Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pink Bow Tie

Honestly, I never know about Pink Bow Tie story. So before our instructor read the story, we have to predict the story. So I came up with gender equality and Pink collar job. Then he read the story. The story was hilarious. Check out this website for the story. Enjoy reading!

After listening to the story, we had to come up with and email telling a friend what had happened. Here is my email.

Dear Diana,
How are you? I hope you are doing well. How’s your life? I hope you’re enjoying your school holidays. Do you remember our ridiculous principal who could not leave his pink bow tie? He just dragged me into a serious trouble. I was nearly suspended from school because he claimed that I had dyed my hair which I did not. He also threatened to inform my parent about me telling lies which was not true. It scares me to death because you know my parents.
You know before the holiday, he called me to his office. He claimed that a boy had reported to him that I had dyed my hair. He told me that it was against the school rules. I tried to convince him that I had not dyed my hair and told him the story.
The story began when I was on a train with a few people. I was on the way to the town. There was a boy who was smoking and it annoyed the ticket collector. He asked the boy to stop smoking but the boy refused to do that. The boy turned something like a radio. And you know what, the boy slowly changed into a man in front of my eyes. It was unbelievable and I witnessed another old lady turned 16 and another man turned into a baby and turned again into a corpse. I sounded ridiculous but believe me the machine also turned me into an old man. That explained my blonde hair.

I tried to prove to the principal but he resisted the truth of my story. He asked me to bring the machine. So I handed it over to him. After that, I heard nothing from him until I heard that his gorgeous secretary finally had a handsome eighteen year old boyfriend with pink bow tie. It was really suspicious. What do you think? Do you think he was our principal? Maybe he is our principal but I doubt he was that handsome. 


And these what I get as reply.My course mates are funny. 

Dear jenny,
You’re right. Most probably that is your principle who went missing. It’s based on the same pink bow tie. No any idiots will wear the pink bow tie except your principle. When I met him for the first time last year, I wondered if this man is out of his mind as he was wearing the pink bow tie. It looked very ugly on him. I think you should approach him and try to talk to him something that had happened in the past so that the real story will be revealed.

Dear jenny,
Wow…..what a story. I enjoyed every moment of it. I think you need to find out the culprit, Start being detective and the truth will be revealed sooner. Good luck.
All the best,

Dear Jenny,

It is an interesting story. Well, I do hate the principal as I was accused once of eating chewing gum in class which is a crime I never commit. Well, I think you should be glad that he is no longer around to haunt us with his ridiculous pink bow tie. However, the guy who the secretary is dating can be him though because only he would wear that pink bow tie. Could he turn himself young again? Why don’t you try to die your hair this time and meet him again to see what is his reaction. Dye your hair pink to turn him on. Hope to hear story from you again.

Sunday, October 19, 2014



In my humble count, today is my 139th days of my marriage. Alhamdullillah is the only word deserved. So many happened within those period. I should thank Allah for everything. I learnt alot. I cried a river. I screamed. I lost hope. I gave up. I did not want to speak to anyone. I felt that I always be the unlucky one. I was angry. I was full of hatred. After all, I was frustrated. Yet, I learn to be strong. I learn redha. I convince myself that as human we cannot have everything in our life. Gradually I could accept what had happened as soon I slowly recovering. 

I was pregnant after two months I got married. I became extremely tired. I was restless. It was during fasting month. I became so hungry and mostly very thirsty. Up to a point I was so thirsty I felt so dry and not even a drop of saliva stayed in my mouth. I even had hallucination my mom came to me and gave me water because she pitied me. I cried because it was my mom not anyone else. The liquid in my body was also declined. But I survived one month of Ramadhan. 30 days full. 

I took return flight ticket to my husband's hometown for aidilfitri. Next two weeks, we went back to my hometown. The next day,my school had open day. Can you imagine how exausted I was. Fyi, pregnant woman cannot get tired at all. AT ALL. But I was tired. I was tired at schoo. I was tired at home. I was stressed out with school. I had to teach extra classes at my early pregnancy. I handle the worse class ever in my carrer. I was demotivated. 

On sunday, when I got back from school. I bleed. We went to the clinic and the doctor said everything was fine. I bleed because I was too tired. However, the fetus was small for its age. That night, I slept early because I was too tired. I couldn't sleep because my stomach was painful. So my husband read some surah and put sugi water on my stomach. I felt better after that. So I slept. That night, I couldn't sleep. I stomach was painful and it was unbearable. The pain was like period pain but stronger. My stomach had severe cramps. I bleed again. But I did not tell my husband because he was sleeping. He might be tired too. 

I woke up around 4 for isyak. A blood clot just drop on the flood and I was like 'it is'. We rushed to the hospital. Doctor did the VE. It was painful. But  I was still able to bear it. Based on my story, how I felt and check up, it was confirm a miscarriage. But, the fetus was there and like the previous doctor said, it was too small for its age. So I was alright. My baby was safe. Doctor asked to come again after 2 weeks. If the fetus did not grow, we had to take it out.

Within those 2 weeks, I bleed everyday. I was scared and I had the guts the baby was no longer there. I knew it by the way I was no longer had headache. No more restless day. I became energetic again. I can cook as usual. I kept the guts to myself even to my husband. People around me asked me to thinnk positive. But I already knew it. (Crying typing this)

After 2 weeks, I went to the hospital alone because Amirul couldn't leave the school. The doctor did the scan. The fetus was there. The size was not growing. The white dot that showed the heart  was longer seen. It was practically dead.  The doctor did the VE. It dead. I did urine test and it was negative. I can accept that. 

I had to under go a procedure to take out the fetus without any drugs. It's like under go an operation alive. I was painful and believe me, you dont want that. I suffered post procedure. I vomited at least 3 times before Amirul arrived. After that, I cried endlessly. I was too sad. I was in pain. Everyone thought I was ok, but I was not. I had mightmare at night. I dont know who I should tell. I still have nightmares until now.

I swear to God, coping with miscarriage is hard. Hard that I cant explain expilicitly how. Even my husband couldn't do much to help me. Everything is new for us. But he provided excellent emotional support. All you need is support from people around. Luckily, my mom always checking on me. She called me. Texted me. Advice me what should I do and shouldn't. Do not eat this and that. Yes, memang Allah yang sembuhkan. Semua takdir Allah. Sebagai manusia kita tetap harus berusaha. 

Baby, we love you. But Allah knows better. Semoga Allah menggantikan kami dengan sesuatu yang lebih baik dan pada masa yang tepat. Kamu membuat semua orang bahagia untuk seketika.