Monday, July 8, 2013

Playing Catch-up

I know. I know.
It has been over a year since I updated this little blog. 
Sad, but true. 
Well, a couple things have happened.
Last Fall we decided to Foster. 
(We decided to Foster instead of adopt at the time because we were thinking we would be moving for a possible job. We didn't want to pay lots of money just to find out we would have to pay everything again because we moved to another state)
January we started the classes. 
Which means 10 weeks of 3 hour classes, 
down in Las Vegas, 
that tacks on another 2 1/2 hours of drive time. 
Yep, quite the commitment. 
(Thanks to all our friends who watched Kelsey for us, we are in your debt)
But if that meant for us to have more children in our home, so be it.

The classes ended up, being SO FUN!
(There was lots of food, too)
There were 3 other LDS couples in the class. 
The teacher and the asst. teacher were both LDS. 
Which made the class super nice, because most of us had similar beliefs.

Class 4, we got "The Blue Bible" or The State and Federal Rules for Foster Care. 
I was reading in the book, getting totally confused at all the legal mumbo jumbo. 
I started reading about the residence of a foster family.  
(Read Closely)

NAC 424.370 Doors and Windows
3. Every dwelling must have two exits at least 36 inches wide and 80 inches high which provide unobstructed travel to the outside of the building......Apartment building with more than one story may be required to submit to an inspection by the local fire department or state fire marshal's office. 

I quickly emailed our licensing worker because we live in a condo that has 1 door. 
She told me not be worried, because according to building code, we have to have 2 doors. 
After back and forth emails telling her, in fact, we have 1 door she came to do an inspection. 
This inspection took place after Class 7. 

She came and was baffled we only had 1 door. 
She took pictures of all our windows and 1 door and told us she would talk to her supervisor. 
So we waited another week.
At Class 8, we were told we wouldn't be able to foster in our home 
because we only have 1 door. 
This was near the end of March, that is about the time the snow birds start leaving Mesquite. 
So we thought we could get lucky and find a place fast to move. 
Not the case. 

We love our condo. 
The layout, the space... it's perfect.
Our place is not like a regular condo or apartment that might come to mind!
It's 1400 square feet! 3 bed 2 bath! 
But, not fit to foster, according to the state.  

(We did fight this law, but to no avail)

We decided to finish the foster care classes, with the hopes we would find a place equally as awesome as the place we are living now. 
After a few months of not finding anything, we decided to adopt. 

This is where we are now. 
The middle of June we had our first appt. with LDS Family Services. 
We are in middle of all the paperwork  now, 
(almost done!!)
just finishing up the doctor's appointments. 
Our profile should be up soon, 
but still spread the news we are trying to adopt. 

We are looking forward to another addition to our family through adoption. 
So spread the news!!