Monday, February 27, 2012

taking off the fears

hi people,
i believe each and everyone of us has fears. me? i have like countless! there are sooo many thing i have to deal with. as i told before, even though i brought up with all boys, it doesn't make me as brave and hard as them. that's make them wonder why. but hey, girls ARE girls.

1) cockroach
i don't understand, of all weird creatures on earth, cockroach is my biggest nightmare. rats, frogs, lizards, big ants etc are fine. when i was young, i used to had nerve boiling point when i saw a playing mantis. to one extend, the fear was overwhelming and i had a dream; every night mind you, of this funny creature chasing me ( the giant one). it was tiring man! of all cockroaches thingy, my huge giant fear is flying cockroach. korang tak rasa ke lipas terbang tu muka dia macam pontianak? scary sangat. even yang biasa pun muka macam alien, yang terbang tu macam OMG, tak boleh nak cerita la macam mana mukanya. cuba bayangkan yang terbang tu hinggap atas kepala korang. * tengah tutup muka sambil check atas kepala ada lipas ke tak*. cuba bayangkan lipas merayap-rayap atas kulit korang.*menjerit sekuat hati* i was known as an anti-cockroach buddy during high school. can you just imagine, those day we had wooden cupboard in our dorm. and that's is the most ideal place for cockroach to breed. bila buka locker, presenting to you.....pusat pembiakan lipas sedunia! *pengsan*

2) domestic animals
my father is a government servant. so, we used to live in the quarters until my father decided to built our own house. kononnya tak terbiasa duduk kampung sangat. jadinya, saya takut semua binatang. di sebabkan tak biasa bela binatang, saya jadi pengecut dengan semua binatang. masa mula-mula pindah kampung, saya takut lembu. tu normal sebab lembu memang besar. tapi lembu bukan layan orang pun. saya pernah naik basikal, tetiba ada lembu lalu. saya ingatkan lembu tu kejar saya, punya la pecut sampai jatuh basikal. siap lari lagi * kononnya bajet lari laju*. padahal lembu lintas jalan je, bajet sangat lembu nak kejar dia. kitaorang just bela binatang-binatang comel je. kucing dengan arnab. tapi kan, tapi kan, telah berlaku pembersihan etnik di rumah kami. kucing-kucing kami makan arnab-arnab kami. cerita ni perlu di dokumentasikan sebagai cerita thriller of the year. kucing sangat merbahaya at times. jentik hidung baru tau. dannn yang paling sadis, saya takut ayam. serious lame gila sebenarnya. tapi yelah tak terbiasa, jadi takut. bila ayam datang je, terus baling hanger. badan ayam macam suam sikit, tu yang yeeuwww sikit. eh, adik laki saya pun takut ayam. suruh dia pegang ayam nak sembelih pun sampai terlepas sebab dia geli. rasa suam katanya. hahaha. memang suam pun. siap boleh rasa pergerakan otot-otot nya. geli!!!!

3) fear of falling
dang! this is real guys. i can go up into the sky. i go up without wooziness. but when comes to getting down, here comes the problem. i have fear of falling. i'm not a theme park freak. roller coaster, pirates ship, selero and so whatever is not my cup of tea.

this photo was taken during our Easter break at Movie World Gold Coast, Australia. kind of like Singapore Universal studio. can you see the rail? it's the second highest structure after Batman Spaceship. it was damn crazy. you could see both of them from far. imagine how tall they are. all of us, except me were so excited and they chose to ride 'Superman save me' first.of all things we can try on, why this annoying roller coaster?. god, you know how i feel? hahaha. Adrian and Saifful were so excited and willing to take the front seats. when the roller coaster start moving, it straight away goes super left me breathless. laju nak mati. dan turun super fast, rasa nak tercampak atas tanah. rasa nak menjerit !@#$%^&* sekuat hati. tapi tak terkeluar. hanya rembesan air mata mampu menguraikan segala isi hati. bukan menagis eh. mungkin tekanan dan kelajuan angin yang melampau menyebabkan mata sensitif.hehehe. jam tangan sampai beralih lubang. come on la. aduh, tak suka. extreme sangat.

another extreme annoying human creation is this thing. i don't know what's it's called. but for sure, when you ride this, you will be upside down, you don't know where the ground is, you are not aware in what position you are in. mungkin dah merenkok macam ulat and so whatever. i didn't try this. even to looked at all my friends riding this, bersendirian mengucap dua kalimah syahadah. what a brave boys and girls you are, my dear friends. even ada mat salleh yang duduk tepi saya tu tak habis-habis duk sebut 'oh my God' 'oh my God' 'oh my God'. what an achievement guys.

4) blood
i never knew i had this problem until one day, i washed my friend's blood. a big nail stumbled into her foot. the blood was all over the place. suddenly, i felt so dizzy and i couldn't hear anything. i blacked out. i also cannot see severe injury. medictv programme is not my thing. i don't understand how my brother can sit in front of the tv for an hour watching this thriller programme. sometimes, they show skull drilling and other major surgeries. somebody save me * tetiba nyayi lagu tema Smallville*

each day, i tried to overcome these. i successfully overcome the fear towards domestic animals. but not yet cockroach and chicken. fear of falling and blood, i think i will never able to overcome these because it's about inner confidence and spirit. what should i do then?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

badminton after four months

had fun playing badminton with my cohort mates this afternoon. 12 of us.well, i would say this is the first time i played badminton seriously after 4 months. main depan rumah tak kira eh. main open air pun tak kira eh. this time around we booked the courts at Johor Bahru badminton club, Larkin. it was exciting.but extremely exhausting. the guys are really good and fast. and it was really hot in the hall. as in burning hot. feel like sauna-ing. really terrible. dehydrated! and it's kinda dark in the hall before they opened the lamp (erk, even after). rasa macam masuk gua besau.

omjayy.jijik tengok tangan sendiri. kelenjar peluh merembes kan air dengan sangat dasyat. dah nampak macam tangan abang-abang yang ketul-ketul kt gym tu tau. tapi tangan i tak ketul la. flat je. ok, tiba sangat nak ketul juga.

i love badminton so much. my parent and siblings also do. we sometimes book dewan civik and play together. my passion towards badminton is endless. last time, i met my form 4-room mates. i never knew she studies in New Zealand too until i met her. but she's studying in Christchurch. i played for BERSATU games ( games for Malaysian in New Zealand). she suddenly said ' Tak habis-habis main badminton since sekolah dulu, ish dia ni'. hahaha. yeah, i know right? i will never stop playing until someone asks me to. so far nobody, because my parent is the most supportive person who always encourage me to play *nanti kalau suami suruh berhenti baru berhenti. tiba sangat!*. they also encourage my brothers to play other sports as well especially table tennis. we dont come from 'berada' family. but my parent willing to buy anything that is beneficial/suppostive for us.

i played for Uni. of Auckland badminton club too. and of course i'm the only Malay there. but a good way to mingle i'd say. until 3rd semester, i met Anas. my batch from MRSM Kuantan. what a coincidence. only then i have Malay friend. others are Whites, Korean, Japanese and mostly Chinese. then i met Brian, from Hong Kong. one of the close one because i knew him from my IH friends. i always pair up for the tournament and we also went to unigames try out. kalah boleh. malu.hahaha. dia ni confident sangat boleh menang.adui. Chinese are so good for badminton.heehehe

me and Brian after rugby match.with some other friends of course.

because he stayed with my batch mates, he practically celebrate what we celebrate. for this one, Aidilfitri. berpuasa. iftar sekali dengan orang-orang Arab. ok, sumpah cute.hahaha.

aahh, all those were memories *smile*. miss the moment, but future holds something more interesting i believe. ok, dah lewat. got to go. jom pergi surau/masjid. malam ni malam Jumaat. joms baca Yassin beramai-ramai. jangan kita lalai kan agama.
till then, adios!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - harta kesayangan keluarga

he has a special place in our family. epic!

Monday, February 20, 2012

kenapa harus begitu?

saya pasti anda yang tengok berita dah tahu pasal seorang budak lelaki disimbah asid di Terengganu. fyi, he's my second cousin. i just can't believe it. when my mum called and said he was in ICU, of course i shock to death. who wouldn't right? pity him. he's just 18 mind you. budak tengah tunggu SPM nih. aduh! i don't understand why this thing happened to him. he's not a business man, he's not a millionaire or something. he's just nothing. just a growing up boy.oh!. i asked my mum if he's being naughty or rebellious etc,etc. but my mum said he's not that kind of boy. what i know, he doesn't speak much. dan dia bukan jenis budak nakal. that's why i dont get it. disimbah asid semasa tidur. nasib baik dia tidur mengiring, jadi atas belakang dan separuh muka je yang teruk terjejas. mugkin dalam gambar dibawah tak nampak teruk sebab ni baru je lepas kena simbah. menurut mak saya, masa mak saya pergi hospital tu keadaan dia makin teruk. menjerit-jerit. ibaratnya asid tu masuk kedalam isi, dan merebak ke kawasan lain. lagi teruk dari gambar kat bawah ni.

this photo of his was sent by my mum yesterday was taken at the clinic before he was sent to Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Kuala Terengganu.

i don't know if he has problem with anybody. as far as we are concerned, he doesn't. but still this is just so not right. people, this is not the way we solve problem. we are civilized. there are ways we could seek to solve problem as rational people. don't attach your anger with what your doing. nowadays, people careless about the value of people's life. it shouldn't be like that. we are human.we have heart and brain to think and reflect what need to do.

thank you for reading!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

there must be a reason

don't have much to say. just feel like writing something. but this time wouldn't be about my so-called busy life. people might get bored already. kan? kan? kalau busy buat kerja jangan la keluar bilik.

saya nak ajak anda berfikir dan menrefleksi diri. cuba bayangkan anda mempunyai sesuatu yang sangat bagus. anda sayang sangat benda tu. sebab yelah, sangat bagus yang tiada tandingan. ibaratnya the best in the world la konon nya. dan ditakdirkan suatu hari anda hilang benda tu.apa yang akan anda rasa? rasa hilang separuh nyawa kan?. dah la barangn tu sangat berharga. even bila beli atau dapat benda lain menggantikan benda tu, still tak sama sebab kita pernah ada something yang sangat bagus. dan itu menjadi benchmark kita untuk di compare dengan benda yang kita dapat sebagai pengganti. TAK TERBANDING, seriously. sedihnya! that's what i feel know. tak boleh.... tetiba je teringat.

konklusi: cuba fikir sedalam-dalamnya, kenapa Allah beri sesuatu pada kita?kenapa dia tarik sesuatu dari kita? apa reason berlaku nya semua tu?.........supayaaaa....kita belajar menjadi hamba yang BERSYUKUR dan REDHA dengan ketentuanNya. isnyaallah, saya yakin dan sangat yakin Allah telah merancang yang terbaik untuk saya.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

look busy, i want to finish it off

this is hell of work loads, really!
informed about the presentation 2 days before the date and expected to present the best. how should i do this? have to do ***** work for others. ok.really, i don't mind about doing works for others but please at least consider other things we have to as well. everything we do should worth a thing. plus, i don't like they way the system works when it ignores the importance of consent and privacy. everything i do, i need plan. as in very detail and specific plan. i don't just jump in to do things at the very last minutes. i know that i'm a very slow people, doing this progressively. not in bulk. when someone ask me to do a thing and want it back as soon as possible, i'm very dissapointed. with myself. so many thing to do, until sometimes i forgot what to do, which i should give the priority and stuff. which one is due soon. which one i should careless. oh, kinda stress. i wish i have time and money to escape and travel. bila stress apa orang buat? yes, that's right. makan banyak-banyak. dari kau merepek baik kau buat kerja kau *ala-ala gaya matluthfi*
may Allah ease all my business. pray for me people. thank you.

p.s: welcome to hectic final year's life

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

aku terima nikahnya

assalamualaikum and hello people!
wah, entry title tak menahan. btw, stay tune until the end to know what's up. i know i've been posting very random and short entries lately. nak cakap busy gila takde la, but you know being me is like being a typical normal people, majoring in procrastination. huargh! *menguap macam kucing baru bangun tidur* . but,but. i procrastinate for reasons.

last weekend, after Zahara's sambut menantu, i straight away headed to my grandma's house. and within 3 days, i commute between Bahau and Gemas for several times. pretty tiring there. uh, uh, uh. bawak balik assignment yang almost due, tapi harus la buat sikit je sebab for me the only place to do assignments/homeworks are at schools, colleges and university. i rarely bring home my assignments and homework (masa sekolah dulu). i'm very sure that i won't TOUCH it. so better be safe. buat awal-awal sebelum balik OR buat lepas balik yang mana rasa cemas buat assignment last minutes rasa macam nak terjun bangunan. hew! back to college, bergegas buat assignments and homework. prepare materials for research project and went to school. going to school really makes me so uncomfortable. i have to admit i lack experience. compared to friends who went to schools for SBE for every semester in first and second year, practicum every semester in year 3 and year 4. i perfectly confident that they gained more than us. however, no matter what, we have to do it with all my heart. responsibility remember?

on Friday, as usual i went to school. my mentor said i have to modify my proposal to be more specific and stuff. John expects us to do research that could benefit the system. ok, got it. on Saturday, i accompanied a friend to meet our senior in Pasir Gudang. mengarut2 sampai tengah hari. i texted Izzati and she said Aten and Farhanis asked if i wanna join them for movie. i said ok since this would be our first movie after 6 months i guess. 10 minutes later,

izzati: Fareha, Fareha! k.Farah punya akad nikah malam niiiii * it supposed to be on sunday*
me: what? are you crazy? serious ke ni ?
izzati: yee, k.Farah call tadi, cakap dia tukar tok kadi sebab ape ntah.
me: OMG, so cane ni?
izzati: kita ambik gambar malam ni.
me: ALLAH.

just imagine, i just got back from Pasir Gudang, then we went to Tebrau for movie. tengok movie Chronicles. seriously, this is the first time ever in my life i'd say the movie is kinda weird. serious tade motif cerita ni. takde klimaks. ending macam tu je. tetiba je, eh dah habis ke cerita? but, because we are educational people, we reflected this movie into something different. we see it from humanistic perspective.cecece. the conclusion we got: children who are brought up in broken family/low economical status would tend to be emotionally unstable, rebellious, and possess low self-esteem attitude. kesian tengok budak macam ni. right after movie, terus pergi rumah pengantin. ambik gambar sampai kaki letih. tapi best juga ambik gamabr kahwin. dengar khutbah tu insap je rasa. rasa macam realise akan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang manusia. satu lagi, i snap the most memorable moment in people's life. terharu! sambil berangan untuk diri sendiri. ok, motif sangat nak ambil gambar sambil berangan. wasalam.bye. heee.

the next day, kitaorng ambik gambar for the whole ceremony. start dari make up sampai outdoor. kitaorang pergi Nusajaya untuk outdoor. sana sangat cantik.kitaorang masuk Kota Iskandar. sangat canggih dan menawan. the concept of Kota Iskandar is like Putrajaya, the way it's was designed and the order of the buildings. there's a marina in the Kota Iskandar.

i like Kota Iskandar's marina. remind me of Aukland Viaduct harbour and Sydney harbour. they are equally fascinating.

penat? tak payah cakap.longlai. balik bilik, terus tersungkur tepi katil. tak sempat nak naik. ambik gambar wedding membuatkn anda berangan untuk your dream wedding. dan harus la, kami sebagai gadis bujang ni macam malu-malu kucing nak suruh pengantin pose comey-comey sebab kitaorang segannn. btw, buat-buat tak tahu je. dan harus la tergelak dan senyum-senyum je memanjang. ok, saya dah merepek. bye.

p.s: kalau saya balik kampung, saya akan ditanya oleh tok saya dengan soalan cepu mas. rasa nak tercekik air sejuk yang diminum bila dengan. 'Angah dah ada boyfrind?' ....of course tak jawab. *senyum kambing kat tok*. nasib baik tak tanya tok balik. 'tok dah jumpa boyfriend ke?' tiba!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


yeay! Alhamdulillah, today unexpectedly went well. i managed to finish my assignment on time, even at first i almost give up because i wasn't motivated. we met John regarding to our research project today. Alhamdulillah, once again everything went well. i really appreciate the cooperation given by the associate no pressure. i watch How I Met Your Mother to reward myself. and yes, for an economical unstable student like me should reward myself with something moderate dan sesuai dengan status kewangan. mungkin cuba untuk elak diri dari mengelamun untuk reward diri sendiri dengan Haagen Dazs ice-cream. T____T. slept late last night. still struggling to finish the assignment this afternoon. played ultimate Frisbee this evening. went to surau for yasin after that. only have burger for dinner. extremely exhausted but happy because i feel so free.satisfied. by the way, i'm going to school on Fridays for my research. it's kinda funny experience because you could see yourself everywhere in school.

nak share something yang ustaz saya sampaikan sebentar tadi. dia cakap pasal kekayaan. kekayaan ni satu ujian untuk kita sebagai manusia.kalau kita kaya didunia, ibaratnya kita telah mendapat syurga dunia. tapi bukan kekayaan tu yang kita cari,kita mencari kekayaan akhirat dan syurga akhirat. so jangan bersedih dengan kemiskinan kerana Allah akan bagi ganjaran yang besar dengan orang yang bersabar dengan ujian kemiskinan. hal ini takde kaitan dengan status saya sekarang eh. alhamdilillah rezeki Allah untuk saya luas. saya puas dengan apa yang saya ada. takde la nak menghabiskan duit pergi makan ice-cream je kan. doa yang tak pernah putus ialah supaya merasa cukup dengan yang sedikit. insyaallah. main point saya nak stress kan ialah BERSYUKUR. jom, mari menjadi hamba yang bersyukur dan sila ambik masa sejenak untuk berikir adakah kita sudah bersyukur?

salam Jumaat!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


so much to do, so little time
minggu ini, anda sila berlalu dengan cepat dari hidup saya
especially tomorrow

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Zahraa's wedding

hari ni saya dan Izzati jadi photographer untuk Tym punya sambut menantu. it was great. pelamin dia cantik sangat. make up dia memang superb. Tym dengan Taufik pon sangat sporting. so, senang nak ambil gambar diorang. makanan pun sangat sedap. live band pun menarik. mak ayah Taufik pun sangat baik. even diorang tak kenal kitaorang sebab kitaorang kawan Tym.

thank you Izzati for the photo. cantik! tapi apesal la Taufik ni tidur pulak? siap tutup mata sambil juling pulak tu. aish, pengantin baru sangat neh.hahaha.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


dear Allah, thank you for being there when nobody else was

.selamat ulang tahun.

of all thing in the world, I LOVE YOU mak. and then Ayah.
thank you for bringing me up as a person

i hope and always pray for the very best of everything for you. ameen.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

how to survive in all boys sibling

assalamualaikum and hi everyone

brought up with all boys make you emotionally and somehow physically tough. in a way it's good because you won't be easily get bullied or emotional hurt. when i was young i grew up with 5 boys. can you imagine that? i HAD to play what they played because i had no option. the one i remember the most is gusti-gusti. OMG! kuat sangat pengaruh WWE diorang neh. because they were 5, they need 1 more people to make it 6 which means that i was the only one they could think of. so that, they could divide the team equally. 3 people in a group. of course i didn't wanna play because so ganas ka. walaupun membesar dengan semua lelaki, kehalusan jiwa wanita tu masih kuat di dalam diri ini. cewah! BUT, they forced me to play and they promised to help me if i got tackled in the 'fight'. alah, macam kalau korang tengok gusti tu, bila geng kita dah nak kalah, kita kat tepi sentuh tangan dia, lepas tu dia keluar, kita masuk. macam tu la lebih kurang. bila dah main tu, harus la main sunguh-sunguh.mesti nak menang. ya tuhan, jahiliyah sangat dulu.hahaha.we also came out with very crazy ideas. my third brother was easily intimidated. he used to be very coward person when he was about 8. so my brother and my second brother planned to make fun of his weakness. they used me to be the hantu because only me who had long hair, so i was an ideal person to scare him. pakaikan kain sembahyang, letak bedak banyak-banyak kat muka. sengal sangat rasa bila ingat semua tu. huh!

was in 2008 Aidilfitri at my kg. at Negeri Sembilan when i was fresh from high school. now, everyone has changed and we have our own life. i'm not even see my brother for 3 years.

disebabkan diorang lelaki of course diorang tak main masak-masak dan doktor-doktor. dan selari dengan itu, i never play masak-masak dan doktor-doktor ever in my life. pathetic enough aye? nevertheless, it doesn't mean that i cannot be a good cook in real life. lol! the only thing i did during my childhood is playing football, badminton, hide and seek, fishing, lori-lori, tang duduk dan sewaktu dengannya. fun tak? so i tak tau la nak main anak-anak hahahha.

lelaki cepat kalau bersiap. mesti kena jerit kalau duduk dalam bilik air lama sikit. diorng mesti jerit...'Angah, cepat la sikit. lamanya duduk dalam bilik air. orang nak masuk pulak ni'. and of course i have to fight for myself by saying.....'laaa, pergi la bilik air lain. pergi mandi belakang rumah pun tak pe'...kejam tak? padan muka. so, every time we are about to go some where, they will let me to use the toilet last. so that, they won't have to wait long. kalau perempuan mesti iron baju kan? kan? lelaki mane iron baju. memandangkan saya keluar rumah pakai baju kurung, of course kena iron. diorang harus-harus la memang dah siap awal. sama la kalau makan kat kedai, diorang dah siap makan, i'm the last to finish the food and some times not able to finish it.

and this is always happen to me, dah la masuk kereta last sekali, tetiba ada barang tertinggal dalam rumah. rushing sangat.

i never got bullied at school because i'm a firm person (the character that i build up at home). i never called by the seniors as well as genstas friends (konon dia paling berpenagruh dalam batch). some of my friends were ordered to take the food for seniors in DM, queue up for water for senior and so on. i never done that because i didn't appear to be a person you can simply step on. like hello, who are you to order me to do things to you? if they ask me to take something for them, send something to male senior or so whatever i just say i don't want to. at the same time, of course i'd say it in polite way sebab takut jugak kena pangkah kat senior.bahahaha. nak mati kena pangkah kat senior? nanti semua senior pandang slack kat ko.mampu nak tunjuk muka? one more thing is, because i grew up with normal boys who are boys..well you know what i mean right..yelah perangai mum taught me to 'fight'. not literary fight but fight for you right. if you think you are right, stand up! if someone disturb you, cross their legs. wow, ganas sangat..perumpaan je la..

sorry, tak boleh tunjuk muka. it's confidential. he always excited to tell my if there's a royal New Zealand ship landed at his port.

when i was a kid, me and my brother were always stick together. we played almost everything together and i tend to follow everything he did. i wanted to wear short pants because he wore very nice (from my eyes at that time) short pants. sekarang dah tak nak pakai eh. dulu je ok. one day we played near to a glass cupboard and we were unlucky, i dont know how the glass broke but for sure it was because of me, my fault and it get into my brother's cheek. the blood was crazy. i feel guilty and it haunts me for life. because of that, my brother still have the scar on his left cheek. it's kinda obvious. i feel guilty. seriously i do. T______ T.

boys don't watch love movies. so do i. my siblings usually watched Mr. Bean (?), power rangers, tomato man, etc. of course i never watch Korean, Japanese, Mexico and bla romantic movies. i still remember, there was time when Winter Sonata and Autumn in my Heart were so famous. they were on tv and people were like hysteria over the heroes and heroin because they were so cute, handsome and romantic some more. people talked about it at school. it turned out to be, i was the only one or maybe small number of the class didn't watch the movie. feeling like such a loser, i try to watch the movie so that i won't left out in the 'hot forum'. you know what, i watched the movie and i felt nothing. tak romantik pon? apa yang bestnya? tak handsome pun mamat ni. adakah ni statement loser? i don't know. tapi yang pasti i personally think the movie was freaking annoying (dulu la. sekarang tengok best je rasa. boley). ha sekarang, semua cerita tengok. Glee. How i met you mother. He's just not into you. never been kissed. Dear John. the Notebook. Eat Pray Love and many more. favourite drama series, Vampire Diaries and favourite movies are 'How to lose a guy in 10 days', 'definitely maybe', '10 things i hate about you', ' sisterhood of travelling pants' and blabalabla.

last summer break. i was in Malaysia and sick. but i still went out for bowling with my siblings and mum because we barely have time to get together for fun. it's very hard to have everyone at certain time now.

so, having all boys sibling is not that bad. it's fun actually. even though i was brought up with boys, my mum doesn't want me to be rough like boys. perempuan buat cara perempuan. lelaki biar la dia nak ganas. i was trained ( wow, so formal) to be polite, soft spoken ( but i'm not really). you will become an independent girl. hardly affected by small things and tak lembik (manja dan mengada-ngada), practical rather than emotional like girls always do in dealing with problem and mature enough to respond to people especially boys because i see things from men/boys perspective.

ignore the grammatical errors and typo because i'm writing while landing on my bed. plus, i need to write fast. don't want to waste my time because i want to save my energy for some other things. lame excuse i know.hehehe.
btw, thank you for reading!