This is what most of us are doing, but you can change it by being consciously aware of your thoughts and beliefs at all times. It is a simple thing to do but not easy if you have been practicing negative thinking for a long time. It is 100% possible to turn it around with consistent effort and awareness.
Start by being aware of how many negative thoughts you think in a day, you will probably be amazed at the negative diatribe that goes on in your head. Begin by replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts and repeat those over & over as you have done with the negative thoughts.
Whatever we focus on, we create in our world. If your focus is negative thinking, that's what you will create. So it only makes sense if you want to create a positive life for yourself, you must think and believe that way.
There's no time like the present, so begin the process now so you can create the experiences and life that you are wanting.
I will be giving you tools in the coming days to help you facilitate this process. But you can start now by just becoming aware of what you think and believe.