Tisa's Barefoot Bar, a South Pacific institution, is one of the highlights of American Samoa. Located directly on Alega Beach, it is a restaurant, bar, semi-hotel with a "castaway" vibe, great food, and an excellent Pina Colada.
Erin and I attended Tisa's "Umu" which is the Samoan version of a luau. A large hot rock oven is built and covered with banana leaves. The oven cooks various meats, fruits, and vegetables. The following documents our journey there.
Besides the mountains, the most prominent feature of Pago Pago Harbor's east side is the tuna canneries, which happen to be American Samoa's largest employer outside of the U.S. Government:

View of Pago Pago Harbor from the east side:

Erin next to a sign indicating unknown things:

There are
a lot of churches on the island, this one being my favorite. At sunset, from the west side of the harbor, this church is one of the last things to stay illuminated by sunlight which gives one the impression that it's
slightly more blessed than the others, although I'm sure the other island congregations would disagree with my assessment:

View from Alega Beach:

Pulling food out of the Umu:

Extremely excited to eat:

Dinner (pork, chicken, lamb, turkey, octopus, spinach, shrimp, breadfruit, corned beef, plantain, etc...):