Wednesday, February 25, 2009

dj entrepreneur

waahh.. lame nye x update my blog. sgt buzy preparing for my studio project. haih.. 2 projects need to be submitted. and now, baru submit the islamic craftsmanship project. so tinggal satu benda alah lg. byk lg x siaaappp! tiba2 me rase conservation nih best plak. relax je comparing to the ID so called interior design project yg lepas tu. huhuuhu.. tibe2 rase wat keje kat workshop sgt lah cool. ekk..

actually me wat this entry coz nk share ngn u guys my noty baby aryan. along ckp die noty xnak tdo, so along bagi die denga lagu sedih. haha.. muke confuse je denga lagu kan.. hee.. look at his face..... . . .... ... ....
by the way, last saturday, i went to salon, setting my hair. perming stuffy. tasuke tasuke! tp mula2 je la tasuke. now i'm so into it. messy2 bagus jgk. x pyh nk comb my hair lg. huhu. sounds pathetic perhaps. hm.. till when my hair nk grows longer.. sigh..

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

I'm wishing this to everyone!
Valentine's day, the day to show our love to people we love
Yes, to my friends, my family, especially my sayang
To mr bear, thank u for the gift, the red rose :)
Will update the pics soon

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tasuke Tasuke (x suke)

I’ve only sleep for 2 hours! Sembang ngn miss adledash punye pasal. Hehe.. smlm tdo kt blk adledash. Sebantal sekatil. Kehkeh2.. lepas solat subuh td, me xtdo2 til now. Wonder whether miss adledash tgh mimpi or men lappy ni. Huhu.

Semak nya kepala ku! Bout latest project ni la, ape lg. Adoii.. x suke conservation project!! Kena design state gift. Boring kot. Huwargghhh.. I’m stuck ok.. brother nk subject matter, and I found out the pineapple yg agak femes la kt johor. Tp mcm tah pape plak wat pineapple as the subject matter. Thanx to jannah, pijan, adledash yg byk bg idea, especially jannah. Sayang jannah. Mwuah!! Thanx for always been there for kak jue.

So mlm ni kena stick up ngn sketch up of pineapple je la. Amek la ko. Aku bantai color ngn pastel, watercolor. Conteng2. Huhu.. Last decision ok. I’ve try my best dah. Sampai g national library cari buku. Now nk develop je pineapple ni jd something valuable. Me nk guna perspek as the material. Ape2 je la. Yg penting, me mmg xnak amek conserve, no matter what. I stick to interior design. Nak2!

Hm.. Finish yg psl subject matter. Now me kept worry of being summon ngn pakcik2 security. Huwargghh.. xdpt2 nk apply sticker uia. Leceh kot. Menci. Principal byk songeh. Thanks god, my fren nk tlg apply kan. By tomorrow, kena bagi die geran kete reddish. Hope will settle soon. Now pak guard slalu je tahan kete without sticker. Me dah malas nk kua from uia. Hari tu die tahan, “pakcik, nak g bank kejap”. Then pak guard tanye, “awk student uia ke?”. Me cpat2 deny it. Pak guard tanye lg, “betol ke?’ “aah,betol la.” Haha. Sorry ye acik. Tipu sunat. Lalala..

Lega now, reddish dah siap d service. Sume bear yg buatkan. Bwk g workshop sume. N dpt harga yg quite ok. Tuka minyak enjin, plug apekemende tu, ngn tuka air filter skali. Wah.. Dah byk tau psl kete now. Hee.. Hari tu nk g psg rear seat belt reddish kt perodua, trus dpt. Supposely kena que, n que tu dah reach july thn ni. Camne tah, trus dpt psg. Huhu. Now reddish dah ade rear seat belt.

Ok enough for now. I’m finishing my trip report Royal Selangor n Islamic Art Museum visit, last Friday. Buat jue, jgn x buat. Sigh..

Monday, February 9, 2009

wishes for my bear

i wish u happy always
i wish u healthy
i wish u get what u wish in life
i wish in the future, u become a somebody
i wish u for a pretty princess (yes it is always me)
i wish u always with me
i wish u all the best in this world
and u will always have my wish and pray, darling

thanx frens :)

8th FEBRUARY 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

my baby aryan

huwargh.. missing him so badly lah. my baby nephew yg noty tu. he had been back to singapore already. missing his laugh, his crying, his smile, muke 'learning' die tu. hee.. comel giler2! dah lame x letak gamba baby aryan kt my blog. so nk letak lah. here we go ;)

tdo time dlm kete to perdana hospital (tempat lahir aryan). ni baby aryan nk g inject for the second time. tdo kt bahu dady ye

muka lepas kena inject. noty baby!

i miss u...! baby aryan has grown up. oh oh.. rindu.. nnt blk lg skali aunty jue nk bwk baby aryan jumpe uncle bear ok. muah muah!