok. hari2 sy tdo ngn aryan. ganas gile die tdo. habis muke aunty2 die libas. kaki kdg2 naik atas kpale ktrg (jue n angah). dasyat.. tu yg bleh jatuh katil. berguling ctu cni. adoi, aryan2.. hm.. so raye dah abes. puasa 6 bakal dilancarkan. wawawaaaa.. studio project berlambak lg.. argh spoil mood gumbira! esok dah nk bertolak blk. with along, abg nan and si comel aryan. dady aryan, get ready the pocoyo's vidssss. that's the only drug for aryan not to notty2 dlm kete. nnt die wat aircon kete jd panas je keje. tuka lagu dlm kete. tuka gear kete. tekan rooftop. tekan minyak je x. haha..

ok la need to pack my stuffy stuff. lol. before that, nk upload piccies of raya. hm.. till xtau bile lg nk update blog ini. i'm off. bye ;)

selamat hari raya, maaf zahir & batin ;)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

been bored with the old layout

tadaaa! new refreshing layout. and what meanings a lot to me is that i found out this cute layout, a story of a bunny and teddy. its all about us. haha.. funny but awesome! lol..

jue dah getting bored with the old layout. all black. coz actually i'm not quite into black. black is not my color. i love lovely color. these is the best. and i think this is just like me. i love rabbit n bear! helo love :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

design in progress

take 5! saje nk tunjuk design jue gune 3D max. 3D max lg? huhu.. pelik ke cacat jue ni. org tau sketch up, tp jue plak kecoh ngn 3D max. lol lol lol lol~

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

fragile heart

i'm back! rindu nye ngn blog............................ almost everyday jue tgk je blog, tp sgt malas nk update. yea.. lately been busy with loads of works. as always. lol~ but coz i've been missing my writing pretty much, yeah, update!

lately nk story bout my fragile heart. so sooo sensitive in every single aspect, any words, any song, any lyric, anything! but especially when it comes to my bf.. dlm studio pon jue kurang ckp, coz of x ckp tido and whatsoever things that annoys me, words that killing me. but i kept myself silent.

hm.. after a hard time, i feel a little bit relief actually. maybe when it comes to the limits. perhaps. i had enough. even fragile heart is killing me! hm.. i really wish i'd be given a heart of stone. so that when people say or do anything, i won't keep it to heart.

heart-to-heart end! so i still have a few more days to go back to kb. lol~ still need to go through this hard work. yeah, hard work pays! gonna be relief after this friday evening. boleh la raya dgn gumbiraa... ok need to go back to room, maybe sleep is the best for me now. saket bdn lah. off to hostel.