Tuesday, January 27, 2009

my first kiosk project

hu.. for 2 days, i only sleep for 2 hours. til today, ketidak cukupan ketiduran masih lg terasa. ek. duk umah ni pon bkn nye tdo sgt. lalala.. currently updating this entry n looking forward to do my research on the 2nd project. conservation project plak. haih.. review bout my last project. yep. i'm satisfy with my model. but i couldn't finish my drawings. blow up n axono. wuaa.. still, i'm presenting what's only left. printing the board on the day of submitting. nasib baik my assessor suke my layout even i'm not completing my drawings. my workbook pon xbyk sketching. sedey!

dlm studio. suppose to be the day of submitting. tp postpone.

modifying the interior as well as the shelves

my workspace. in my room. huu.. semak habis. me x sempat mkn pon chicken chop yg dlm polisterine tu. kemas this meja after taking this pic.

furniture perspective view

my finished model

1 of my presentation board, n the layout. perspective drawing yg x sempat nk render, without labelling =(

overal, i still have no feeling. after a hard work, n the result is like, hmm.. blur je. whatever it is, i'm still new, n i'm learning. n i will always try my best!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

i saw it. perhaps.

i think i saw it. that accident. but actually i'm not. hm.. frust jgk x tgk betol2 jln td. i have no idea what i'm doing mase tu. main hp kot. but suddenly i saw my dad bg signal ke kiri. i tot die nk singgah mane2, tp rupa2 nye kete kat dpn kete yg my dad drive tu spinning.

actually, all of my family were in KL since yesterday. umi, angah, wan, dtg KL from KB. wan, from KB trus g johor, to singapore, umah along. nk bwk blk kete(stream) along, coz they're having new car. aah, pnjg nye nk cite. my lil bro, dah kt singapore since a month ago. huhu. jd babysitter aryan. tp babysitter tipu. sbelah tgn jage aryan, sbelah lg main ps2. huhu. adoii.

n back to the story. me naik kete along, abg nan as the driver. ktrg folow kete yg my dad drive, which is the 'stream'. n dpn stream tu the crv yg 2nd edition. baru jgk la. tibe2, crv tu spinning n terbabas. there's a kid terpelanting klua dr tingkap pecah. kesiaaann.. ktrg stop g tgk. that kid plg teruk. his head koyak kot. but thank god xde yg bad injurt. n lg nasib baik, jln tu xde gaung.

as i know, tmpat tu name bukit tujuh. heading to merapoh. n lagi, ramai org ckp tempat tu keras. i also penah ade xperience kt tempat tu. dlu naik bas from kl to kb, bus yg me naik rosak kt ctu. waah.. scaryy. td pon, before xcident tu happen, ade 1 lori yg mcm baru xcident, langgar tepi jln. n kt nearby lg, ade van terbakar. lg teruk. depan ckit dr tempat crv td terbabas, ade satu kete iswara yg baru xcident, tp me xtau bile. ade kete polis lg kt ctu tgh tgk that car. tibe2 tambah lagi satu kes hari ni. yg crv dpn kete my dad tu la. ish.. betol2 happen dpn mate. me tgk, kt jln tu ade byk batu2 kecil. maybe tu one of the reason. mase tu speed 80km/h only kot. how come that crv bleh spinning n tergolek golek.

me syukur sgt ktrg 1 family selamat sampai. huu.. best la blk kelantan. after busy time, me rase relief lg. seminggu hidop x tentu. umi ckp i looked thinner. mati la camni. xnak kuruss!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

big relief

huuu.. sober je rase coz hanya tido for 1 hour. uwaaa.. blur pon ade jgk. smlm wat model cam org gila. tu la, wat last minute. haih.. btw, it's not about my laziness as the matter, it's about my empty idea. baru je prepare cutting board n model board, i'm stuck. and it's keep continuing since few days ago.

haih.. pikey2 blk, feel like i'm not so qualified into this field. yep. designing field. makin hari, rase makin lack of creativeness. of course, creative idea i should be. am i wasn't afford to do this? wuaa.. sad sad.. feeling down pon ade jgk. design tu satu hal, ni, the big problem is about my drawings associate with the sketch tu. boleh ke aku draw? hmm...

tkpe2, yg penting, such a big relief rite now. our sporting lecturers still giving us the chance. extending submission lg! hee.. so i have more 4 days to finish this project. 12 drawing2 to go plus sketch up yg byk2. hee.. fighting jue!

btw, i'm quite satisfy with my 1 day finished model. not a waste, i spend my whole day finishing it. but still, i need to change some part of the furniture arrangement. baru je finish consult ngan madam hanis. sronok2. hee.. fyi, i have to design a kiosk. n asked to do the gift & furniture kiosk. my brand is precious moments product, from precious thots. huhu.. anda faham? so kedai saya nama precious thots. do search kt google about precious thots ok. nice stuff they have. sgt adore the stuffs. muah! the real shoplot ade kt midvalley city. mari2 kite g ramai2 =)

precious moments figurines. as the product's trademark. comel kan? so so sweet figure

my kiosk yg x siap. need to be fixed more

huwarghh.. so tired. less sleep for 3 days. i need some rest. luckily tomorrow ade satu klas je. klas with lecturer mcm david becham tu. huhu. serious said. he have a look like him. tp ni david becham version ustaz. can talk bout our religion, ethics, fiqh, so on so forth. hm.. rite now, rase nk blk bilik je. nk landing n tido sampai esok.

hm..i want her to leave the room! rimas. off.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

it's sunday =)

happy happy happy!
today woke up early, kejut bear to work
tot bear keje kul 8.30
actually bear keje kul 10.30... lol
got lots of work to finish!
mock up model, drawingsss, space planning
pening kepale
td umi call, tanye reddish either in good condition or not
hm.. lampu break x nyale la..
umi ask to go to replace it
it's sunday. ade ke kedai yg bkk
huhu.. lepak kt bilik with akak
what a good day
smile smile smile =)

current mood: hungry ;p

Thursday, January 8, 2009

terrible shame

so so terrible ok! i had a big shame la last night. around 11.30 pm to 12 am. the evening before, my studio mate, lil azie, had message me asking for a favor to record my voice to let her so called friend to listen. yeah, fyi, i had agree to have duet with this person.
huwargh.. and the last night.. i did record mine. the time is ok coz my tubbies g meeting. tkde la aku nk memekak je kt diorg. and that's a chance. so it started. thru my handphone, next to the only window i had in my room, with open air. song by song.. after a short song i sang, n i did skip each of it, i looked around. damn! there's 3 heads of people by the next block who were sneaking on me! maluuuu!
ok. don't laugh. no words to describe anymore. HA HA!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

my little reddish

lepas bace blog janie.. there's a force in me to tell bout my little red car. perodua kancil, red, manual. believe it or not? manual tau. proud to be one of the girl yg boleh bawak kete manual, other than auto. rabbit boleh! heee..
huhu.. kereta ni umi yg gave me permission to have my study works as easy as i don't walk far to class anymore. plus, senang nk klua g beli my projects' stuff n so on tu. lagi, mmg panjang la kaki ku, coz ade sebuah kereta. walaupun kancil, tp tetap adalah sebuah kereta. susah tau nk convince wan n umi to bring it here. worrying about me of course.
as i remember, the car was bought in 2001. mase tu along still study kat UM lg before she flee to Japan. lepas tu, this car at kb, smpai la the year of 2005, along had finish her study from Japan, that begin to work in KL. reddish had been brought to KL again. after a year, along getting married, 'die' blk KB lg. been brought back to KL lagi for the third time, for my use. it was last year, in april. i'm currently using it =)

bears vs mine

ape pon, i love reddish so very much! it origin from red, and the last year, wan had send it to workshop for a makeover. yeah, the dull red color it had, after several years. kan kan. and now, reddish sgt comel, berwarna merah mcm cili, with rim yg cute. huhu.. there are 2 mini teddy bears sitting on the dashboard, plus 1 bucket of chicken little tissue, plus glass holder. all it takes from my own. hm.. as a student, i feel lucky to own a car. senyum lg =)
n yg best nye, reddish is always in good condition. can be said that sgt selesa bwk die. but coz of the weak body it has, i need to be carefull for any holes or jln yg x best sgt. nnt rase melompat lompat. yg penting, i had my own car. and coz of old production, reddish xde cd player. if had xtra money nnt, me nk change it to cd player.. saba yer reddish..
huahuaa.. kalau la reddish were a volkswagen rabbit or mini cooper.. my dream cars.. huhu. wish i could own them, some day. fighting jue!