Monday, March 28, 2016

Desert Adventure: Quilt Arizona ! 2016

Warm sunny weather greeted us upon our desert adventure to Quilt Arizona !, the new name for the 2016 annual show of the Arizona Quilters Guild in Mesa, Arizona.  Here's part I of the highlights of the show, plus some of our personal favorites.

Two Sisters - Out To Lunch by Margot McDonnell

The turquoise ribbon you see on the upper right of this quilt is the Judges Special Choice Award, and the red ribbon is the Second Place award in the Art Quilts- Innovative category. Margot writes, " When wacko siblings lunch, what do they do?  Wear masquerade masks, of course, and act silly." Margot's work, with its brilliant colors, whimsical theme, and appliqued floral border done in the Broderie Perse technique garnered lots of compliments from the numerous viewers.

Margot's original design in fused, painted, and machine quilted. What fun to see the merriment on the faces of two sisters who are clearly each others best friends.

Dream Color by Janice Sanders, quilted by Sharon Brooks

Third Place award winner in the Medium Size Pieced Quilts category, Janice wanted a challenge and based her quilt on "Brilliant Beauties of Joy pattern by quilt artist Jacqueline de Jonge.  She enjoyed picking out each colorful fabric. Working on the quilt only part time, it took Janice eight months to complete the quilt.  

In the center of this block, a colorful sun overlooks a rainbow of spiky hues.

Sandy R's Round Robin by Sandy Rauperstrauch, quilted by Sandy Strunk

Sandy states, "The 25-inch center was made by me. Each friend added a six inch border of her choice, with the color to coordinate with the center. Black and red hues dominate." The beige colored inner border is decorated with pink and green squares of chenille fabric, which gives a very interesting texture to this piece.

Close-up, Sandy R's Round Robin

Fake fur adorns the butterfly's body while its antennae of yarn is carefully couch-stitched into a curved design.

Sherry's Quilt by Reni Dieball, quilted by Diane Pitchford

Winner of the Founder's Award for Exemplary Workmanship and second place winner for Group-Sewn Quilts, Reni explains, "The top was started by Sherry Erway in 2001 and finished by 2003. This wonderful hexagon top was given to me by Sherry upon my leaving Arizona in 2013. I made additional hexagons to fill the dips and valleys and added the borders in 2015."

Reni's pattern is based on the lovely vintage "Grandmother's Flower Garden" design and the English paper piecing technique. An  innovative zebra-striped fabric comprises the inner border and provides intriguing contrast.

Sewing in Circles by Pam McMahon, quilted by Jessica Gamez

Best of Show Award winner, Pam notes, " The stars were designed by Judy Martin and were pieced traditionally. The "Flying Geese" triangles and circular triangles were paper pieced.  The quilt center layout design was by Linda Peck of Oregon, and the outside borders were designed by myself."

Elegant, traditional, very precise longarm quilting by Jessica Gamez highlights each individual block, as well as the large feathered star design in the center.

Image credits:  Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration.
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