My parents so graciously came up to help us this last weekend with our yard. We have a large beautiful yard, but it was in need of some attention and quite frankly we had NO clue what we were doing. So thank goodness my parents came to lend some guidence. We did everything from, weeding, planting, trimming trees and lilac bushes, moving large rocks, tilling, to filling in our gardens walk ways with 6 TONS of gravel. Now that was a lot of wheelbarrowing from the front to the back yard. :)
This is the picutre of the back corner of our yard where the garden area is. The picture doesnt show the whole space, but this is where we tilled, weed eated, and layed down black weed barrier before hauling back 6 tons of gravel. It was hard work, but so rewarding now that it is finished. The circle part of the picutre with dead grass is our next project where we are going to put in a fire pit, seating area.
Among everything else going on this summer, Ashlee is taking Drivers Ed. I can hardly believe that she is old enough already. When we moved to Lyman she was not quite 2 years old. And now, 13 years later, here she is getting ready to drive! I will take a picutre and post later.
Brock is taking piano and Preston is enjoying summer band while Bryson does swim lessons. Hurray for summertime!!