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Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Best Promotion
assalamulaikum and hi people out there!
we, FA.IZ photography just launched our page on facebook. if you need photographers for your wedding, feel free to contact us. the payment is definitely affordable, i guarantee.
also, if you have no idea where to find cheap and cute Goodie Bags, let's have a look at Aisya Sofiyya. we provide the most affordable goodie bags you could find in town.
do contact us if you're interested.
Fatin (zintzosobi@gmail.com)
Fareha (farry_3377@yahoo.com)
Izzati (izzatinur33@yahoo.com)
we, FA.IZ photography just launched our page on facebook. if you need photographers for your wedding, feel free to contact us. the payment is definitely affordable, i guarantee.
also, if you have no idea where to find cheap and cute Goodie Bags, let's have a look at Aisya Sofiyya. we provide the most affordable goodie bags you could find in town.
do contact us if you're interested.
Fatin (zintzosobi@gmail.com)
Fareha (farry_3377@yahoo.com)
Izzati (izzatinur33@yahoo.com)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
of old life
since i'm home ALONE, my sibling are at school, my parent's working, astro recorder broke down, leave me alone not knowing what to do besides went online almost 24/7. quite bored. my daily routine are driving my sibling to school, cooking and cleaning. so wifey.hehehe.
when i'm alone, and when i'm doing my assignment, i tend to look my old stuffs. i flip through my old album and i smile. zaman muda remaja. these photos i found when i was doing my assignment and i could visualise each and everyone in the photos. memory.memory.memory.
mood: recapturing the memories that will last forever. miss the people and the feelings.
warning: heaps of photos. please don't get bored.![]() |
sponge war between floors. everybody went insane. i went back with totally wet pants .our very first week in Auckland.
our so-called dining hall. since we not catered hall, food is still provided for those who are very 'busy' to cook. this is also the place we played games, watched rugby, celebrate birthday parties and all. and socialise too
RAs a.k.a ketua aras. they helped us in almost everything especially regarding to our staying in HUIA. i think Ameer is handsome (when i first came la). sempoi medical student from Iraq.
they were all my floor mates. they gathered for board games. from left, AJ (aaaa, for got his name) Hong Kong mali, Brianne from Canada, Evelyn my coursemate now, Nick ( Malaysian + Korean ) living in New Zealand, then Jay and Shaun, both from New Zealand. Jay ni budak bilik sebelah saya dan Shaun dua dari kiri. si Jay kalau keluar bilik segan-segan.hehehe. actually, semua budak wing saya lelaki. 2 orang je perempuan.wuwuwu.
oh ya, can you see a guy standing at he back, he's the most handsome and coolest doctor on earth. student medic tentera dari England. RA yang tegas dan bagi arahan ala-ala tentera. comelness. kalau dia study, serious jangan kacau dia, dia duduk bilik diam-diam dengan segala nota bergantungan kt bilik dia. so medic student.
![]() some of the players. we lost but we have the spirit. |
my floor RA. saya selalu juga kena tegur sebab bising. hahaha. xleh bla. kalau duduk sorang-sorang tak pernah pulak tegur. masalah nya bila ada je datang manusia-manusia ke bilik ku, sorang-sorang menjerit la, gelak la, harus la muka aku ni la juga kena.
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all of us after sponge war. memorable. fun. exciting.
thank you for reading!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
new focus: eat healthy
rasa sentap dengan teguran classmates sebulan yang lalu. sentap in good way la tapi nya. bukan sentap yang rasa nak snap di a balik. sebab dia cakap
'cepat potong kaki nanti' because i was drinking Cool Blog.
'hey, sekali seminggu je'
'yeke sekali seminggu, minggu ni dah 2 kali aku tengok kau minum'.
wuwuwuwwu. yes, i have to admit that my sweet drinks intake is quite high. i know i should reduce it and i'm trying to. previously i take iced tea regularly as in every meal each day. say oh my God please. i know it's bad. teh ais tidak bagus untuk kesihatan sebab kandungan susu pekat yang tinggi. susu pekat tidak bagus untuk kesihatan. sekian. dan sebagai typical Malaysian, i do drink teh tarik quite regular. oh man! teh tarik is so not healthy. ustaz saya cakap kita tak boleh minum air bersusu waktu malam kerana kalau susu tu lambat di digest, ianya akan basi dan kita ada tendency untuk terdedar waktu tidur dan mungkin menemui ajal. that's scared me.
so my new focus, i want to reduce condensate milk intake. i don't really drink carbonate drink and junk food. lucky me because at least i don't have to struggle to get rid of them. friends, be healthy is a must. it's not about being thin, well-shaped body and stuff, it's about maintaining good health and live happily.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
of being myself
the way we were brought up influenced our personality. if you were raised in a blame-on-you-of-everything home, will have high tendency to be a rebellious person. if you are raised in a very loving and caring home, you will develop as a lovely person.
i was raised up in, i'd say quite strict home environment. strict in the sense that everything must follow the time, and follow what you've been told sort of thing. masa kecik mengaji 3 kali sehari. can't go for play before 6. must be home before 7. can't watch TV at night. sleep a little in the afternoon so that we have energy to do revision at night. go to bed at 10.30. spend most of our time at the library. that's some of the things that i had to follow when i was a kid. same went to my brothers. when i was young, i don't get the heck why we have to do all these. we were not as free as other kid in our neighborhood. my mom did not allow me to have to much friends at school because she said i'll have tendency to talk and do not focus at school. i have to agree with that. almost every day we went to public library because my mum likes reading. and we borrowed the book from the library. i read the book while waiting my mum to fetch me from school. i wasn't allowed to play after school. ala, main kejar-kejar sampai berpeluh tu. balik rumah kena belajar. kalau lamabt pick-up kena cepuk.hahaha. kalau mengaji, lambat sangat nak paham tu pun cari pasal sebenarnya. saya tak dibenarkan keluar sangat, sebab mak saya bimbang nanti saya berkawan dengan ntah sape. samapai adik saya sekarang, kitaorang hanya main sesama sendiri je.
i'm emotionally sensitive. i don't really mind about the joke like my friends always did among us. but when they or anyone touch the sensitivity in which they should not make fun of, i'm totally offended.because my mum and my dad never ever use inappropriate words, so we are not allow even to whisper any bad words. there was one time, i was so angry, masa ni dah jenis pakai berkawan sikit la, i said word 'hey, binatang' and my elder brother slapped my face.wuwuwuwu. sakit tahu. he didn't like it and i knew i should not say that but i was angry. then, i see the point why my mum doesn't really allow me to have lots of friends. you tend to follow them! . i cannot cope well when people hurt my feeling. that's why i don't really want to be in complicated relationship. complicated relationship will make me thinking all day long and i just can't focus on my other business. dan lagi satu, this one i should handle well is terguris dengan students. i'm not sure if this normal for being a teacher but for me, saya rasa sangat terguris kalau students buat something, i don't want to mention here, but yeah, something like that laaa. and and and whining is so me. i easily get demotivated from what i get, what i've ben through, crying badly for something that i lost and all that. NO WHINING Fareha.
i'm a youtube freak. the other day i asked my aunty to watch all youtubers that i like. she said, why don't i make videos like that.'kau kan suka cakap-cakap merepek dan buat videso'. the reason she asked me like that because, when i got scolded by my mum ( when i was little), i would go into my room and open the closet. and then i started talking as if i talk to the audience. sengal tak? hahahah. by the way, yes, i do have youtube account and i do upload videos too, but just when i want to share it in my blog. i'm not going to talk in front of the camera and upload it. i don't have the talent. BUT, i have lots of videos of me and my friends. all were recorded when we were travelling. me made the videos at almost stop we made and even in the car. well, i'll upload some if i have patience to wait them to be uploaded because internet is extremely slow.
above are just small part of me. it's normal to have bad side because i believe i'm just ordinary human. despite all, i'm still a normal talkative girl.sopan *cough* . and happy go lucky except when the mood swing strike.hehehe. the reason my mum and my dad did all the things that i think confine me is they want to protect me from being irresponsible, unsuccessful, and immoral. thank you mum and dad for your way of up bringing. you make me a person i am today.
thanks for reading
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
around exam
exam's over! ended like an hour ago. like i said before, let's banana dance. oh well, i'm quite nervous actually. i hope i did well. last exam, fuh i hate the feeling of having exams. it's very complicated. don't feel like eating. don't feel like drinking. that's how i interpreted exams. yes, i'm a product of exam orientated curriculum *so academic*. Ya Allah, make thing easy for me, dengan rahmat dan kasih sayang mu. pray for me too friends.
saya sebenarnya nak je tulis blog. tapi disebabkan kekangan masa, banyak entry tergendala. draft lebih dari 10.hehehe. memang takde masa. bajet kalah budak medic la kononnya. saya rasa banyak yang saya nak tulis, tapi tak tertulis. ok, i'll catch up later.
last week, we went out for photography outing at Taman Setia Tropika, Kempas. me and Izzati with our juniors. our juniors in photography but they are very much seniors in experiences and skills. tengok diorang ambil gambar landscape, serious terlopong. for me, landscape is very male dominant. i do a little bit of photography but mostly portraiture since we usually shoot for wedding. for landscape, i don't know the complexity of the focus, and the intensity of what make it perfect. them...superb.
i'll update the out come later. before i forgot, have a look at our new blog aisyasofiyya. new business. i appreciate much if you have a look and drop comment.
gelagat mereka. kretif tau
dah tahu dah sape model sebanranya.
kakak senior. woot! woot!
thanks you for reading!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
buddy programme
assalamualaikum and hello guys,
yeah, life is pretty much awesome since everything just went well. no more assignments, no more 'serious' class, no more micro-teaching, no more any other college programme and no more research need to be done. to wrap up this semester, we are going to end this semester, well apparently, with just one more paper. after that let do 'banana dance' together. fuh!
this semester is awesome for me except for final year thesis. going to schools was fun. knowing new people was much more fun. we kinda expanding our social circle which i believe is very important when we get to work later. i'm happy to meet very positive people around me, ridiculously nice and kind junior and buddy, and all those things strengthen our relationship them as well as for our own social maturity.
you won't find it that essential when you're young. so did i. i careless about what people did, because it does not matter my live. but, eventually i find it vital because it shows that you're concern with what's happening around you and appreciate others' existence even more. you learn not to be selfish and you'll find out that there's no point to be arrogant because it's just nothing. keduniaan sangat sebnarnya. i learnt to improve myself when i'm around these people. learn to be nice, polite, care about others feeling. i'm very happy to see some of my friends who has changed to a very polite and well-mannered fella.
one of the programme i like is buddy programme. we as final year students share our experiences of almost everything with our first year juniors. i always find that every session was hilarious despite of some of the boring stuff, i have to admit.
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us with some of the juniors. credit to Syafik for the photo. *professional development sangat*
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
He's just not into you
why did you do that?
because you smell like dog poop
but usually someone is there to offer words of wisdom.
you know why that little boy did those things? and said those things?
it's because he likes you.
and that's it. and its the beginning of our problem. we are programmed that when a guy acts like a total jerk, means he like you. ridiculous!
because we are too scared and it's hard to say that one obvious truth that scaring each and everyone of us
He's just NOT into you.
well, first of all, you need to watch this movie but it's not a new movie though. but i love this movie. i watch it like thousand times and i can't get enough of the message the movie tries to convey. very significant and you can feel hundreds slap on your face.the message is so true. and you can reflect into your situation and real world. and then it's true, movie is the reflection of our life drama. big message here is, when guys did something really annoying, intentionally to make us angry or annoyed, we can't just admit that he really means it. instead, we make the assumptions that he makes it because he likes us.
p.s: entry takde kaitan hidup dan mati dengan penulis. sekadar renungan.
if you have ex-es, get over them. so that you can find someone better. learn to forget the past.
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