Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Could William Blake have been right, could everything be an infinity?

William Blake 1757…

A quote from William Blake “If the door of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite”. Could William Blake have been right, could everything be an infinity?
A link to the video “Could our Universe be an infinity” This video explains how we can have a potential infinity of probabilities at every degree and angle of creation. This is because of the probabilistic nature of the wave particle duality of light.

In modern physics there is only a mathematical interpretation of the wave particle duality of light called the quantum wave particle function.

But in this theory the quantum wave particle function is a physical process continuously collapsing and reforming that forms the forward passage of time photon by photon or moment by moment.

The forward momentum of light forms the forward passage of time and geometry of spacetime.

The quantum wave particle function is a difficult concept to understand because it expands as a volume of space in the shape of an inverse sphere.

The reason for this is that we are part of the process or within the process.
It is like being within a room that is square in shape the room will be an inverse square because we are on the inside look out.


Therefore we have an inverse sphere that will expand out from zero in all directions along the x and y axis as part of an infinite process.

The spherical shape of the quantum wave particle function can be seen in the equations of quantum physics (∆×∆p×≥h/4π) in the form of 4 π representing a sphere.

In this theory π is more than just the ratio of any circle’s circumference to its diameter more than a static universal constant. The irrational number π that forms the infinite series 3.14159265979… represents the geometry of a dynamic process of symmetry forming and breaking forming the time continuum and the geometry we see in everyday life.

This can be mathematically explained by what Cantor called ‘the continuum hypotheses’. Cantor discovered a structure to infinity and that there are more numbers between zero and one than there are whole numbers.

He found that we can build greater and greater infinities from zero up and that the further you move away from zero the less infinities you have.

This theory can give us a physical starting point to any infinite series. We can choose when and where to collapse the quantum wave particle function forming new particles in space and new moments in time.

This will form a new wave function of future potential that will expand out from zero in all directions forming an infinity of possibilities.

The forward momentum of light or EMR is continuously collapsing and reforming. This forms a universal fractal branching process that forms the geometry of spacetime and the arrow of time itself.

Therefore Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is the same uncertainty that we have with any future event.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Is Zeno’s paradox linked to Quantum Mechanics?


This post will put forward the view that Zeno’s paradoxes represent something fundamentally wrong with our understanding of the structure of space and time.

This forms a problem that runs through the whole of human mathematics.

That starts with the discovery of irrational numbers in ancient Greece and forms infinities at the base of Newton and Leibniz calculus.

It can also be seen at the heart of Cantor’s set theory and also as a paradox in his continuum hypothesis.

Quantum electrodynamics also suffers from the problem of infinities that has not properly been solved.

There is also the measurement problem of quantum physics that has no logical explanation.

All this can only be explained by a fundamental change in our concept of space and time.

Zeno’s paradox can be expressed in many ways but for the purpose of this post it is best to think of dropping an object and measuring the time it takes to reach the ground.

We can always half the length of time the object takes to reach the ground and by doing this we will form an infinite series therefore the object will never reach the ground.

Zeno rejected the idea of infinity and so he had a paradox and believed that moving and changing to be an illusion and that only what ‘was’ mattered!

But the theory I am now going explain does not reject infinity but explains it as a universal process that forms the arrow of time and geometry of spacetime. (This does not mean that Zeno was wrong)

In this theory the forward passage of time is formed by the forward motion or momentum of light (EMR) forming the geometry of spacetime.
The probabilistic nature of the wave particle duality of light forms the flow of time itself. This is explained by Schrodinger equation that represents the quantum wave particle function.

Therefore Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is the same uncertainty that we have with any future event and represents potential future possibilities.

The answer to the problem of infinity is that it only has the potential probability to exist. Aristotle was the first to introduce the idea of something being potentially infinite.

In this theory we have a potential infinity of probabilities at every degree and angle of spacetime because one thing after another is always coming into existence as part of the time continuum.

Geory Cantor

This can be explained mathematically by what Cantor called ‘the continuum hypothesis’ because it deals with the continuum of numbers between 0 and 1.

Cantor believed that we have more than one kind of infinity. There are more numbers between 0 and 1 than there are integers, more than infinity.

Set theory lies at the heart of mathematics but Cantor’ set theory relies on there being something called the empty set a set of nothingness.

One of the axioms (principles) of set theory is that we have a choice of choosing one member of any non-empty subset of the set.

This has caused a problem proving the continuum hypothesis. Because there is no explanation of human interaction, how is the choice to be made?

In this theory we have a physical starting point to any infinite series. We can choose when and where to collapse the quantum wave particle function forming new particles in space and new moments in time.

This will form a new wave function of future potential that will expand out from zero in all directions along the x and y axis forming part of an infinite process.

Just has Cantor could mathematically build up a never-ending series of larger and larger infinities this theory can also do the same in the physical world. This fits in with Pythagoras’ most central belief that reality has a mathematical base.

Therefore the infinities in the mathematics of Quantum electrodynamics are not a problem; they represent the continuum of time itself that is infinite and there is no need for the process call renormalization.

Sir Isaac Newton


Newton believed the Universe to be a true infinity. In the creation of calculus Newton thought in terms of motion of fluidity not in terms of the infinitely small.

This continuous process of change can be seen has a universal process of symmetry forming and breaking that forms fractal self similarities

Fractals, chaos theory shows that it is possible to have infinity in a finite world (Koch curve) all we need is a way of dividing space up into infinitely small portions.

This theory explains a process of how spacetime can be continuously formed that can always be dived up into infinitely small portions (mathematical infinity).

Kurt Godel


This also explains Kurt Gödel, Incompleteness Theorem some problems in mathematics can’t be solved no matter how you approach the problem.
Therefore we have the Measurement Problem and can never know the position and momentum of a quantum particle at the same time. This is because in the world something is in existence or it has the potential to exist, but never both.

In this theory mathematical infinity, physical infinity and absolute infinity are all one and the same.


“If the door of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite”.
William Blake 1757…


Sunday, 7 November 2010

Could a lack of imagination have led to the Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Mechanics?

This post will put forward the idea that by explaining the Universe (reality) as a continuum that is in a continuous process of creation, we can also explain Quantum mechanics as part of an objective reality.
In this theory (Quantum Atom Theory) this universal and continuous process is formed by the quantum wave particle function.
That is continuously collapsing and reforming creating new photon particles in space and new moments in time.
In this theory the forward momentum of light forms the forward passage of time or arrow of time photon by photon or moment by moment.
Therefore Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is the same uncertainty that we have with any future event. The Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle does not work in the same way forwards and backwards in time.
We can always calculate backwards and find the position and momentum of a quantum particle in the past. This totally fits in with our everyday experience of the nature of time, moving from a known past into an uncertain future.


Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Is the observer effect true or false?

Some people say that the paradoxes of quantum mechanics can only be explained if it is linked to the consciousness of the observer in the so called “observer effect”. But this theory will put forward the opposite idea that a deeper understanding of the physics of quantum mechanics will give us a greater understanding of how consciousness works.

We can see in the Two Slit Experiment that it is only when a detector is turned on that the interference pattern collapses. In other words only when light comes into physical contact with something does it collapse into photons or particles. When the detector is turned off the interference pattern will reform.

It is the conscious idea that leads to the physical action but it is the action itself that collapses the wave function of quantum physics.
Only an understanding of the process that forms the passage of time and geometry of spacetime will explain quantum mechanics.

In this theory each new moment in time is formed by a single photon electron coupling creating a wave-function of future possibilities.
The inward absorption and outward emission of light or EMR forms the arrow of time and geometry of spacetime. We live in a Universe of infinite possibilities (Aristotle’s potential infinity) because of the Probabilistic nature of light.
On the level of everyday objects the observer will see an infinite number of photon electron couplings, forming a temporary image of the Universe, photon by photon or moment by moment.
Each new photon electron coupling will have its own position in three dimensional space and a position in time as part of the passage of time this is why everything is relative too everything else and we have Einstein’s general theory of relativity.
In this theory we form are own quantum particles, virtual particles only manifest themselves when something comes in contact with the quantum vacuum.


The atoms bond together and react with the wave particle duality of the light in unison forming their own future spacetime geometry we see and feel this as the free-will of everyday life.

This speculative diagram highlights the profound symmetry between matter and antimatter, positive and negative charge.

It is the inward absorption and outward emission of light or EMR that forms matter antimatter annihilation forming positive and negative charge that in turn forms electromagnetic fields.

Because of this process we have a potential infinity of future possibilities at every point in space and at every moment in time that can spiral out forming its own spacetime geometry. We have a continuous process of symmetry forming and breaking that formed a geometrical therefore mathematical base for the evolution of life.

This geometry that predated the evolution and gave life a mathematical base can still be seen today in the curvature and line symmetry of the individual life form.

Therefore we never have total chaos and everything is based on the same universal geometry and symmetry.


The continuous random breaking of this symmetry can be seen as Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle that is the same uncertainty that we have with any future event.

This is because the quantum wave-particle function that is explained mathematically by Schrödinger’s wave equation represents the forward passage of time itself photon by photon or moment by moment.


The laws of physics are universal therefore this process formed by the wave-particle duality of light must be happening everywhere and must effect everything even consciousness itself.

Despite rapid scientific progress, much about how our brains work remains a mystery. What we do know is that our brains’ work by electrical impulses forming chemical changes, this electrical activity forms electromagnetic fields.
If these electrical impulse that cause chemical changes are formed by photons than consciousness is formed by the physics of quantum mechanics.

Therefore our thought processes could be seen as the most advanced part of a universal process and our hopes and dreams could be forming their own potential future spacetime geometry.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Could the forward motion of light form the forward passage of time?

A link to the video 'Could our Universe be an infinity'


In this theory it is the inward absorption and outward emission of light that forms the arrow of time and geometry of spacetime. We live in a Universe of infinite possibilities because of the Probabilistic nature of light.

In this theory each new moment in time is formed by a single photon electron coupling creating a wave-function of future possibilities.

On the level of everyday objects the observer will see an infinite number of photon electron couplings, forming a temporary image of the Universe, photon by photon or moment by moment.

We have an infinity of possibilities that will spiral out from every point in space and at every moment in time. This can explain the mathematical infinity that we have between each whole number.

A mathematician will continuously form his own spacetime geometry by reacting with the wave particle duality of light. Therefore it is only logical that he will be able to divide that spacetime into infinitely smaller parts.

This speculative diagram highlights the profound symmetry between matter and antimatter, positive and negative charge. We have wave-particle duality and the particle property of light and matter only manifests itself when something comes in contact with the wave.

We have right-angles because the magnetic fields are always at right-angles to the electric fields forming a right-hand spiral in relation to the direction of the current forming the local symmetry and geometry of spacetime.

In this theory our Universe is in continuous creation being formed by the inward absorption and outward emission of light or EMR. This forms matter antimatter annihilation forming positive and negative charge and electromagnetic fields.

The quantum wave-particle function that is explained mathematically by Schrödinger’s wave equation forms an infinity of future potential possibilities at every point in space and at every moment in time, we see and feel this as the passage of time.

We have a continuous process of symmetry forming and breaking that formed a mathematical base for the evolution of life. The continuous random breaking of this symmetry can be seen as Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle that is the same uncertainty that we have with any future event.


Sunday, 19 September 2010

A new theory on how Schrödinger’s wave equation represents the forward passage of time itself photon by photon or moment by moment.

A link to the video 'A reason for mathematical infinity an artist theory on spacetime'

In this video mathematical infinity is explained as a physical process unfolding at the quantum level of the atoms. That continuously forms the arrow of time and geometry of spacetime.

This theory (Quantum Atom Theory) is based on two simple postulates the first is that Schrödinger's wave equation does not just predicts what the wave-function will be in the future, but that this process represents the forward passage of time itself photon by photon or moment by moment.

The second postulate is that Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is the same uncertainty that we have with any future event.

Only infinity or an infinite process could create the diversity we see within our Universe. It is because time forms a time line from the past to the future that we have line symmetry in physics and in the physical world.

Everything that is part of this infinite process will have line symmetry including matter and antimatter, positive and negative charge there is even symmetry between electricity and magnetism forming electromagnetic fields.

There is even line symmetry in the physical shape of life itself. This is because we are not independent of this process but are active participants in the formation of our own spacetime geometry forming our own time line.

Schrödinger's wave-function expands as an inverse sphere the reason it is inverse is because we are within this process and any object observed from within will look inverse.

On the level of our everyday life the wave-function expands as electromagnetic waves (light) that is itself inverse in the form of frequency and wavelength.

The quantum particle wave-function forms a universal process of spherical symmetry forming and breaking that formed a geometrical and therefore mathematical base for Charles Darwin's theory on the evolution of life.

In this theory the reason life never produces straight line but endless variety of curves and spirals is because of the physical shape of the wave-function is always forming Einstein’s curvature of spacetime.

This might sound like a half-baked idea, but this is not because it is based on pseudo science, but because of the weirdness of quantum mechanics.


Sunday, 12 September 2010

A physical reason for mathematical infinity

A link to videos on Quantum Atom Theory and artist theory on the Arrow of Time.


We have mathematical infinity in many forms. We have the infinite series of whole numbers and the infinite series of irrational numbers like pi.

There is also infinity between each whole number that can always be divided into ever smaller parts

If the laws of mathematics are true and linked to the law of nature and physics then these mathematical infinities must represent something in the physical reality of our Universe.

In a new theory called Quantum Atom Theory these mathematical infinities are formed by a continuous process at the quantum level.

Light or electromagnetic waves are continuously collapsing into photons of quantized energy forming new waves of future probability. We feel this process as the forward passage of time that form the geometry or curvature of spacetime.

It is because we can choose where and when to come in contact with the wave-function collapsing the light waves of EMR into quantum particles (photons) that we can create our own spacetime geometry this is why we have free-will.

The reason why we can always divide infinity into sets of infinities is because of this continuous process of the wave-particle function collapsing into new quantum particles of space and time. Because of this we have a continuous expansion at the quantum level that forms the continuum of time and the geometry of spacetime that can always be divided into sets of infinities.

The explanation is very simple a mathematician will continuously form his own spacetime geometry just like any other object in our Universe. Therefore it is only natural that he will be able to divide that geometry into infinitely smaller parts. We are all active participants in the dynamics of our Universe.

It is because this process is continuous that our number system is infinite and we have the infinite series of whole numbers. We have irrational numbers like pi because of the physical shape of the wave-function (spherical or inverse sphere) that forms the arrow of time.

In this theory Schrödinger’s equation does not just predict what the wave-function will be in the future, but this process represents the forward passage of time itself photon by photon or moment by moment.

The probability of the wave-function only works forward in time. We can always calculate backwards and see the position and momentum of a quantum particle in the past.

This is precisely the same as our everyday experience of nature and time, moving from a known past into an uncertain future!

Therefore Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and the probability of the wave-function are the same uncertainty that we have with any future event.

I have tried to make this theory as simple as possibly in the belief that everyone should be able to understand it; a correct theory should be based on simplicity, symmetry and beauty.
