Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quinn's Ankle Update

Quinn had a doctor's appt yesterday and they wanted to take more X-rays and while waiting outside Kelsey was so cute and excited to sit in her own chair.

Here is a picture of the stitches. I think they are pretty intense, but I have never really seen stitches so much. There is only 4, yeah, pretty nasty.
This is after the stitches were taken out. He still has a pretty nasty bruise there, but it is healing. He is only in a walking cast, but still no weight for another 4 weeks.
Kelsey makes all the nurses day at the office. There were coming from different offices just to see her, and I didn't even put her hair in pigtails!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Quinn's Ankle Fiasco

As many of you know we moved, not to Arizona, but just another apartment here in Colorado. Well two days before we were to move Quinn was running out of the bank (no robbing involved)and stepped on a curb wrong thus resulting in this:

His left ankle became very swollen and huge and everything else! Our doctor's office was closed and the emergency room is just too expensive.... so we waited til morning thus resulting in this:

After an appointment with the weirdest doctor ever, we found out that Quinn cracked his medial malleolus of the tibia, or his ankle bone (the part that sticks out). He was put in a "soft cast" and was not supposed to put ANY weight on it thus resulting in this:

That meant no "real", "out-in-the-dirt" work, just office junk. Anyway, the next week we had an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon, thus resulting in this:

This is what Quinn's foot looked like after they took off the "soft cast". It was pretty nasty. Although it didn't hurt him very much. The doctors were very surprised. That's my man! Anyway, so we see the doctor, thus resulting in this:
Quinn is doing fine, WE are very much looking forward to the next doc appt. in a few days so Quinn can get back to work and Ashley can get Quinn out of the house. Meanwhile, I am left to do this:
Which actually the unpacking is pretty much done and the apartment doesn't really look like this anymore.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

In no particular order...

Here is our Christmas break... we did so much and had so much fun, I don't think I could even narrow it down. But here are some pictures of just a tidbit of our vacation.

We thought Kelsey would be scared of the motorcycles, but instead she absolutely loved them! This is the new little quad my dad got for the grand kids. But the bigger kids had fun on them too. tee hee hee
This is what actually scared Kelsey. The rockets! Just watch the video....
She was really tired, that's why it scared her so bad.
Kelsey had so much fun, just zooming around.

Because we slept outside in tents, and Kelsey doesn't keep blankets on her while she is sleeping, she wore this little snow suit. We think she looks like a pink marshmallow, a polar bear, a walking stuffed animal, but whatever she was, she was cute.

Quinn after a hard day's ride. His first time on a motorcycle, I mean "two-wheeled" motorcycle.

Kelsey was everyone's favorite present. She actually was slightly scared by the noise the wrapping paper made when it was being torn. But a loud noisy motorcycle...psshh, no biggie.

Kelsey really liked her Christmas gift, from the coolest parents ever, if I do say so myself.

Shooting... manly stuff... There was lots of grunting involved.

Kelsey loved loved LOVED feeding the ducks. She tried to catch them, while they retreated into the water. If I hadn't have been there, the water would not have stopped her.
