Monday, May 26, 2014


Little Miss P had a busy month of dance. We had competition at Lagoon and then her dance recital. She does 1 competition a year and let's just say that's one too many. I'm sooo not a dance Mom…some of those ladies are CRAZY!! She loves it though and I love to watch her just as much
 Daddy's girl 
It was a jungle theme so all the girls got a monkey

After they got a medal. It didn't matter win or lose she thought that was the coolest thing.
Brylee and Peyton
 Rocking that toe touch

Poor Miss P did awesome during her recital but as we were leaving she fell off the curb and rolled her ankle. So we took her to Menchies to cheer her up and as we were leaving with ice cream in her hands she trips, spills her ice cream everywhere, gets some scraps and rips her tights. So we had a tear filled, sad moment after her dance. 
It's rough being a 7 year old
They were nice and let her fill it back up and gave her an extra topping. Hopefully she doesn't get her Momma's clumsiness!! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014


We had our annual Family trip to the Sand Dunes, although it seems like more and more family members quit coming:) We had some friends join us on this trip as well
 Caleb hunting lizards…some didn't fair out so well
 Ready to ride
 We got caught up in a CRAZY windstorm up on the dunes. Let's just say it was a LONG ride back to camp.
 These crazy boys jumping 

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Some random pictures of our Miss Peyton
 She loves carrying Rylee EVERYWHERE and thinks she's her little Mommy all while in heels.
 She just keeps losing teeth…poor tooth fairy is going to be going broke here soon.

 Peyton and her cute friend Brylee having a blast in the sprinklers one warm day

Saturday, May 3, 2014


We headed down to Las Vegas for the finals for Motocross. We stopped in St. George for 2 nights where we rode dirt bikes, shopped, played and swam. Then we headed to Vegas and stayed at Tahiti Village (which was awesome by the way) Quinn took Caleb to the finals while the girls stayed and played.
 Dinner in St. George
 Pool side in Vegas
 Eating at Serendipity
 Walking through Caesars Palace

 Swimming at Tahiti Village

Some man randomly walked up and give the kids $2.00 dollar bills. Not sure if it's creepy or nice but the kids were in heaven. Of course Peyton was not so sure if she should take it but I told her since I was there she could…always the cautious one!!

Monday, April 28, 2014


Poor baby girl just wasn't feeling good so I took her into the doctors and she had strep throat. Weird because she never once complained of her throat. She was devastated when the doctor told her she couldn't go to school for 3 days. Partly due to they were having a field trip to Texas Roadhouse the next day.
 Snoozing before we took her in
Sitting out the doctors office with piggy, not a happy camper.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


We tried to get together once a month for girls night out with these lovely ladies. An added bonus is when there is a Birthday thrown in there, this time it was Holly's!!
 Andrea, Deb, Holly, Laurie, Stefanie and Me
We ate at yummy Copper Onion and then after feeding ourselves sick we walked over to Cheesecake Factory to get yummy Cheesecake. Good thing it was a lot longer walk to Cheesecake then we thought so we could walk off some calories:)

The waiter from Cheesecake became our best friend. He just broke up with his girlfriend and he was trying to figure out if he loved her enough to marry her. The conclusion after getting all our inputs. "She's not meant for him"

Monday, April 21, 2014


This little cutie had pictures at dance. I love watching her perform and seeing her personality up on the stage. Can't wait for many more years.

 Yep I was behind the cameraman snapping my own picture:)
Peyton and her buddy Brylee