Monday, August 25, 2008

release them all

release all the tense and confusion together...
n we did it! xoxo (:

take place in : the feet of genting; ulu yam

Sunday, August 24, 2008

it's been a long time..

a long time after a hard days.. so at a moment i got a bit joy.. huhu.. i love weekends! so muccchh.. after a while, i kept thinking of the past. friendship? loveship? whatsoever ship. there's a lot of fake things. fake things in life. fake matter, fake stuff, fake word. haha.. what am i talking to? huh.. i just don't know. but i just made the conclusion myself, being my own self, no matter what it is, i just lovveee it so much.. after kept thinking again, i just miss my old school time back in kelantan. the maherian, the friends, the teachers, the principle, the environment, the culture.. n the best of it, the amir zaini. lalala.. gediks~ hm2.. lia, if u read this, u know how it feels rite. back in form 2, i miss the moment we're together. i miss all the things! do u remember during the pagi, we all gather n sing a song wit mcm2 voice. tgk amir stand up in front. haha.. a lot to remember. and still, it's just a beautiful memory. lia, i really2 miss the moment.. huhu.. at that time, we don't even know what hypocrisy is, what backstabbing is.. i think i still got the pure feeling in me, perhaps. and finally, i'l still think of it again and again. just think. think. and think..

the me at a moment. peace (^-^)

Friday, August 15, 2008


ngn partner yg ske take things easy kayh
i wonder why i chose her?
omg.. x penah wat keje lmbat cmni
dah la studio k
btw, i've just lost all the data from my 'D' partition
guess how i feel rite now
uwaaaaaa... all da pics, studio, songs..
tense, tense, tense
please go away.. tense ):

Friday, August 8, 2008

such a beautiful day

yea ke? hm2.. i don't think so for today

at present : got presentation of my second studio project (islamic visual art)
: after all, pressure but not so extreme
: had small 'fight' ngn bear last nyte. perhaps
: haven't been talk to him yet
: lapaaaarrr.. hungryyyyyy.. auumm

but i'm quite excited
: umi n wan getting to kl today

but then..
: i cannot stay all day long wit them for today n for tomorrow..
: got a research trip to puchong n pj for tomoro
: such annoying trip.. but i think i will like it

: of course.. it's all about artss!!
: for sure i'm gonna enjoy it.. (:

i'll be relieved..
:when the 6 pm on saturday arrived
: gonna jln2 makan2.. lalalala~