Tuesday, July 29, 2008

So here is another video of Kelsey crawling that is a little better, although I can not get a really good video, Kelsey gets way distracted by the camera. The other video is her climbing up on the furniture and "talking". I think she has decided that crawling is fun, but walking would be better. I know this means that I am going to have my hands full in a couple months. Which kind of scares me, but I am also kind of excited as well.... I guess I am going to have to wait and see for that.

Friday, July 25, 2008

We all scream for Ice Cream

Quinn decided it would be fun to get an old hand crank ice cream maker. So he looked at Ebay and found a few that looked good but didn't win any bids because they were really expensive. Anyway as time went on he kept bidding and eventually won one (actually two but that's a story for another day) Anyway, we decided to try it out and see how it worked. It was pretty fun and gave our arms a work out. Best of all the Ice cream was really good.

Quinn cranking the Ice Cream Maker

Kelsey eating some of the Ice (she didn't help turn so she didn't get any Ice Cream... That's that rules)

The Ice Cream almost finished

After Kelsey went to sleep Ashley was able to help crank for a little while.

The two of us enjoying our well earned Ice Cream. It was GOOOOOD!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our little Trouble Maker

This past weekend we have been in Idaho with the Vear Ellis Family Reunion (Quinn's Dads parents family) There were alot of people there, but it was really fun. There was alot of talking, alot of eating, and LOTS of candy. Kelsey started offically crawling there and started pulling herself up on the couches and everything that was the right size. She would then gain her balance and let go! She is going to be walking like next week!! I am not ready!! Please excuse her pj's in the picture....
The candy launcher was a big hit like it always is. A bottle is fitted with a container on top, filled with a little water than lauched in the air with some water! oh... candy is put in the container. The kids really like it and so do the parents. :)

The trip out to Idaho was actually pretty good, traveling throught the night wasn't as bad as it might seem. Especially driving through Wyoming, there is NO ONE there! So it was a really easy drive. The trip back to Colorado, took a little longer, but it was still really good. So we are back safe. Here is a picture of Kelsey I just thought was really cute!

Thanks to all our friends that let us come see them on Thursday. Kathryn and Preston, your house is AMAZING!! I am so jealous! Ed and Bekka, your little Lucy is so adorable. Jon, that was awkward. :P For all those who we didn't see, maybe next year!

Monday, July 14, 2008

My lastest little hobby

So a while ago I started making these little stuffed animals for Kelsey and well Quinn thinks it has gotten out of hand, but I think they are cute. This is the lastest one that I have done, I think it is my favorite so far. It is not a very good picture, but it still looks cute. His name is George the Giraffe.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Just an Update on nothing...

Well nothing really has been going on. Quinn goes to work and I am at home with Kelsey. Next week we are going to the Ellis family Reunion, which we are excited for. Other than that we are pretty boring. These past few days Quinn has been coming home early from work because of the hot sun. Which I don't mind, I get a longer break from Kelsey, not that she is not fun to play with. We have actually been experimenting with ribs, so if you know a good recipe, let me know. OH! We are going to be in Rexburg on the 17th so if you want to get together let me, as well.

I almost forgot we got an entertainment center from a garage sale. We are in middle of painting it, so I will post a picture once it is done. We decided that Kelsey is getting older and starting to crawl (sort of) so we thought we needed to hide all of our DVD's and TV and stuff so it was protected. So we got one, yeah!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Watermelon Tap

For the Fourth of July Celebration we decided not to go see any fireworks because we thought that Kelsey might get scared by the loud noises and the fact that they are at 10:00 at night, was just a little too late to be keeping her up. So instead we just relaxed and look andvantage of having nothing that we had to get done. But we did do something.... We saw this on the internet and thought it would be way cool to do, so we did it! We are thinking that we are going to do it for the Ellis Family Reunion coming up.

Step 1: Cut Opening

Step 2: Clean out Guts

Step 3: Clean Drill Bit

Step 4: Screw on Faucet

Step 5: Smash Watermelon

Step 6: Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The (almost) Finished Product

So as many of you know I was reupholstering our couch and I am not totally done with it since I can only use the staple gun while Kelsey is sleeping. But it is done enough so we can sit on it and actually use it for the purpose it was invented. The left side is yet to be done and the right side still needs some fixing, but it is getting there. Unfortunatly I really did get a "before" shot, I had already started to rip the thing apart before I thought about a before shot, so just think, ugly 80's couch with wood and gold parts....

