All I can say is "Oh My Gosh!!!!" The love that has been sent our way is mind boggling ... absolutely and unequivicably "mind boggling." It is sooooooooo incredibly awesome and I wish everyone I love and care about could feel what I feel today!!! It has literally warmed me from head to toe; and I swear, I believe that Jesus has reached down from Heaven and wrapped his loving arms around me cuz when I close my eyes, that's exactly how I feel :)
Every single day love comes to us through the phone lines and/or via a very special delivery; and it's very possible that it will take me a month of posts to tell you about each and every kindness. It's like "where in the world do I begin!!!!!!!" I first wanna thank my Dear Brother-in-Law, Paul, and his lovely Bride, Betsy. They are our only family in Florida and they truly stepped up to the plate to help us out when we needed it the most. With Gene's disability, the last thing I wanted was for him to be in the waiting room while I was having Surgery cuz I knew it would put him in terrible pain for days, so Paul not only got me to surgery on time; but he also stayed and waited till I was ready to go home. I'm happy to report that he didn't have to drag me screaming and kicking either, unlike what Gene had to endure 8 years ago on our way to my Hysterectomy :) Betsy also came to the Surgical Center to wait after she dropped the kids off from camp. I cannot tell you how much easier they made it for me!!! Knowing that Gene was at home resting and waiting for my return was the "big girl panties" I needed for the day :) God Bless them both cuz they endured my "all time high" from the "after surgery meds!!!" (LOL)
They didn't stop there either cuz Betsy took me to my next two Doctor appointments and Paul took me to my third, along with a trip to Publix and two trips to Walgreens :) Betsy also cooked us three Heavenly meals ... "meatballs and sauce, stuffed cabbage and chicken noodle soup;" and they were sooooooo delicious :) I hate I didn't get a picture of them for y'all!!! Perhaps that's a good thing cuz it would only make you want some :)I can remember only one thing after surgery and that would be Betsy's purse!!! I, of course, was so happy to see her; but I simply could not take my eyes off her purse (LOL) ... it was sooooooo dern cute; and can you believe that when she came back to the house she had me one of my very own!!! Isn't it adorable :)
We were also blessed with food from our dear friend and best guy in our Business, Scottie. He used to be a chef; and he has delighted me for years with his homemade goodies!!! This time it was "Shepherds Pie" and a scrumptious salad; and nope, I didn't get a picture :( He's also delivered to our front door step "Coffee Coolattas" from Dunkin Donuts on an almost daily basis. Have I ever told you all that I've been addicted to them for years now??? I am really, really addicted!!! So much so, my friends at Dunkin Donuts will send out a "Search Party" whenever I don't show up for my daily fix ... I am truly their best customer :)
On the night of our Anniversary (#35), my Dear Friend, Polly, in MD had our dinner delivered to our front door step!!! She simply "Googled" Restaurants in our area and made an exceptional choice ... "Lasagna, Chicken and Brocolli Alfredo, Garlic Rolls, Tiramsu" and what Gene dubbed as the best thing since applie pie ... "Key Lime Cheese Cake!" Wasn't that the sweetest thing ever!!! I could just slap myself silly for not getting pictures of all these scruptious meals!!!
My dear, sweet friend, Gail, up in Eustis, FL, was sitting there trying to figure out how she could get a homecooked meal to Gene and I when it dawned on her that her Son and his family lived right here in Davie, so she called her Daughter-in-Law and asked her to cook us a meal :) I couldn't have been happier cuz not only was the meal absolutely outstanding (Gail's Chicken 'n Rice), but I got to spend some quality time with Carol and her precious Sadie :)
I cannot tell you how good all this food was!!!! So much so, I have to confess to eating lots of it for not only supper, but for breakfast as well :) Thank you all sooooooooo very much!!! Thank you for making this journey we have found ourselves on an awful lot easier :) May God Bless you each and everyone with an abundance of goodness all the days of your life :)
On the health front, I'm afraid I've been "grouchy!!!" Yes, it's true (LOL). Dr. Levy has had to asspirate and asspirate and asspirate this left tata till both it and I are blue; and can you believe that it's the first time he's had this happen!!! Doesn't surprise me one little bit (LOL). The "low grade" fever has been relentless because of that fluid buildup, but I am soooooo happy to say that I think it's gone!!!!!!! Here I sit with no fever whatsoever and it makes me happy enough to consider dancing in the street nekkid :)
He told me on Monday that it was gonna take a good 6 to 8 weeks to get over this surgery; and as much as I like that dear sweet man, I came very close to slapping him silly!!! Dang, why in the world didn't he tell me this up front. Perhaps he knew I'd run away :) The "under arm" situation is about to get on my last nerve, but I will continue to do my best to just deal with it :)
I did go see the new Oncologist last week (Dr. K); and although I liked him an awful lot, I wasn't overly fond of his offices or his staff. I don't know how to describe it other than the fact that "it gave me a bad feeling." We actually spent 1/2 our time debating a "mastectomy." He kept saying he thought I needed one and couldn't understand why I would wanna keep a "diseased breast." I kept asking him to give me a good reason for putting myself through surgery again. Also, could he promise me if I let him remove this thing that I've been toting around for 55 years now, could he assure me the cancer would NOT come back. Well, of course, the answer was a big flat "no!!!" Well, I'm happy to report that he called me the very next morning ... he said he had spent the evening researching; and he could not find any data to support the need for me to have a mastectomy right now. Halleluya and Praise the Lord!!! Not only was that good news, but it was sooooooo refreshing to hear a Doctor admit he was wrong :)
Dr. K did some Labwork and I'm happy to report that there is no "tumor activity" in my body right now :) Gene and I were elated to hear that!!! He also had the Pathologists re-run the HER2 under the "fish method" in hopes of getting it to change to a positive. Getting a "positive" could have changed my treatment options. It wasn't meant to be tho cuz it still came back "negative," so I'm still a "Triple" on that front.
I've got another appoinment with a 2nd Oncologist here in Davie tomorrow. She's a "lady," but I'm afraid I can't pronounce her name to save my life!!! She's been specializing in "Ovarian and Breast Cancers" for over 20 years and I am anxious to meet her :) "Convenience" is certainly a factor; and I swear, you can't get any more "convenient" than she is :) Besides, "treatment" for the "Triple Negative" is "across the board" all over the Country, so I imagine I'll do OK with whoever I choose :)
After I meet with her, I go back to see Dr. Levy. I imagine he'll have to aspirate again, but I'm OK with that, especially since the fever is now history :)
Well, I think that about catch's me up. I'll be back very soon to share oodles of more kindnesses that we've received :) Ohhhh, but before I go, I must say "thank you" for all the kind comments you gals have been leaving. I soooooooooo appreciate your love, your support and your prayers :) I am truly blessed!!!!!!!!!!
"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interest of others. Have this attitude in yourself, which was also in Christ Jesus, who although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped but emptied Himself taking the form of a bond-servant and being made in the likeness of man." (Philippians 2:3-7)