Taking time off from your normal day to day schedule is important to do now and then. This is something that I have been out of balance with for quite some time. The past seven years has been pretty challenging for me, and taking time off just hasn't been an option.
I used to travel quite a bit and take time to myself frequently, but sometimes life changes and you have to change with it. However, I am going to be taking five days off beginning tomorrow.
I have a friend in Alabama that is going to get married on Saturday. I am going to be there with her and enjoy her special day of celebration. I am looking forward to having time to relax, and time without a schedule.

Balance is key to a happy life. Working all of the time is not good, nor is playing all of the time. You need to have the balance of work, play, down time, busy time, social time, and alone time.

There are exceptions to this rule however, and that is when you are highly focused on a certain goal such as an elite athlete, or an intense business project, then balance may go by the wayside.
Losing the balance short term for that kind of thing is appropriate, but at some point balance should be restored.
I will be off the computer until Tuesday, March 2nd, and will continue to blog at that time. I will miss my daily chats with you, and look forward to being back next week.

This is a good time to go back and review some of the past blogs for a refresher. Lot's of good info to revisit.
So have a great five days, and I will be back on line on Tuesday. Eat healthy, exercise, and have good thoughts!
Till Tomorrow (actually five tomorrow's!)